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AP Art History Review Flashcards

AP Art History Review w/ pictures starting from Sumerian Art and going all the way to Renaissance (I'll add more as I get along in my class)es

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1278610875Tell Asmar Statues c. 2700 BCE Culture: Sumerian Employs hierarchal portrayal, figures represent mortals, placed in a temple and praying: votive figures1
1278610876Standard of Ur c. 2600 BCE Culture: Sumerian Has two sides: war side and peace side, uses register to tell a narrative. Employs hierarchal portrayal.2
1278610877Great Ziggurat of Ur c. 2100 BCE Culture: Sumerian The temple was on top of the tall pyramid like sculpture. Made of mud brick, not as strong as Egyptian pyramids. Used to be whitewashed to hide mud-like appearance. Four corners are oriented to compass. Dedicated to moon god Nanna3
1278610878Seated Statue of Gudea c. 2100 BCE Culture: Sumer The diorite used to show the wealth of the owner. Gudea was the ruler of Lagash.4
1278610879Stele of Hammurabi (Code of Hammurabi) c. 1780 BCE Culture: Babylon Has one of the earliest law codes. The sun god, Shamash, hands Hammurabi a rope, a ring, and a rod of kingship. The beard of Shamash is fuller than Hammurabi's to show the importance of Shamash over Hammurabi. God sitting shows he is higher up than Hammurabi, but they are eye to eye which shows the importance of Hammurabi.5
1278610880Ishtar Gate c. 575 BCE Culture: Babylon Glazed brick covers mud walls. Reconstructed in Berlin. Lions sacred to goddess Ishtar; dragons sacred to the gods Marduk and Nabu, bulls sacred to the god Adad.6
1278610881Lion Gate c. 1400 BCE Culture: Hittite Gates to the city, the lions were guardians.7
1278610882Lamassu (pronounced Llama-sue) c. 700 BCE Culture: Assyrian 5 legs: when seen from front seems to be standing at attention; when seen from side it looks like its walking. Meant to ward of enemies both visible and invisible.8
1278610883Palette of Narmer c. 3000-2920 BCE Culture: Egyptian;Early Dynastic Period A narrative, uses hierarchal portrayal. Things used to show power: bull knocking down city, hierarchal portrayal, beheaded enemies. Narmer, wears the cobra crown of lower Egypt, preceded by four standard bearers and a priest and followed by his foot washer. Hathor, a god as a cow with a woman's face. Used to hold eye makeup. Horus, hawk god, holds a rope around a man's head and a papyrus plant, symbols of lower Egypt.9
1278610884Stepped Pyramid of King Djoser c. 2630 BCE; Old Kingdom Artist: Imhotep Culture: Egypt First known artist in history. Just a bunch of mastabas stacked on top of each other. Part of a complex called a necropolis (city of the dead). Pyramid is completely solid, with burial underground. Located in Saqqara, Egypt.10
1278610885Great Pyramids c. 2500 BCE; Old kingdom Culture: Egypt Each side of the pyramid oriented toward a point on the compass. Used to be coated with limestone.11
1278610886Great Sphinx c. 2500 BCE; Old Kingdom Culture: Egypt Carved in situ from a huge rock, symbol of the sun god. Sphinx protects the pyramids behind it. Guards Khafre's pyramid (possibly a portrait of Khafre himself)12
1278610887Seated Statue of Khafre c. 2500 BCE; Old Kingdom Culture: Egypt Falcon god horus is behind Khafre's head. no negative space between arms and legs. Pharaoh is idealized. Symbol of a united Egypt in the interlocking of lotus and papyrus plants at the base. Strict adherence to Egyptian canon of proportions.13
1278610888Menkaure and His Queen c. 2490 BCE; Old Kingdom Culture: Egypt Menkaure is rigid = power,Wife is affectionate Take steps forward into the afterlife. Men and women the same height, indicating equality.14
1278610889Seated Scribe c. 2400 BCE; Old Kingdom Culture: Egypt Is a conventional image of a scribe. The simple features show that he is not a pharaoh. Not idealized15
1278610890Ti Watching the Hippopotamus Hunt c. 2400 BCE; Old kingdom Culture: Egypt Ti was a government official, this was a painted relief in his mastabas. Boat symbolized the journey to the afterlife. Uses hierarchical portrayal.16
