Music Theory
419181760 | How many semitones are in an octave? | 12 | 1 | |
419181761 | What is the black key to the left of two black keys? | C | 2 | |
419181762 | Why do we organize pitches into a scalE? | Tonality, Melody | 3 | |
419181763 | Basic element of musical rithym is? | steady beat | 4 | |
419181764 | what is tempo ? | speed, how fast or slow the music is playing | 5 | |
419181765 | Beats are organized into cycles? | Bars and measures | 6 | |
419181766 | The first beat in a measure is called? | Downbeat | 7 | |
419181767 | harmony is the same as? | two pitches, more than one pitch played at the same time | 8 | |
419181768 | The primary sections of most songs? | Verse, Chorus, bridge | 9 | |
419181769 | the music equivalent for frequency is ? | pitch | 10 | |
419181770 | in the key of E flat major, which has the following flats? | B, E, A | 11 | |
419181771 | what is a triplet? | three notes in the value of one beat | 12 | |
419181772 | what is concert pitch? | 4/40 | 13 | |
419181773 | The C major scale has? | no sharps or flats | 14 | |
419181774 | The musical period between the renaissance and the classical is? | Baroque | 15 | |
419181775 | What is the interval pattern for a major scale | WWhWWWh | 16 | |
419181776 | fifth scale degree is also known as? | Dominant | 17 | |
419181777 | What is a perfect 5th above C? | G | 18 | |
419181778 | in treble clef, the spaces what are theY? | F, A, C, E | 19 | |
419181779 | Dynamis refers to ? | volume level | 20 | |
419181780 | The space between bar lines is called? | measure | 21 | |
419181781 | a ledger line is used to ? | extend the staff | 22 | |
419181782 | 3/4 is what kind of meter? | simple triple | 23 | |
419181783 | 4/4 is also known as? | common time | 24 | |
419181784 | Elements needed to make the major triad are? | Root Major 3rd Perfect 5th | 25 | |
419181785 | What does Cresecendo mean? | to gradually get louder | 26 | |
419181786 | What was the composer of the Baroque era that wasn't popular but is now? | Bach | 27 | |
419181787 | What is secular music? | non church music | 28 | |
419181788 | The dates of the classical era are? | 1720-1800 | 29 | |
419181789 | What major component of musical notation was absent during the mid evil period? | Rhythmic | 30 |