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English 1 Pre-AP Vocab Final Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
27275962embellishto add or to ornament0
27275963encroachmentan intrusion upon anothers land1
27275964extraneousnot pertinent or relevant2
27275965interludea brief entertainment3
27275966interfaceto connect two things so they will work together as one4
27275967intramuralwithin the walls, as of a college5
27275968internecineequally harmful to all concerned6
27275969extraterrestrialan alien7
27275970introvertperson greatly occupied with inner thoughts and feelings8
27275971extrovertan outgoing person9
27275972introspectiona looking into one's own thoughts and feelings10
27275973engenderto give life to; to cause11
27275974futilitya condition of hopelessness12
27275975jocosejoking, playful, and merry13
27275976relentlessnever letting up; persistent14
27275977fecklesscareless, irresponsible, or ineffectual15
27275978civilitya courteous act, gesture, or statement16
27275979financieran expert in money matters17
27275980senilitymental deterioration of old age18
27275981comatosealmost unconscious19
27275982profiteerone making excessive profits20
27275983haplessconsistently having bad luck21
27275984humilitytotal absence of vanity or egotism22
27275985morosegloomy, sullen, and fretful23
27275986effervescentbubbling over, as with optimism24
27286490escapistavoiding reality25
27286491eradicateto root out completely26
27286492ecstaticcharacterized by intense emotions, high or low27
27286493exhumeto bring to light or uncover28
27286494efficaciousproducing desired results29
27286495escapadea carefree adventure30
27286496eccentricodd or unconventional31
27286497exonerateto free from blame32
27286498effetewithout vigor; sterile, incapable of producing33
27286499evocativecalling forth a verbal or emotional response34
27286500eclecticdrawing upon a variety of methods or styles35
27286501laudableworthy of praise; praiseworthy36
27286502allusiona passing or indirect reference to something37
27286503statuesquewell-proportioned or physically graceful38
27286504grotesqueunnaturally strange or bizarre39
27286505incursiona sudden raid or invasion40
27286506quiescentinactive or dormant41
27286507contritiona feeling of sorrow, remorse, or shame42
27286508viableable to live; workable43
27286509fluorescentgiving of light44
27286510intangiblenot concrete of touchable45
27286511indeliblethat cannot be removed or erased46
27286512opalescentdisplaying a variety of shimmering colors47
27286513impaleto fix on a stake48
27286514paraphraseto restate in one's own words49
27286515illuminatipeople possessing great knowledge50
27286516paraprofessionalone who works alongside a professional51
27286517imbibeto drink52
27286518irritantsomething causing anger53
27286519illuminateto enlighten or inform54
27286520parapsychologybranch of psychology dealing with psychic phenomena55
27286521incarnatein the flesh or bodily form56
27286522ingestto consume, as food57
27286523imminentlikely to occur at any moment58
27286524influxa continual flowing or pouring in59
27286525mutedtoned down60
27286526flourishto blossom, thrive, or prosper61
27286527reveredheld in great respect62
27286528parityequality of value63
27286529componenta part, element, or ingredient64
27286530longevitythe length of life65
27286531refurbishto make like new again66
27286532fetteredrestrained or shackled67
27286533annuityan amount of money paid yearly68
27286534pendanta hanging object69
27286535diminishto make or become smaller or less70
27286536consultantan expert who sells advice professionally71
27286537hyperbolean overstatement or exaggeration72
27286538occupantone who lives at a specific residence73
27286539hypocriticalpretending to be with one is not74
27286540obliqueindirect or evasive75
27286541opprobriousexpressing scorn76
27286542hypertensionhigh blood pressure77
27286543occludedblocked off or stopped up78
27286544hypotheticaltheoretical or suppositional79
27286545opportuneright for the purpose; appropriate80
27286546obliviona mindless state81
27286547hyperboreanof the far north, frigid82
27286548obscureto hide from view83
27286549apprehensivefearful, uneasy, or anxious84
27286550foppishpaying to much attention to one's appearance85
27286551punitiveintended to punish86
27286552boorishrude, impolite, and ill-mannered87
27286553nihilistone who denies any purpose to life88
27286554altruista person who does good for others89
27286555sonoroushaving a full, rich, or powerful sound90
27286556apologista defender, as of a doctrine or teaching91
27286557divisivecausing dissention or disagreement92
27286558copiousplentiful or abundant93
27286559sadistone who enjoys inflicting pain94
27286560illusivelacking reality; unreal95
27286561posthumousfollowing death96
27286562premonitionan advance warning, as of something bad97
27286563peripheralaround the edges, away from the center98
27286564resurgencethe condition of coming to life99
27286565precociousdeveloped ahead of time100
27286566peripateticmoving about from place to place, unsettled101
27286567reciprocalaffecting both sides mutually102
27286568postludemusic at the end of a church service103
27286569preposterousridiculous or absurd104
27286570postpartumrelated to the time just after childbirth105
27286571recidivismrepeated or habitual criminal behavior106
27286572peristalsiswavelike motions along the walls of hollow organs in the body107
27286573lividlead-colored or bluish-gray108
27286574torpidslow, dull, or sluggish109
27286575luminescencecool brilliance110
27286576cowardicea shameful lack of courage111
27286577convalescencea period of time during which strength is regained112
27286578morbidgrim, gruesome, or grisly113
27286579obsolescencethe quality of being out of fashion114
27286580chastento discipline or correct115
27286581jaundicea state of of bitter envy or jealousy116
27286582enlightento broaden the mind117
27286583hastento make something happen more quickly118
27286584candidwithout pretense; straightforward; unrehearsed119

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