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AP US Histroy Flashcards

Trivia questions for the gilded age

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645720402Where was Thomas Edison's laboratory located? The first laboratory devoted to research.Menlo Park, New Jersey
645720403What year was the transcontinental railroad finished?1869
645720404True or False: By 1900, American industry manufactured one fourth of the world's industry.False. One third
645720405What source of fuel replace water and steam?Coal
645720406What region of the country were the chief manufacturing cities located?New England or the northeast
645720407True or False: Andrew Carnegie's story was known as "rags to riches".True
645720408During the Gilded Age, were there more farmers or industrial workers in America?Industrial workers
645720409What does AFL stand for?American Federation of Labor
645720410In1880 what region of the country did most immigrants live?Northern Midwest and Midwest
645720411In New York, where did the majority of the population who worked in factories live?Tenements
645720412Who are John Roebling and Washington Roebling?Designers of the Brooklyn Bridge. Washington was John's son.
645720413What did Henry Woodfin Grady want for the South?He wanted modern textile mills to be operated close to the sources of raw goods and plentiful, cheap supply of labor, unrestricted by child labor laws or unions.
645720414Gold covered ice cream is an example of what?Conspicuous consumption
645720415True of False: Reading was a source of leisure for children.True
645720416As business and civic leaders realized society now depended on a skilled population, what expanded?The free education system
645720417What was the first National Sports League?Baseball
645720418Who was the only democratic president in this era?James A Garfield
645720419true or False: Only one president held office for two terms.False. no one did
645720420What organization was "Boss" Tweed apart of?Tammany Hall
645720421What group did Oliver H. Kelley lead?Patrons of Husbandry
645720422Which was the first industry to have workers strike?Railroad industry
645720423What was the Great Uprising of 1877?The first nationwide strike
645720424What group was Cady Stanton and sixteen other women involved in?Knights of Labor
645720425Why did the business boom of nearly two decades end in 1893?The nation's major rail lines went bankrupt.
645720426What does YWCA stand for?Young Women's Christian Association
645720427Why was the Department of Agriculture established?To provide information to farmers and to consumers of farm products.
645720428What is the Department of Treasury responsible for?collecting federal taxes and customs and printing money and stamps.
645720429What percent of the nation's business leaders were protestant?90%
645720430In 1887, what percent of the work force formed unions?3%
645720431After the Panic of 1873, what percentage of people were unemployed in the city?25%

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