Vocab terms for chapter 4 of the american pageant.
442283547 | Disenfranchise | To take away the right to vote | 1 | |
442283548 | Jeremiad | A sermon or prophecy recounting wrongdoing, warning of doom, and calling for repentance | 2 | |
442283549 | Lynching | The illegal execution of an accused person by mob action, without due process of law | 3 | |
442283550 | Social Structure | The basic pattern of the distribution of status and wealth in a society | 4 | |
442283551 | Blue Blood | Of noble or upper-class descent | 5 | |
442283552 | Colonies | Early Maryland and Virginia settlers had difficulty creating them and even more difficulty making them last | 6 | |
442283553 | Disease | Primary cause of death among tobacco-growing settlers | 7 | |
442283554 | Indentured Servants | Immigrants who received passage to America in exchange for a fixed term of labor | 8 | |
442283555 | Headright System | Maryland and Virginia's system of offering 50 acres of land to anyone who would pay transatlantic passage for laborers; allowed early, successful settlers to quickly amass large tobacco planations | 9 | |
442283556 | Hanging | Fate of many of Nathaniel Bacon's followers, though not of Bacon himself | 10 | |
442283557 | Rhode Island | American colony that was home to the Newport slave market and many slave traders | 11 | |
442283558 | Royal African Company | English company that lost its monopoly on the slave trade in 1698 | 12 | |
442283559 | Gullah | African-American dialect that blended English with Yoruba, Ibo, and Hausa | 13 | |
442283560 | Revolts | Uprisings that occurred in New York City in 1712 and in South Carolina in 1739 | 14 | |
442283561 | Virginia | Wealthy extended clans like the Fitzhughs, Lees, and Washingtons that dominated politics in this most populous colony | 15 | |
442283562 | Their Early 20's | Approximate marriage age of most New England women | 16 | |
442283563 | Meetinghouse | The basic local political institution of New England, in which all freemen gathered to elect officials and debate local affairs | 17 | |
442283564 | The Half-Way Covenant | Formula devised by Puritan ministers in 1662 to offer partial church membership to people who had not experienced conversion | 18 | |
442283565 | Salem Witch Trials | Late seventeenth century judicial event that inflamed popular feelings, led to the deaths of twenty people, and weakened the Puritan clergy's prestige | 19 | |
442283566 | Farming | Primary occupation of most seventeenth-century Americans | 20 | |
442283567 | Chesapeake | Virginia-Maryland bay area, site of the earliest colonial settlements | 21 | |
442283568 | Indentured Servants | Primary laborers in early southern colonies until the 1680s | 22 | |
442283569 | Nathaniel Bacon | Person who led poor former indentured servants and frontiersman on a rampage against Indians and colonial government | 23 | |
442283570 | Governor Berkeley | Colonial Virginia official who crushed rebels and wreaked cruel revenge | 24 | |
442283571 | Royal African Company | Organization whose loss of the slave trade monopoly in 1698 led to free-enterprise expansion of the business | 25 | |
442283572 | Middle Passage | Experience for which human beings were branded and chained, and which only 80 percent survived | 26 | |
442283573 | Ringshout | West African religious rite, retained by African-Americans, in which participants responded to the shouts of a preacher. | 27 | |
442283574 | New York City Slave Revolt of 1712 | Major middle-colonies' rebellion that caused thirty-three deaths; early sign that slaves were not always content with their position in society (Remember the Barbados Slave Code of 1661) | 28 | |
442283575 | Nathaniel Hawthorne | Author of a novel, The Scarlet Letter, about the early New England practice of requiring adulterers to wear the letter "A" | 29 | |
442283576 | New England conscience | The legacy of Puritan religion that inspired idealism and reform among later generations of Americans | 30 | |
442283577 | Harvard | The oldest college in America, founded in 1636, which reflected Puritan commitment to an educated ministry | 31 | |
442283578 | William & Mary | the oldest college in the South, founded in 1693; named after the King and Queen installed after the Glorious Revolution and flight of former King James II | 32 | |
442283579 | Salem Witch Trials | Massachusetts phenomena started by accusations of adolescent girls that ended in deaths of 20 people; reflected religious hysteria but also | 33 | |
442283580 | Leisler's Rebellion | Small New York revolt of 1689-1691 that reflected class antagonism between landlords and merchants | 34 | |
442283581 | Massachusetts | The second most populated colony at the time | 35 | |
442283582 | Maryland | The third most populated colony at the time | 36 | |
442283583 | Charles II | Person who was angered at Governor Berkeley's harsh actions against Bacon's Rebellions leaders | 37 | |
442283584 | Virginia and Maryland | The Chesapeake colonies | 38 |