SAT Vocabulary from Barron's SAT 2009
This is only to help me massively cram, but if it works for you too then yay! Good luck.
78593861 | extol | praise; glorify | |
78593862 | repudiate | disown; disavow | |
78593863 | capricious | unpredictable; fickle | |
78593864 | superficial | trivial; shallow | |
78593865 | censure | blame; criticize | |
78593866 | coercion | use of force to get someone to obey | |
78593867 | homogeneous | of the same kind | |
78593868 | hypothetical | based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed | |
78593869 | hypocritical | pretending to be virtuous; deceiving | |
78593870 | disseminate | distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds) | |
78593871 | ingenious | clever; resourceful | |
78593872 | adulation | flattery; admiration | |
78593873 | adversary | opponent | |
78593874 | anarchist | person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority | |
78593875 | extricate | free; disentangle | |
78593876 | reticence | reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to silence | |
78593877 | adversity | poverty; misfortune | |
78593878 | superfluous | unnecessary; excessive; overabundant | |
78593879 | surreptitious | secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden | |
78593880 | taciturn | habitually silent; talking little | |
78593881 | inane | silly; senseless | |
78593882 | incongruous | not fitting; absurd | |
78593883 | incite | arouse to action | |
78593884 | reprove | censure; rebuke | |
78593885 | hierarchy | arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks | |
78593886 | advocate | urge; plead for | |
78593887 | hedonist | one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life | |
78593888 | ascetic | practicing self-denial; austere | |
78593889 | cursory | casual; hastily done | |
78593890 | cryptic | mysterious; hidden; secret | |
78593891 | pretentious | ostentatious; pompous; making unjustified claims; overly ambitious | |
78593892 | instigate | urge; start; provoke | |
78593893 | inundate | overwhelm; flood; submerge | |
78593894 | mundane | worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday | |
78593895 | conciliatory | reconciling; soothing | |
78593896 | surpass | exceed | |
78593897 | precocious | advanced in development | |
78593898 | presumptuous | overconfident; impertinently bold; taking liberties | |
78593899 | compliance | readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements | |
78593900 | condone | overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse | |
78593901 | profane | violate; desecrate; treat unworthily | |
78593902 | morose | ill-humored; sullen; melancholy | |
78593903 | ascendancy | controlling influence; domination | |
78593904 | expedient | suitable; practical; politic | |
78593905 | exacerbate | worsen; embitter | |
78593906 | oblivion | obscurity; forgetfulness | |
78593907 | notoriety | disrepute; ill fame | |
78593908 | exonerate | acquit; exculpate | |
78593909 | explicit | totally clear; definite; outspoken | |
78593910 | apathy | lack of caring; indifference | |
78593911 | heresy | opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion | |
78593912 | meticulous | excessively careful; painstaking | |
78593913 | disperse | scatter | |
78593914 | turbulence | state of violent agitation | |
78593915 | rhetorical | pertaining to effective communication; insincere in the language | |
78593916 | garrulous | loquacious; wordy; talkative | |
78593917 | nurture | nourish; educate; foster | |
78593918 | commemorate | honor the memory of | |
78593919 | abstract | theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational | |
78593920 | discordant | not harmonious; conflicting | |
78593921 | verbose | wordy | |
78593922 | abridge | condense or shorten | |
78593923 | cajole | coax; wheedle | |
78593924 | furtive | stealthy; sneaky | |
78593925 | terse | concise; abrupt; pithy | |
78593926 | succinct | brief; terse; compact | |
78593927 | diminution | lessening; reduction in size | |
78593928 | vilify | slander | |
78593929 | embellish | adorn; ornament | |
78593930 | fanaticism | excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause | |
78593931 | mitigate | appease; moderate | |
78593932 | pervasive | pervading; spread throughout every part | |
78593933 | pessimism | belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess | |
78593934 | peripheral | marginal; outer | |
78593935 | sycophant | servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes-man | |
78593936 | listless | lacking in spirit or energy | |
78593937 | delineate | portray | |
78593938 | pacifist | one opposed to force; antimilitarist | |
78593939 | induce | persuade; bring about | |
78593940 | indict | charge | |
78593941 | incorrigible | not correctable | |
78593942 | innocuous | harmless | |
78593943 | malicious | hateful; spiteful | |
78593944 | intrepid | fearless | |
78593945 | conflagration | great fire | |
78593946 | fallacious | false; misleading | |
78593947 | criterion | standard used in judging | |
78593948 | erudite | learned; scholarly | |
78593949 | equivocal | ambiguous; intentionally misleading | |
78593950 | ephemeral | short-lived; fleeting | |
78593951 | prolific | abundantly fruitful | |
78593952 | autonomous | self-governing | |
78593953 | corroborate | confirm; support | |
78593954 | contentious | quarrelsome | |
78593955 | fastidious | difficult to please; squeamish | |
78593956 | flagrant | conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous | |
78593957 | fervor | glowing ardor; intensity of feeling | |
78593958 | stagnant | motionless; stale; dull | |
78593959 | volatile | changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly | |
78593960 | discrepancy | lack of consistency; difference | |
78593961 | disdain | view with scorn or contempt | |
78593962 | venerate | revere | |
78593963 | constraint | compulsion; repression of feelings | |
78593964 | consensus | general agreement | |
78593965 | inherent | firmly established by nature or habit | |
78593966 | profound | deep; not superficial; complete | |
78593967 | profusion | overabundance; lavish expenditure | |
78593968 | innate | inborn | |
78593969 | exuberance | overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness | |
