Terms and Principles
885286336 | Impairment | Loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function. | 1 | |
885286337 | Disabilty | Reduced competence in meeting daily living needs. | 2 | |
885286338 | Handicap | Social, educational, or occupational disadvantage that result from an impairment or disability | 3 | |
885286339 | Communication Disorder | Any communication structure or function that is diminished to a significant degree. | 4 | |
885286340 | Communication Difference | Communication abilities that differ from those usually contextually encountered in the mainstream culture, but no evidence of impairment. (spanish speaking person to english speaking person) | 5 | |
885286341 | Organic Disorder | Has a cause. (stroke, cleft palate) | 6 | |
885286342 | Functional Disorder | Physical cause cannot be found. | 7 | |
885286343 | Acquired Disorder | Occurs after communication skills have been fully developed | 8 | |
885286344 | Allophones | Variations in sounds. "Dark" and "Light" | 9 | |
885286345 | Manner of Articulation | Different ways that speakers can block airflow through the oral cavity using different types of constrictions. | 10 | |
885286346 | Place of Articulation | Produce blockages at different places in the oral cavity. | 11 | |
885286347 | Prosody | Change in pitch, stress, intensity, and duration of sounds in connected speech production. | 12 | |
885286348 | Semantics | The linguistic representation of objects, ideas, feelings, events, and the relationship between these phenomena. | 13 | |
885286349 | Lexicon | Mental dictionary of words. | 14 | |
885286350 | Phonology | Study of sounds we use to make words. | 15 | |
885286351 | Morpheme | Smallest grammatical unit that carries meaning. | 16 | |
885286352 | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistic conventions that help us decide what to say to whom, and how and when to say it. | 17 | |
885286353 | Babbling | Earliest phase of speech development. | 18 | |
885286354 | Canonical Babbling | Syllable like strings of babbling. | 19 | |
885286355 | Expressive jargon | speech takes on adult like intonation patterns, but no intelligible words. | 20 | |
885303062 | Phonetic Alphabet | 1 to 1 relationship between a sound and a particular letter. | 21 | |
885303063 | Digraphs | Pairs of letters that represent one sound. (may be same or different letters.) | 22 | |
885303064 | Minimal Pairs | Words that vary only by ONE phoneme. | 23 | |
885303065 | Complimentary Distribution | When like phonemes cannot be exchanged because of the vowel context. | 24 | |
885303066 | Free Variation | Phonetic environment has no bearing on pronunciation. | 25 | |
885540179 | Onset | In a syllable, all consonants that precede a vowel. | 26 | |
885540180 | Rhyme | 2nd part of a syllable, consisting of a nucleus and coda. | 27 | |
885540181 | Nucleus | In a syllable, it is usually a vowel unless the syllable uses a consonant as the vowel. | 28 | |
885540182 | Coda | In a syllable, either single or cluster consonants that follow after the nucleus. May have no elements at all. | 29 | |
885540183 | Open Syllable | Syllables that end with a vowel phoneme (no coda) | 30 | |
885540184 | Closed Syllables | Syllables that end with a coda, (consonant phoneme). | 31 | |
885540185 | Virgules | Slash marks. | 32 | |
885540186 | Diacritics | Specialized symbols that show modification in the production of a vowel or consonant phoneme durijng transcription. | 33 | |
885621903 | Allograph | Differing letter sequences that represent the same phoneme. | 34 |