316384743 | audacious | fearlessly, often recklessly bold and daring, spirited, original | |
316384744 | augur | someone or something that predicts the future; omen | |
316384745 | avail | to be of use or advantage to; help | |
316384746 | avarice | immoderate desire for wealth; greed | |
316384747 | avowal | frank admission or acknowledgement | |
316384748 | baize | an often bright-green cotton or woolen material napped to imitate felt and used chiefly as a cover for gaming tables | |
316384749 | balk | stop short and refuse to go on | |
316384750 | barbarian | member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization | |
316384751 | bard | poet, especially of lyrical voice | |
316384752 | bathos | abrupt or unintended shift in style from exalted to commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect; anticlimax; insincere or grossly sentimental pathos | |
316384753 | beatnik | person whose behavior, views, and often style of dress are pointedly unconventional | |
316384754 | becalm | render motionless for lack of wind; to soothe | |
316384755 | beguile | to deceive; to distract attention; to amuse with charm | |
316384756 | belligerent | inclined or eager to fight; aggressive or hostile; of or pertaining to warfare | |
316384757 | bemuse | to cause to be bewildered; to confuse | |
316384758 | berate | rebuke or scold angrily at length | |
316384759 | blatant | unpleasantly loud and noisy; totally or offensively conspicuous or obstructive | |
316384760 | bout | contest between antagonists; match; period of time spent in a particular way | |
316384761 | bowel | the intestine | |
316384762 | bureaucrat | official who is rigidly devoted to the details of the administrative process | |
316384763 | burlesque | literary or dramatic work that ridicules a subject either by presenting a solemn object in an undignified style or an inconsequential subject in a dignified style | |
316384764 | cacophony | jarring, discordant chord; use of harsh sounds for literary effect | |
316384765 | cadence | balanced, rhythmic flow; as in measure of beat or movement; falling inflection of the voice, general inflection of modulation of the voice | |
316384766 | calamity | event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster; dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy | |
316384767 | candid | free from prejudice; impartial; characterized by openness and seriousness of expression; unreservedly straightforward; not poised or rehearsed | |
316384768 | canon | ecclesiastical code or law established by a church council; secular law, rule or code; established principle | |
316384769 | cant | monotonous talk filled with platitudes; hypocritically pious language, special vocabulary peculiar to the members of an underworld group, whining speech, like that used by beggars | |
316384770 | capitulate | to surrender under specified conditions; come to terms, to give up all resistance; acquiesce | |
316384771 | catharsis | purifying or figurative cleansing of emotions, especially pity or fear, described by Aristotle as effect of tragic drama on its audience; release of emotional tension |
AP Lang vocab 81-110
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