1278610891Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut c. 1473 BCE; New Kingdom Culture: Egypt 3 colonnaded terraces and 2 ramps, matches visually its surroundings patterns of dark and light in the colonnade are repeated in the cliff. Terraces originally held gardens; built by Hatshepsut's lover. After her death her son had all of the eyes taken out of her statues (to curse her)17
1278610892Temple of Ramses II c. 1290 BCE; New Kingdom Culture: Egypt Sun god directly over entrance, four statues of Ramses flanking it. Royal family between the legs of the four statues. Sun enters the center door of the tomb on Ramses' birthday and ascension day, October 21 and February 21, lighting up three statues: Amen-Re, Re-Herakhte and Ramses, god of darkness never lit up. After it was moved the sun lights up the statues a day later: October 22 and February 22.18
1278610893Temple of Amen-Re c. 1290 BCE; New Kingdom Culture: Egypt Hypostyle halls, massive lintels bind the columns together, axial plan.19
1278610894Akhenaton c. 1353 BCE; Amarna period Culture: Egypt shows new, unidealised view of pharaoh. slack lips long face, thin arms known as amarna style.20
1278610895Nefertiti c. 1353; Amarna period Artist: Thutmose Culture: Egypt Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaton, this was a demonstration model for copying. Long elegant neck, realistic face.21
1278610896Cycladic Female Figure c. 2500 BCE Culture: Cyclades Nude women arms folded, emphasizes fertility with triangle pelvis. Found in graves22
1278610897Toreador Fresco c. 1400 BCE Culture: Minoan As in Egyptian art, men have darker skin than women.23
1278610898Lion Gate c. 1300 BCE Culture: Mycenaean Post and lintel architecture, built for defensive purposes.24
1278610899Treasury of Atreus c. 1300 BCE Culture: Mycenaen Originally was a tomb, long entrance way, corbel vaulted interior. Precision cutting of stones, no mortar used.25
1278610900Kouros c. 600 BCE; Period: Archaic Greek Grave marker26
1278610901Peplos Kore c. 530 BCE; Period: Archaic Greek Broken hand used to carry offering to Athena, called the peplos because she is wearing something called a peplos.27
1278610902Kritios Boy c. 480 BCE; Period: Classical Greek first work with contrapposto, body standing naturally, attributed to the Greek sculptor Kritios.28
1278610903Diskbolos c. 450 BCE; Period: Classical Greek Artist: Myron Means The Discus Thrower, idealized heroic body, this is a roman copy original was bronze.29
1278610904Doryphoros c. 450 BCE; Period: Classical Greek Artist: Polykleitos Means the Spear bearer, Spartan ideal of body, hand once held a spear. He averts your gaze.30
1278610905Nike Adjusting her Sandal c. 410 BCE; Period: Classical Greek From the temple of Athena Nike, by the Parthenon, deeply incised drapery lines reveal the body, wet drapery.31
1278610906Hermes and the Infant Dionysos c. 340 BCE; Period: Classical Greek Artist: Praxiteles Roman copy of bronze original. Shallow S-shaped curve, Dionysus reaching for grapes that were once held by Hermes.32
1278610907Apoxyomenos c. 330 BCE; Period: Classical Greek Artist: Lysippos Means The Scraper, encourages the viewer to walk around the sculpture. Head is 1/8 of the body.33
1278610908Dying Gaul c. 230 BCE Period: Hellenistic Greek Artist: Epigonos Seen as a hero by Greeks, figure meant to be seen from different angles.34
1278610909Nike of Samothrace c. 190 BCE Period: Hellenistic Greek Built to commemorate a naval victory.35
1278610910Laocoon and His Sons First Century Artists: Rhodes Sculptors(Agesander, Athenodoros, Polydorus) Period: Hellenistic Greek Story from the Aeneid of the Trojan priest who tried to warn his people of the dangers lurking inside the Trojan horse. snakes were sent by the gods to prevent him. Heightened musculature accentuates pathos of the moment.36
1278610911Achilles and Ajax c. 540 BCE Artist: Exekias On an amphora vase, body curves mimics the curve of the vase.37
1278610912Tomb of the Leopards c. 480 BCE Culture: Etruscan38
1278610913Sarcophagus from Cerveteri c. 520 BCE Culture: Etruscan Most concentration is placed on upper body, very little placed on legs.39
