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APUSH Chapter 26 Vocab Flashcards

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550448741Sitting BullOne of the leaders of the Sioux tribe. He was a medicine man " as wily as he was influential." He became a prominent Indian leader during the Sioux Was from 1876-1877. The well-armed warriors at first proved to be a superior force. During Custer's Last Stand in 1876, he was " making medicine" while another Indian, Crazy Horse, led the Sioux. When more whites arrived at the Battle of Little Big Horn, he and the other Sioux we forced into Canada.
550448742George A. CusterDiscovered gold in Black Hills of South Dakota, his seventh cavalry division was decimated by the Sioux at the battle of Little Big Horn
550448743Chief JosephHe was chief of the Nez Perce Indians of Idaho. People wanting gold trespassed on their beaver river. To avoid war, and save his people he tried retreating to Canada with his people. They were cornered 30 miles from safety and he surrendered in 1877.
550448744Geronimothe leader of the Apaches in Arizona and New Mexico, fought against the white man, who was trying to force the Apaches off of their land. He had an enormous hatred for the whites. He was, however, eventually pushed into Mexico where he surrendered
550448745Helen Hunt JacksonAuthor, wrote A Century of Dishonor and Ramona, helped gain sympathy for the Indians
550448746John Wesley PowellGeologist, warned people that so little rain fell in the midwest, farming was only possible through mass irrigation
550448747Oliver H. KellyFounded "The Grange," helped improve the lives of isolated farmers
550448748William Hope HarveyAuthor and illustrator, wrote Coin's Financial School, advocated the use of silver coins
550448749Mary Elizabeth Leasebecame well known during the early 1890's for her actions as a speaker for the populist party. She was a tall, strong woman who made numerous and memorable speeches on behalf of the downtrodden farmer. She denounced the money-grubbing government and encouraged farmers to speak their discontent with the economic situation.
550448750Frederick Jackson TurnerHistorian, wrote one of the most influential essays ever, The Significance of the Frontier in American History
550448751James B. WeaverHe was a general during the Civil War. He was chosen as the presidential candidate of the Populist party. He was a Granger with an apt for public speaking. He only ended up getting three percent of the popular votes which is really a large number for a third party candidate.
550448752Jacob S. CoxeyLed a march on Washington during the Panic of 1893, demanded jobs, arrested for walking on grass
550448753Eugene V. DebsLed the Pullman Strike, was arrested and put in jail for 6 months, became America's leading Socailist
550448754William McKinleyRepublican presidential candidate in 1896, respectable, friendly, civil war major
550448755Marcus Alozo HannaFinancially and politically supported William McKinley throughout his political career
550448756William Jennings BryanDemocratic presidential candidate in 1896, advocated free silver
550448757Sioux Warslasted from 1876-1877. These were spectacular clashes between the Sioux Indians and white men. They were spurred by gold-greedy miners rushing into Sioux land. The white men were breaking their treaty with the Indians. The Sioux Indians were led by Sitting Bull and they were pushed by Custer's forces. Custer led these forces until he was killed at the battle at Little Bighorn. Many of the Indian were finally forced into Canada, where they were forced by starvation to surrender.
550448758Nez PerceIndian tribe led by Chief Joseph revolted against American gold-seekers who threatened their territory
550448759ApacheNative American-Indian tribe; 1870's; group from Arizona and New Mexico led by Geronimo were difficult to control; chased into Mexico by Federal troops; they became successful farmers raising stock in Oklahoma
550448760ghost danceA cult that tried to call the spirits of past warriors to inspire the young braves to fight. It was crushed at the Battle of Wounded Knee after spreading to the Dakota Sioux. This led to the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. This act tried to reform Indian tribes and turn them into "white" citizens. It did little good
550448761Battle of Wounded KneeA group of white Christian reformist tried to bring Christian beliefs on to the Indians. Fearing the Ghost Dance American troops were called to go with the reformist. While camped outside of an Indian reservation a gun was fired and the troops stormed the reservation killing Indian men women and children.
550448762Dawes Severalty Actdismantled American Indian tribes, set up individuals as family heads with 160 acres, tried to make rugged individualists out of the Indians, attempt to assimilate the Indian population into that of the American
550448763Little Big HornBattle between Custer's Seventh Cavalry and the Sioux, Custer's Seventh was decimated
550448764Buffalo SoldiersMembers of the US 10th Cavalry, also called the "Negro Cavalry"
550448765Comstock LodeIn 1859, A great amount of gold and silver was discovered in Nevada. The "fifty-niners" rushed to Nevada in their own hopes of getting rich, which caused Nevada to become a state. It provided three electoral votes for President Lincoln.
550448766Long Drivetook place in the 1880's in the Western plain states - Cattle ranchers needed a way to easily transport their cattle to eastern cities - Cowboys would round up a lot of cattle and "drive" them to areas near railroad stations - Most of these drives went from southern Texas up to Kansas
550448767Homestead ActThis law, passed in 1862, stated that a settler could acquire up to 160 acres of land and pay a minimal fee of $30.00 just for living on it for five years and settling it. A settler could acquire it for only six months and pay $1.25 an acre. This was important because previously land was being sold for profit and now it was basically being given away. About half a million families took advantage of this offer. Unfortunately, it was often too good to be true and the land was ravaged by drought and hard to cultivate.
550448768Sooner StateAnother name for Oklahoma
550448769safety-valve theoryTheory that people from the city could always fall back on the frontier if things didn't work out in the city
550448770Bonanza farmsWheat farms in Minnesota-South Dakota, covered 15,000 acres each
550448771National GrangeOrganization founded by Oliver H. Kelley that helped improve the lives of isolated farmers
550448772Granger LawsDuring the late 1800's an organization of farmers, called the Grange, strove to regulate railway rates and storage fees charged by railroads, warehouses, and grain elevators through state legislation. These laws that were passed, but eventually reversed, are referred to as this.
550448773Farmer's AllianceThis was the first "national" organization of the farmers, which led to the creation of the Populist party. This sponsored social gatherings, were active in politics, organized cooperatives, and fought against the dominance of the railroads and manufacturers.
550448774Colored Farmers National AllianceAn alliance of farmers designed to attract black farmers, however, it was difficult for white and black farmers to work together
550448775Populist (peoples) partyA political group which began to emerge in 1891. They gained much support from farmers who turned to them to fight political unfairness. They used a progressive platform. James B. Weaver ran as their presidential candidate in 1892. They had an impressive voter turnout. They were also known as the People's Party.
550448776Coin's Financial schoolPamphlet released by William Hope Harvey, advocated the use of silver coins
550448777Coxey's ArmyA group of people that marched on Washington demanding jobs, were arrested for walking on grass
550448778Pullman StrikeA strike led by Debs, US military stepped in because the strikers were interfering with US mail
550448779Cross of Gold SpeechA speech given by William Jennings Bryan that advocated the use of silver coins, convinced the Democrats to elect him as their presidential candidate in the 1896 election
550448780gold bugsDemocrats who couldn't stand Bryan's ideas on silver coinage, left the Democratic party
550448781"16 to 1"The rate of silver to gold that silver would be worth according to advocates of the use of silver
550448782"fourth party system"Political era of Republican dominance beginning in 1896, where many key issues faded
550448783Dingley Tariff BillReplaced the Wilson-Gorman law and raised the tariff level
550448784Gold Standard ActEnded pro-silver opposition, allowed paper money to be redeemed freely for gold

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