78593970 | frugality | thrift; economy | |
78593971 | exemplary | serving as a model; outstanding | |
78593972 | vacillate | waver; fluctuate | |
78593973 | arbitrary | capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical | |
78593974 | articulate | effective; distinct | |
78593975 | denounce | condemn; criticize | |
78593976 | deterrent | something that discourages; hindrance | |
78593977 | digression | wandering away from the subject | |
78593978 | belie | contradict; give a false impression | |
78593979 | disinclination | unwillingness | |
78593980 | concise | brief and compact | |
78593981 | astute | wise; shrewd; keen | |
78593982 | austere | forbiddingly stern; severely simple | |
78593983 | deride | ridicule; make fun of | |
78593984 | deprecate | express disapproval of; protest against; belittle | |
78593985 | depravity | extreme corruption; wickedness | |
78593986 | undermine | weaken; sap | |
78593987 | skeptic | doubter; person who suspends judgment until the evidence supporting a point of view has been examined | |
78593988 | eclectic | composed of elements drawn from disparate sources | |
78593989 | elusive | evasive; baffling; hard to grasp | |
78593990 | servile | slavish; cringing | |
78593991 | somber | gloomy; depressing; dark; drab | |
78593992 | ponderous | weighty; unwieldy | |
78593993 | eloquence | expressiveness; persuasive speech | |
78593994 | quandary | dilemma | |
78593995 | acclaim | applaud; announce with great approval | |
78593996 | sanction | approve; ratify | |
78593997 | miserly | stingy; mean | |
78593998 | rancor | bitterness; hatred | |
78593999 | substantiate | establish by evidence; verify; support | |
78594000 | satirical | mocking | |
78594001 | scrutinize | examine closely and critically | |
78594002 | despondent | depressed; gloomy | |
78594003 | redundant | superfluous; repetitious; excessively wordy | |
78594004 | disparage | belittle | |
78594005 | disparity | difference; condition of inequality | |
78594006 | dismiss | put away from consideration; reject | |
78594007 | relegate | banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign | |
78594008 | refute | disprove | |
78594009 | conviction | judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief | |
78594010 | eulogy | expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death | |
78594011 | emulate | imitate; rival | |
78594012 | credulity | belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivete | |
78594013 | proximity | nearness | |
78594014 | proliferation | rapid growth; spread; multiplication | |
78594015 | brevity | conciseness | |
78594016 | enhance | increase; improve | |
78594017 | enigma | puzzle; mystery | |
78594018 | materialism | preoccupation with physical comforts and things | |
78594019 | impair | injure; hurt | |
78594020 | impede | hinder; block; delay | |
78594021 | immutable | unchangeable | |
78594022 | transient | momentary; temporary; staying for a short time | |
78594023 | retract | withdraw; take back | |
78594024 | scrupulous | conscientious; extremely thorough | |
78594025 | innovation | change; introduction of something new | |
78594026 | insipid | lacking in flavor; dull | |
78594027 | alleviate | relieve | |
78594028 | prudent | cautious; careful | |
78594029 | prevalent | widespread; generally accepted | |
78594030 | prodigal | wasteful; reckless with money | |
78594031 | benevolent | generous; charitable | |
78594032 | altruistic | unselfishly generous; concerned for others | |
78594033 | discerning | mentally quick and observant; having insight | |
78594034 | euphemism | mild expression in place of an unpleasant one | |
78594035 | esoteric | hard to understand; known only to the chosen few | |
78594036 | divergent | differing; deviating | |
78594037 | laud | praise | |
78594038 | ostentatious | showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention | |
78594039 | partisan | one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party | |
78594040 | opportunist | individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances | |
78594041 | ironic | resulting in an unexpected and contrary outcome | |
78594042 | lethargic | drowsy; dull | |
78594043 | piety | religious devotion; godliness | |
78594044 | opulence | extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance | |
78594045 | recluse | hermit; loner | |
78594046 | rebuttal | refutation; response with contrary evidence | |
78594047 | decorum | propriety orderliness and good taste in manners | |
78594048 | duplicity | double-dealing; hypocrisy | |
78594049 | frivolous | lacking in seriousness; self-indulgently carefree; relatively unimportant | |
78594050 | virtuoso | highly skilled artist | |
78594051 | opaque | dark; not transparent | |
78594052 | pragmatic | practical; concerned with the practical worth or impact of something | |
78594053 | haughtiness | pride; arrogance | |
78594054 | preclude | make impossible; eliminate | |
78594055 | renounce | abandon; disown; repudiate | |
78594056 | reprehensible | deserving blame | |
78594057 | guile | deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning | |
78594058 | predecessor | former occupant of a post | |
78594059 | reprimand | reprove severely; rebuke | |
78594060 | affirmation | positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath | |
78594061 | philanthropist | lover of mankind; doer of good | |
78594062 | dogmatic | opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal | |
78594063 | ambiguous | unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
78594064 | exhaustive | thorough; comprehensive | |
78594065 | placate | pacify; conciliate | |
78594066 | extraneous | not essential; superfluous | |
78594067 | usurp | seize another's power or rank | |
78594068 | hamper | obstruct | |
78594069 | zealot | fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal | |
78594070 | levity | lack of seriousness; lightness | |
78594071 | rectify | set right; correct | |
78594072 | gregarious | sociable | |
78594073 | gravity | seriousness | |
78594074 | ambivalence | the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes | |
78594075 | aesthetic | artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful |