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Statistic AP vocab Flashcards

BTW. ẍ is the same as x bar (symbol for a sample mean) but i cant do that on the computer.

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156840901Alternative hypothesisthe theory that the researcher hopes to confirm by rejecting the null hypothesis.
156840902Associationwhen some of the variability in one variable can be accounted for by the other
156840903Bar graphgraph in which the frequencies of categories are displayed with bars; analogous to a histogram for numerical data
156840904Bimodaldistribution with two (or more) most common values; also called mode
156840905Binomial distributionprobability distribution for a random variable X in a binomial setting; P(X=x) = (n/x)(p)^x(1-p)^(n-x), where n is the number of independent trials, P is the probability of success on each trial, and x is the count of successes out of n trials.
156840906Binomial setting (experiment)when each of a fixed number, n, of observations either succeeds or fails, independently, with probability p.
156840907Bivariate datahaving to do with two variables
156840908Blocka grouping of experimental units thought to be related to the response to the treatment
156840909Block design (Blocking)procedure by which experimental units are put into homogeneous groups in an attempt to control for the effects of the group on the response.
156840910Boxplot (box and whisker plot)graphical representation of the 5-number summary of a data set. Each value in the 5-number summary is located over its corresponding value on a number line. A box is drawn that ranges from Q1 to Q3 and "whiskers" extend to the maximum and minimum values from Q1 and Q3
156840911Categorical Data (Qualitative Data)data whose values range over categories rather than values.
156840912Censusattempt to contact every member of a population.
156840913Centerthe "middle" of a distribution; either the mean or the median
156840914Central limit theoremtheorem that states that the sampling distributions of a sample mean becomes approximately normal when the sample size is large.
156840915Chi-squared (X2) Goodness-of-Fit Testcompares a set of observed categorical values to a set of expected values under a set of hypothesized proportions for the categories; X2= ∑( (O-E)2/E)
156840916Coefficient of determination (r2)set of all outcomes in the sample space that are not in the event.
156840917Complement of an eventset of all outcomes in the sample space that are not in the event.
156840918Completely randomized designwhen all subjects (or experimental units) are randomly assigned to treatments in an experiment
156840919Conditional probabilitythe probability of one event succeeding given that some other event has already occurred
156840920Confidence intervalan interval that, with a given level of confidence, is likely to contain a population value; (estimate) ± (margin of error)
156840921Confidence Levelthe probability that the procedure used to construct an interval will generate an interval that does contain the population value
156840922Confounding variablehas an effect on the outcomes of the study but whose effects cannot be separated from those of the treatment variable.
156840923Contingency Table (Two-way Table)table that lists the outcomes of two categorical variables; the values of one category are given as the row variable, and the values of the other category are given as the column variable
156840924Continuous datadata that can be measured, or take on values in an interval; the set of possible values cannot be counted
156840925Continuous random variablea random variable whose values are continuous data; takes all values in an interval
156840926Control (statistical control)holding constant variables in an experiment that might effect the response but are not one of the treatment variables.
156840927Convenience samplesample chosen without any random mechanism; chooses individuals based on ease of selection
156840928Correlation coefficient (r)measures the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables; r= 1/(n-1) ∑((xi-ẍ)/sx)((yi-ȳ)/sy)
156840929Correlation is not causationjust because two variables correlate strongly does not mean that one caused the other
156840930Critical valuevalues in a distribution that identify certain specified areas of the distribution
156840931Degrees of freedomnumber of independent data points in a distribution
156840932Density functiona function that is everywhere non-negative and has a total area equal to 1 underneath it and above the horizontal axis
156840933Descriptive statisticsprocess of examining data analytically and graphically
156840934Dimensionsize of a two way table; r x c
156840935Discrete datadata that can be counted (possibly infinite) or placed in order
156840936Discrete random variablerandom variable whose values are discrete data
156840937Dotplotgraph in which data values are identified as dots placed above their corresponding values on a number line
156840938Double blindexperimental design in which neither the subjects nor the study administrators know treatment a subject has received
156840939Empirical Rule (68-95-99.7 Rule)states that, in a normal distribution, about 68% of the terms are within one standard deviation of the mean, about 95% are within two standard deviations, and about 99.7% are within three standard deviations
156840940Estimatesample value used to approximate a value of a parameter
156840941Eventin probability, a subset of a sample space; a set of one or more simple outcomes
156840942Expected valuemean value of a discrete random variable
156840943Experimentstudy in which a researcher measures the responses to a treatment variable, or variables, imposed and controlled by the researcher.
156840944Experimental unitsindividuals on which experiments are conducted
156840945Explanatory variable (treatment/independent variable)explains changes in response variable
156840946Extrapolationpredictions about the value of a variable based on the value of another variable outside the range of measured values
156840947First quartile25th percentile
156840948Five number summaryfor a data set, [minimum value, Q1, median, Q3, maximum value]
156840949Geometric settingindependent observations, each of which succeeds or fails with the same probability, p; number of trials needed until first success is variable of interest
156840950Histogramgraph in which the frequencies of numerical data are displayed with bars; analogous to a bar graph for categorical data
156840951Homogeneity of proportionschi-square hypothesis in which proportions of a categorical variable are tested for homogeneity across two or more populations
156840952Independent eventsknowing one even occurs does not change the probability that the other occurs; P(A) = P(A/B)
156840953Inferential statisticsuse of sample data to make inferences about populations
156840954Influential observationobservation, usually in the x direction, whose removal would have a marked impact on the slope of the regression line
156840955Interpolationpredictions about the value of a variable based on the value of another variable within the range of measured values
156840956Interquartile rangevalue of the third quartile minus the value of the first quartile; contains middle 50% of the data
156840957Least-squares regression line (line of best fit)of all possible lines, the line that minimizes the sum of squared errors (residuals) from the line
156840958Lurking variableone that has an effect on the outcomes of the study but whose influence was not part of the investigation
156840959Margin of errormeasure of uncertainty in the estimate of a parameter; (critical value) x (standard error)
156840960Marginal totalsrow and column totals in a two way table
156840961Matched pairsexperimental units paired by a researcher based on some common characteristic.
156840962Matched pairs designexperimental design that utilizes each pair as a block; one unit receives one treatment, and the other unit receives the other treatment
156840963Meansum of all the values in a data set divided by the number of values
156840964Medianhalfway through an ordered data set, below and above which there lie an equal number of data values; 50th percentile
156840965Modemost common value in a distribution
156840966Mound-shaped (bell-shaped)distribution in which data values tend to cluster about the center of the distribution; characteristic of a normal distribution
156840967Mutually exclusive eventsevents that cannot occur simultaneously; if one occurs, the other doesn't
156840968Negatively associatedlarger values of one variable are associated with smaller values of the other
156840969Nonresponse biasoccurs when subjects selected for a sample do not respond
156840970Normal curvefamiliar bell-shaped density curve; symmetric about its mean; defined in terms of its mean and standard deviation
156840971Normal distributiondistribution of a random variable X so that P(a
156840972Null hypothesishypothesis being tested~usually a statement that there is no effect or difference between treatments; what a researcher wants to disprove to support their alternative
156840973Observational studywhen variables of interest are observed and measured but no treatment is imposed in an attempt to influence the response
156840974Observed valuescounts of outcomes in an experiment or study; compared with expected values in a chi-square analysis
156840975One-sided alternativealternative hypothesis that varies from the null in only one direction
156840976One-sided testused when an alternative hypothesis states that the true value is less than or greater than the hypothesized value
156840977Outcomesimple events in a probability experiment
156840978Outliera data value that is far removed from the general pattern of the data
156840979P(A and B)probability that BOTH A and B occur; P(A) x P(A/B)
156840980P(A or B)probability that EITHER A or B occurs; P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
156840981Parametermeasure that describes a population
156840982Percentile rankproportion of terms in the distributions less than the value being considered
156840983Placeboan inactive procedure or treatment
156840984Placebo effecteffect, often positive, attributable to the patient's expectations that the treatment will have an effect
156840986Point estimatevalue based on sample data that represents a likely value for a population parameter
156840988Positively associatedlarger values of one variable are associated with larger values of the other
156840990Power of the testprobability of rejecting a null hypothesis against a specific alternative
156840993Probability distributionidentification of the outcomes of a random variable together with the probabilities associated with those outcomes
156840995Probability histogramhistogram for a probability distribution; horizontal axis are the outcomes, vertical axis are the probabilities of those outcomes
156840997Probability of an eventrelative frequency of the number of ways an event can succeed to the total number of ways it can succeed or fail
156840998Probability samplesampling technique that uses a random mechanism to select the members of the sample
156840999Proportionratio of the count of a particular outcome to the total number of outcomes
156841000P valueprobability of getting a sample value at least as extreme as obtained by chance alone assuming the null hypothesis is true
156841001Quartiles25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of a data set
156841002Random phenomenonunclear how any one trial will turn out, but there is a regular distribution of outcomes in a large number of trials
156841003Random samplesample in which each member of the sample is chosen by chance and each member of the population has a known, but perhaps unequal, chance to be in the sample
156841004Random variablenumerical outcome of a random phenomenon (random experiment)
156841005Randomizationrandom assignment of experimental units to treatments
156841006Rangedifference between maximum and minimum values of a data set
156841007Replicationrepetition of each treatment enough times to help control for chance variation
156841008Representative samplesample that possesses the essential characteristics of the population from which it was taken
156841009Residualin a regression, the actual value minus the predicted value
156841010Resistant statisticone whose numerical value is not influenced by extreme values in the data set
156841011Response biasbias that stems from respondents inaccurate or untruthful response
156841012Response variablemeasures the outcome of a study
156841013Robustwhen a procedure may still be useful even if the conditions needed to justify it are not completely satisfied
156841014Robust procedureprocedure that still works reasonably well even if the assumptions needed for it are violated; the t procedures are robust against the assumption of normality as long as there are no outliers or severe skewness
156841015Sample spaceset of all possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a probability experiment
156841016Sample surveyusing a sample from a population to obtain responses to questions from individuals
156841017Sampling distribution of a statisticdistribution of all possible values of a statistic for samples of a given size
156841018Sampling framelist of experimental units from which the sample is selected
156841019Scatterplotgraphical representation of a set of ordered pairs; horizontal axis is first element in the pair, vertical axis is the second
156841020Shapegeometric descriptions of a data set: mound-shaped; symmetric, uniform; skewed; etc
156841021Significance level (α)probability value that, when compared to the P value, determines whether a finding is statistically significant
156841022Simple random sample (SRS)sample in which all possible samples of the same size are equally likely to be the sample chosen
156841023Simulationrandom imitation of a probabilistic situation
156841024Skeweddistribution that is asymmetrical
156841025Spreadvariability of a distribution
156841026Skewed left (right)asymmetrical with more of the tail on the left (right) than on the right (left)
156841027Standard deviationsquare root of the variance, s= √ (∑ (x-ẍ)^2/ (n-1) )
156841028Standard errorestimate of population standard deviation based on sample data
156841029Standard normal distributionnormal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
156841030Standard normal probabilitynormal probability calculated from the standard normal distribution
156841031Statisticmeasure that describes a sample (e.g. Sample mean)
156841032Statistically significanta finding that is unlikely to have occurred by chance
156841033Statisticsscience of data
156841034Stemplot (stem and leaf plot)graph in which ordinal data are broken into "stems" and "leaves"; visually similar to a histogram except that all the data are retained
156841035Stratified random samplegroups of interest (strata) chosen in such a way that they appear in approximately the same proportions in the sample as in the population
156841036Subjectshuman experimental units
156841037Surveyobtaining responses to questions from individuals
156841038Systematic bias (unbiased estimate)the mean of the sampling distribution of a statistic does not equal the mean of the population
156841039Systematic sampleprobability sample in which one of the first n subjects is chosen at random for the sample and then each nth person after that is chosen for the sample.
156841040T distributionthe distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom for the t statistic
156841041T statistict= (ẍ-μ)/ (s/√n)
156841042Test statistic(estimator - hypothesized value)/ standard error
156841043Third quartile75th percentile
156841044Tree diagramgraphical technique for showing all possible outcomes in a probability experiment
156841045Two sided alternativealternative hypothesis that can vary from the null in either direction; values much greater than or much less than the null provide evidence against the null.
156841046Two sided testa hypothesis test with a two sided alternative
156841047Type 1 errorthe error made when a true hypothesis is rejected
156841048Type 2 errorthe error made when a false hypothesis is not rejected
156841049Undercoveragesome groups in a population are not included in a sample from that population
156841050Uniformdistribution in which all data values have the same frequency of occurrence
156841051Univariate datahaving to do with a single variable
156841052Varianceaverage of the squared deviations from their mean of a set of observations; s^2= (∑ (x-ẍ)^2)/ (n-1)
156841053Voluntary response biasbias inherent when people choose to respond to a survey or poll; bias is typically toward opinions of those who feel most strongly.
156841054Voluntary response samplesample in which participants are free to respond or not to a survey or a poll
156841055Wording biascreation of response bias attributable in the phrasing of a question
156841056Z scorenumber of standard deviations a term is above or below the mean; z=(ẍ-μ)/ (s/√n) or z= (ẍ-μ)/ (σ/√n)

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