Trivia questions for the gilded age
645720402 | Where was Thomas Edison's laboratory located? The first laboratory devoted to research. | Menlo Park, New Jersey | |
645720403 | What year was the transcontinental railroad finished? | 1869 | |
645720404 | True or False: By 1900, American industry manufactured one fourth of the world's industry. | False. One third | |
645720405 | What source of fuel replace water and steam? | Coal | |
645720406 | What region of the country were the chief manufacturing cities located? | New England or the northeast | |
645720407 | True or False: Andrew Carnegie's story was known as "rags to riches". | True | |
645720408 | During the Gilded Age, were there more farmers or industrial workers in America? | Industrial workers | |
645720409 | What does AFL stand for? | American Federation of Labor | |
645720410 | In1880 what region of the country did most immigrants live? | Northern Midwest and Midwest | |
645720411 | In New York, where did the majority of the population who worked in factories live? | Tenements | |
645720412 | Who are John Roebling and Washington Roebling? | Designers of the Brooklyn Bridge. Washington was John's son. | |
645720413 | What did Henry Woodfin Grady want for the South? | He wanted modern textile mills to be operated close to the sources of raw goods and plentiful, cheap supply of labor, unrestricted by child labor laws or unions. | |
645720414 | Gold covered ice cream is an example of what? | Conspicuous consumption | |
645720415 | True of False: Reading was a source of leisure for children. | True | |
645720416 | As business and civic leaders realized society now depended on a skilled population, what expanded? | The free education system | |
645720417 | What was the first National Sports League? | Baseball | |
645720418 | Who was the only democratic president in this era? | James A Garfield | |
645720419 | true or False: Only one president held office for two terms. | False. no one did | |
645720420 | What organization was "Boss" Tweed apart of? | Tammany Hall | |
645720421 | What group did Oliver H. Kelley lead? | Patrons of Husbandry | |
645720422 | Which was the first industry to have workers strike? | Railroad industry | |
645720423 | What was the Great Uprising of 1877? | The first nationwide strike | |
645720424 | What group was Cady Stanton and sixteen other women involved in? | Knights of Labor | |
645720425 | Why did the business boom of nearly two decades end in 1893? | The nation's major rail lines went bankrupt. | |
645720426 | What does YWCA stand for? | Young Women's Christian Association | |
645720427 | Why was the Department of Agriculture established? | To provide information to farmers and to consumers of farm products. | |
645720428 | What is the Department of Treasury responsible for? | collecting federal taxes and customs and printing money and stamps. | |
645720429 | What percent of the nation's business leaders were protestant? | 90% | |
645720430 | In 1887, what percent of the work force formed unions? | 3% | |
645720431 | After the Panic of 1873, what percentage of people were unemployed in the city? | 25% |