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APUS Ch. 37 Key Terms Flashcards

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670318290Betty FriedmanAuthor of The Feminine Mystique and creator of NOW. She was a major influence among the Feminine Movement
670318291Billy GrahamOne of the most popular evangelical ministers of the era. Star of the first televised "crusades" for religious revival. He believed that all doubts about the literal interpretation of the bible were traps set by Satan. He supported Republicans and a large increase to money in the military.
670318292Dwight EisenhowerUnited States general who supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi Germany
670318293Joseph McCarthy1950s; Wisconsin senator claimed to have list of communists in American gov't, but no credible evidence; took advantage of fears of communism post WWII to become incredibly influential; "McCarthyism" was the fearful accusation of any dissenters of being communists
670318294Martin Luther King, Jr.U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964)
670318295Richard NixonVice President under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States
670318296Ho Chi Minh1950s and 60s; communist leader of North Vietnam; used geurilla warfare to fight anti-comunist, American-funded attacks under the Truman Doctrine; brilliant strategy drew out war and made it unwinnable
670318297Ngo Dinh DiemSouth Vietnamese president that was catholic and strongly opposed communism. His poor leadership and corrupt government spelled doom
670318298Nikita KrushchevLeader of the Soviet union during the building of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He and President Kennedy signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963, temporarily easing Cold War tensions.
670318299Fidel CastroCuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba (born in 1927)
670318300John F. Kennedypresident during part of the cold war and especially during the superpower rivalry and the cuban missile crisis. he was the president who went on tv and told the public about hte crisis and allowed the leader of the soviet uinon to withdraw their missiles. other events, which were during his terms was the building of the berlin wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese war.
670318301Ralph EllisonUnited States novelist who wrote about a young Black man and his struggles in American society (1914-1994)
670318302Cult of domesticitythe ideal woman was seen as a tender, self-sacrificing caregiver who provided a nest for her children and a peaceful refuge for her husband, social customs that restricted women to caring for the house
670318303McCarthyismThe term associated with Senator Joseph McCarthy who led the search for communists in America during the early 1950s through his leadership in the House Un-American Activities Committee.
670318304Sit-insprotests by black college students, 1960-1961, who took seats at "whites only" lunch counters and refused to leave until served; in 1960 over 50,000 participated in sit-ins across the South. Their success prompted the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
670318305Massive retaliationThe "new look" defense policy of the Eisenhower administration of the 1950's was to threaten "massive retaliation" with nuclear weapons in response to any act of aggression by a potential enemy.
670318306Spirit of Camp DavidThe Camp David Accords were the peace accords signed by Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat to finally end the Israeli-Egyptian disputes. The achievement by Carter is considered his greatest achievement in office.
670318307Rocket Sputnik feverAfter the USSR launched Sputnik into space in 1957, the race to put as many things in space as possible was on, and it was called this.
670318308The Feminine Mystiquewritten by Betty Friedan, journalist and mother of three children; described the problems of middle-class American women and the fact that women were being denied equality with men; said that women were kept from reaching their full human capacities
670318309Televangelistsevangelical ministers to reach a large nationwide audience
670318310Checker's speechNixon's televised speech as a vice presidential candidate in response to scandal that he had a "slush fund" equated his indiscretion to a cute cocker spaniel puppy, result: stayed on ticket
670318311Army-McCarthy hearingsThe Trials in which Senator McCarthey accused the U.S. Army of harboring possible communists.These trials were one of the first televised trials in America, and helped show America Senator McCarthey's irresponsibility and meanness.
670318312Brown v. Board of Educationcourt found that segregation was a violation of the Equal Protection clause "separate but equal" has no place
670318313Montgomery Bus BoycottIn 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.
670318314Dien Bien PhuIn 1954, Vietminh rebels besieged a French garrison at Dien Bien Phu, deep in the interior of northern Vietnam. In May, after the United States refused to intervene, Dien Bien Phu fell to the communists.
670318315Suez CrisisJuly 26, 1956, Nasser (leader of Egypt) nationalized the Suez Canal, Oct. 29, British, French and Israeli forces attacked Egypt. UN forced British to withdraw; made it clear Britain was no longer a world power
670318316Eisenhower DoctrineEisenhower proposed and obtained a joint resolution from Congress authorizing the use of U.S. military forces to intervene in any country that appeared likely to fall to communism. Used in the Middle East.
670318317Landrum-Griffith ActWhen the United States was in desperate need of a labor reform, because many union leaders and big industries were involved in many scandals, Congress passed this act to prevent bullying tactics and make labor leaders keep accurate financial records.
670318318U-2 IncidentThe incident when an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. The U.S. denied the true purpose of the plane at first, but was forced to when the U.S.S.R. produced the living pilot and the largely intact plane to validate their claim of being spied on aerially. The incident worsened East-West relations during the Cold War and was a great embarrassment for the United States.
670318319National Defense Education ActPassed in response to Sputnik, it provided an oppurtunity and stimulus for college education for many Americans. It allocated funds for upgrading funds in the sciences, foreign language, guidance services, and teaching innovation.
670318320St. Lawrence seawaysystem of locks, canals, and dams that allows ships to move from one water level to another completed in 1959; makes it easier to move goods from the US to Canada
67031832122nd Amendmentlimits the number of terms a president may be elected to serve

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