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US History Unit 1 Colonies Flashcards

Prof Carlisle
US History 1

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4663004876. Columbian Exchange = exchange between New World & Europea. European items brought to America i. Domesticated animals = horse, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats ii. Grains = wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice iii. Other foods & plants = melons, coffee, dandelions, sugar, & olives iv. Disease = measles, chicken/small pox, whooping cough b. Native items taken to Europe i. Food = corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts ii. Drugs = tobacco, cocaine, & quinine iii. Cotton iv. Disease = VD syphilis c. Impact i. Negative on Natives = disease ii. Positive on Europe = new food crops increase population
4663004887. Amerigo Vespuccia. Explorer who never lead expedition b. Drew maps of everywhere he had been c. Gave maps to German cartographer to reproduce d. German cartographer realized he found new world & named it America
4663004898. Prince Henry the Navigatora. Founded school of navigation in Portugal b. Place to share knowledge
4663004909. Roanokea. 1st attempt at English settlement b. 100 settlers (1585) c. 6 months later all went back to England d. 1587 a different group went back with 1 year supplies e. Spanish Armada (1588) delayed supply ships f. Supply ship arrives 1590 & found no one i. Possible assimilated with Natives or died off ii. Word "Croatan" carved in a tree
46630049110. Sir Francis Drakea. Captured Spanish treasure fleet (ships with a year's worth of gold heading back to Spain) b. 2nd to circumnavigate globe
46630049211. Sea dogsa. Semi legitimate pirates, English b. Kept Sapin out of Roanoke area
46630049312. Spanish Armadaa. Drake captured Spanish treasure fleet b. Spain retaliated by attempting England attack c. Spain defeated by loss of ships due to weather d. Started decline of Spainas world power e. Opened New World exploration to other countries
46630049413. Three G'sa. Gold = any way to make money i. French = furs ii. English = tobacco iii. Spanish = gold b. Glory = 2 levels i. Personal ii. National c. God i. Escape religious persecution - War btwn Protestants & Catholics in Europe ii. Convert natives & save souls
46630049514. London (Virginia) Companya. Settled Jamestown Colony
46630049615. Jamestowna. 1st successful English colony b. Corporate colony ran by Virginia Co of London c. Established to make money for company d. 1st ship = 100 men, 2/3 gentlemen, 1/3 unskilled i. No leader just a council of 7 e. 2nd ship = 120 more men & no supplies f. Not successful - 10,000 went there, only 1000 left in 1624 g. Changed to Royal colony in 1624
46630049716. John Smitha. Jamestown colonist b. Member of council of 7 c. Survivalist d. Did 2 things to help Jamestown survive i. No work/no food rule ii. Made peace w/Powhatan Indians (Pocahontas)
46630049817. John Rolfea. Turned Jamestown into a successful colony b. Brought tobacco as a crop c. Married Pocahontas to bring peace
46630049918. Indentured servantsa. Someone who works for a period of time to pay off a debt b. 2 types i. Voluntary = work for 7 years & get a plot of land ii. Involuntary = kidnapped
46630050019. 3 types of coloniesa. Royal b. Corporate c. Proprietary
46630050120. Royal Colonya. Ran & owned by King
46630050221. Corporate Colonya. Ran & owned by a company
46630050322. Proprietary Colonya. Ran & owned by a group of people
46630050423. Plymoutha. 2nd colony b. Corporate colony i. Company to make $$ to send themselves to America c. Puritans
46630050524. Anglican Churcha. King Henry VIII broke from Catholic church & formed Anglican church in England
46630050625. Puritansa. Separatists (pilgrims) b. Radical fringe who believed Anglican church was so corrupt it couldn't be fixed c. Wanted to separate from Anglican Church & start over d. Formed Plymouth Co to make $$ to send selves to America e. Founded Plymouth colony
46630050726. Pilgrims (Separatists)a. Same as above
46630050827. Squantoa. Indian who helped Plymouth colonists
46630050928. Massachusetts Bay Companya. Founded Massachusetts Bay colony b. Mainstream Puritans who stayed behind to try to fix the church, figured out they couldn't fix it so went to America to build the best church ever c. Beacon on the Hill = build the perfect church to enlighten the world
46630051029. Thomas Hookera. Broke away from Mass Bay Colony to form Connecticut b. Did not believe that only church people could serve in govt
46630051130. Roger Williamsa. Broke away from Mass Bay Colony to form Rhode Island b. Believed you should buy land from the Indians
46630051231. New Yorka. Only colony not originally founded by the English b. Founded by Dutch who called it New Netherlands c. Mostly interested in fur trade i. Dutch would get furs traded from Indians before Indians could make it to the English colonies d. Anglo-Dutch wars i. English invaded and captured New Netherlands ii. Renamed all of the major cities to English names like New York iii. Told people they could stay as long as they switched loyalties to England
46630051332. Pennsylvaniaa. Proprietary colony b. founded by William Penn c. haven for Quakers d. anyone could go as long as they believed in God e. closest you could get to religious freedom f. treated Indians fairly g. one of the largest colonies by early 1700's
46630051433. William Penna. Proprietor of Pennsylvania colony b. Member of Quakers ("Society of Friends") c. King gave him this colony in honor of Penn's father's accomplishments
46630051534. Quakers (Society of Friends)a. Perceived as radicals b. Believed that everyone (men, women, children, black, white) has a piece of God within them i. All equal in the eyes of God c. Dressed strangely -- drab colors, should not stand out because we are all the same d. Anti-slavery -- believed everyone was equal so slaves were equal and should not be enslaved e. Allowed women to speak in church f. Spoke strangely i. Used "thee" & "thou", the informal version of "you" ii. Never used the formal version of "you" g. Pacifists -- didn't like war, did not support their country's wars, seen as cowards or friends of the enemy
46630051635. Marylanda. Ran by George Calvert b. Proprietary colony c. Haven for Catholics who were being persecuted n England d. 1st proprietary colony
46630051736. Carolinasa. Proprietary colony b. Owned by several proprietors c. One of the later colonies so proprietors wanted to grow quickly i. Took colonists from Barbados & transplanted to Carolina - Planted sugar but didn't grow - Tried to sell Indians as slaves to Barbados but Indians died of disease or would not work ii. Next tried ranching...didn't work iii. Tried rice & indigo after 30 years d. Proprietors focused only on area around Charleston i. Ppl in N Carolina area did not want to pay taxes to Charleston ii. Proprietors separated colony into N & S and focused on Charleston e. In 1719 both colonies became Royal colonies because proprietors did not want to pay to help with Indian problems 37. Georgia a. Last colony founded b. Proprietary i. several proprietors ii. James Oglethorp most involved c. Main purpose for settling was altruism i. Altruism = do things for the good of others, selfless ii. Remove the poor from prisons in England & ship them to Georgia, give them land and new life iii. Named after King George iv. Furthest south colony to act as a barrier to military attacks from Spanish v. No proprietor was to make money vi. Wanted to produce silk d. 4 requirements to live in GA i. Anyone could go to GA but could not own any more than 500 acres ii. Could not lease any of your land to someone else & had to work it yourself iii. No slaves...should be able to work the land yourself iv. No alcohol e. Did not work out as planned i. No silk - Planted wrong mulberry trees - Silkworms starved and died ii. Helping the poor? - Interviewed the poor in prison but couldn't find many who were poor due to bad luck and not due to laziness iii. The requirements turned away many people f. The restrictions were removed one by one to try to get more people to move there g. Once all restrictions were removed, the proprietors gave it back to the King
46630051838. James Oglethorpea. Most involved proprietor of Georgia colony

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