Introduction to Animals
799244454 | Tissues | groups of cells working together for a common function | |
799244455 | Organs | groups of tissues working together for a common function | |
799244456 | Hermaphrodites | who produces both male and female gametes? | |
799244457 | embryos | where do germ layers exist in? | |
799244458 | tissues/organs | what do germs give rise to? | |
799244459 | differentiation | this important process occurs during development and allows animals to develop into complex multicellular organisms | |
799244460 | backbone | this major characteristic separates vertebrates from invertebrates | |
799244461 | heterotrophic animals | what kind of animal gets organic compounds from outside sources? | |
799244462 | nervous system | this tissue type is responsible for detecting stimuli from the environment | |
799244463 | indirect development | this type of development usually involves a larval stage | |
799244464 | segmentation | this term refers to a body composed of similar, repeating units | |
799244465 | ingestion | animal takes in food | |
799244466 | digestion | animal takes carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and other organic molecules from the material or cells it ingested | |
799244467 | symmetry | body arrangement in which parts that lie on opposite sides of an axis are identical. | |
799244468 | asymmetry | no symmetry | |
799244469 | radial symmetry | a top and bottom side, but no front, back, left or right end - parts are organized in a circle around the axis | |
799244470 | bilateral symmetry | two similar halves on either side of a central plane | |
799244471 | gills | gas exchange occurs in the _____ of aquatic vertebrates | |
799244472 | lungs | gas exchange occurs in the _____ of terrestrial vertebrates | |
799244473 | closed | vertebrates have a ____ circulatory system with a multichambered heart | |
799244474 | open | some invertebrates have a ____ circulatory system in which fluid is pumped by the heart through vessels and into the body cavity and then back to vessels | |
799244475 | body cavity | a fluid-filled space that forms between the digestive tract and the outer wall of the body during development | |
799244476 | body cavity | functions of the _____ ______: 1. aids in movement by providing a firm, fluid filled structure against which muscles can contract 2. acts as a reservoir and medium of transport for nutrients and wastes | |
799244477 | integument | outer covering of a vertebrate | |
799244478 | integument | functions of the ______: gas exchange, protection, and insulation | |
799244479 | cephalization | the concentration of sensory and brain structures in the anterior end of the animal. |