1278610914Maison Carree c. 1 CE Culture: Romans40
1278610915Pont du Gard c. 16 BCE Culture: Roman41
1278610916Ara Pacis c. 13 BCE Culture: Roman42
1278610917Pantheon c. 118 CE Culture: Roman43
1278610918Hadrian's Villa C. 125 CE Partly designed by Emperor Hadrian Culture: Roman44
1278610919Arch of Constantine c. 312 CE Culture: Roman45
1278610920Augustus of Primaporta c. 20 CE Culture: Roman (High Imperial)46
1278610921Colum of Trajan c. 112 CE Culture: Roman47
1278610922Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius c. 175 CE Culture: Roman48
1278610923Constantine c. 315 CE Culture: Roman Originally part of an equestrian statue49
1278610924Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus c. 359 Period: Early Christian50
1278610925San Vitale c. 526 Culture: Byzantine51
1278610926Justinian and Attendants c. 547 Culture: Byzantine Mosaic52
1278610927Theodora and Attendants c. 547 Culture: Byzantine Mosaic53
1278610928Sant' Apollinare in Classe c. 549 Culture: Byzantine54
1278610929Dome of the Rock c. 687 Culture: Islamic55
1278610930Great Mosque at Cordoba c. 700 Culture: Islamic56
1278610931Court of the Lions c. 1354 Culture: Islamic57
1278610932Hagia Sophia c. 1568 Culture: Islamic Artist: Sianan58
1278610933Book of Kells c. 800 Period: Early Medieval59
1278610934Bishop Bernward Doors c. 1015 Period: Ottonian60
1278610935Gero crucifix c. 970 Period: Ottonian61
1278610936Pisa Cathedral c. 1063 Period: Romanesque62
1278610937Saint-Sernin c. 1070 Period: Romanesque63
1278610938Last Judgment c. 1120 Artist: Gislebertus Period: Romanesque64
1278610939Bayeux Tapestry c. 1070 Period: Romanesque65
1278610940Chartres Cathedral c. 1134 Period: Early Gothic66
1278610941Amiens Cathedral c. 1220 Period: High Gothic67
1278610942Salisbury Cathedral c. 1220 Period: High Gothic68
1278610943Madonna Enthroned c. 1280 Artist: Cimabue Period: Proto-Renaissance69
1278610944Madonna Enthroned c. 1310 Artist: Giotto Period: Proto-Renaissance70
1278610945Lamentation c. 1305 Artist: Giotto Period: Proto-Renaissance71
1278610946Maestá c. 1308 Artist: Duccio Period: Proto-Renaissance72
1278610947Annunciation c. 1333 Artist: Simone Martini Period: Proto-Renaissance73
1278610948Good Government in the City c. 1338 Artist: Lorenzetti Period: Proto-Renaissance74
1278610949The Pisa Pulpit c. 1259 Artist: Pisano Brothers Period: Proto-Renaissance75
1278610950The Merode Altarpiece c. 1425 Artist: Campin Period: Early Northern Renaissance76
1278610951The Ghent Altarpiece (Open) c. 1432 Artist: Jan Van Eyck Period: Early Northern Renaissance77
1278610952The Ghent Altarpiece (Closed) c. 1432 Artist: Jan Van Eyck Period: Early Northern Renaissance78
1278610953Arnolfini Wedding c. 1434 Artist: Jan van Eyck Period: Early Northern Renaissance79
1278610954Deposition c. 1435 Artist: Rogier van der Weyden Period: Early Northern Renaissance80
1278610955Portinari Altarpiece c. 1476 Artist: Hugo van der Goes Period: Early Northern Renaissance81
1278610956The Well of Moses c. 1395 Artist: Claus Sluter Period: Early Northern Renaissance82
1278610957Florence Cathedral c. 1420 Artist: Brunelleschi Period: Early Italian Renaissance83
1278610958Pazzi Chapel c. 1423 Artist: Brunelleschi Period: Early Italian Renaissance84
1278610959Holy Trinity c. 1427 Artist: Masaccio Period: Early Italian Renaissance85
1278610960Tribute Money c. 1425 Artist: Masaccio Period: Early Italian Renaissance86
1278610961Expulsion from the Garden of Eden c. 1425 Artist: Masaccio Period: Early Italian Renaissance87
1278610962Annunciation c. 1438 Artist: Fra Angelico Period: Early Italian Renaissance88
1278610963Room of the Newlyweds c. 1465 Artist: Mantegna Period: Early Italian Renaissance89
1278610964Delivering of the Keys c. 1482 Artist: Perugino Period: Early Italian Renaissance90
1278610965Birth of Venus c. 1485 Artist: Botticelli Period: Early Italian Renaissance91
1278610966Sacrifice of Isaac c. 1401 Artist: Ghiberti Period: Early Italian Renaissance92
1278610967Sacrifice of Isaac c. 1401 Artist: Brunelleschi Period: Early Italian Renaissance93
1278610968Gates of Paradise c. 1425 Artist: Ghiberti Period: Early Italian Renaissance94
1278610969David c. 1420 Artist: Donatello Period: Early Italian Renaissance95
1278610970Mary Magdalene c. 1430 Artist: Donatello Period: Early Italian Renaissance96
1278610971The Tempietto c. 1502 Artist: Bramante Period: High Renaissance97
1278610972Saint Peter's c. 1546 Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Renaissance98
1278610973The Last Supper c. 1495 Artist: Da Vinci Period: High Renaissance99
1278610974Mona Lisa c. 1503 Artist: Da Vinci Period: High Renaissance100
1278610975Sistine Chapel c. 1508 Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Renaissance101
1278610976Last Judgment c. 1534 Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Renaissance102
1278610977The School of Athens c. 1509 Artist: Raphael Period: High Renaissance103
1278610978Pietá c. 1498 Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Renaissance104
1278610979David c. 1501 Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Renaissance105
1278610980Capitoline Hill c. 1537 Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Renaissance A civic plaza in the center of Rome. Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius placed in the center.106
1278610981Moses c. 1513 Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Renaissance107
1278610982The Pastoral Concert c. 1508 Artist: Giorgione and Titian Period: High Renaissance108
1278610983The Tempest c. 1510 Artist: Giorgione Period: High Renaissance109
1278610984Palazzo del Te c. 1525 Artist: Romano Period: Mannerist110
1278610985Entombment c. 1525 Artist: Pontormo Period: Mannerist111
1278610986Madonna of the Long Neck c. 1535 Artist: Parmigianino Period: Mannerist112
1278610987The Last Supper c. 1594 Artist: Tintoretto Period: Mannerist113
1278610988Christ in the House of Levi c. 1573 Artist: Veronese Period: Mannerist Originally titled Last Supper but name was changed because it was deemed inappropriate. This is from the book Mark, in which Jesus has dinner in a house filled with sinners.114
1278610989Villa Rotunda c. 1566 Artist: Palladio115
1278610990Garden of Earthly Delights c. 1505 Artist: Bosch Period: Late Renaissance116
1278610991Isenheim altarpiece c. 1510 Artist: Grunewald Period: Late Renaissance117
1278610992Adam and Eve c. 1504 Artist: Durer Period: Late Renaissance118
1278610993The French Ambassadors c. 1533 Artist: Holbein the Younger Period: Late Renaissance119
1278610994Henry VIII c. 1540 Artist: Holbein the Younger Period: Late Renaissance120
1278610995Hunters in the Snow c. 1565 Artist: Breughel Period: Late Renaissance121
1278610996Ecstasy of Saint Theresa c. 1645 Artist: Bernini Period: Baroque Natural light thrown onto the art from a hidden window. There is a stage-like setting with the patrons, sitting in theatre boxes looking on.122
1278610997Calling of Saint Matthew c. 1597 Artist: Caravaggio Period: Baroque Christ's hand gesture similar to Adam's on the Sistine Chapel ceiling.123
1278610998Judith and Her maidservant with the head of Holofernes c. 1614 Artist: Gentileschi Period: Baroque Gentileschi specialized in painted images of women triumphing over men. She was one of the first women artists we study.124
1278610999Las Meninas c. 1656 Artist: Velazquez Period: Baroque125
1278611000Marie de' Medici c. 1622-1625 Artist: Rubens Period: Baroque Inspired by Titian and Caravaggio, big fat women are known as Rubenesque women. Part of twenty-one huge paintings telling the life of Marie de' Medici126
1278611001Charles I Dismounted c. 1635 Artist: Van Dyck Period: Baroque127
1278611002Self-Portrait c. 1660 Artist: Rembrandt Period: Baroque Rembrandt did many self portraits revealing the psychological tension.128
1278611003Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp c. 1632 Artist: Rembrandt Period: Baroque129
1278611004Night Watch c. 1642 Artist: Rembrandt Period: Baroque Shows militia out on patrol,130
1278611005The Hundred Guilder Print c. 1649 Artist: Rembrandt Period: Baroque Known as The Hundred Guilder print because someone payed a 100 guilders for it.131
12786110061700-1750. Rococo Art is much more domestic than Baroque art. Depicts the lifestyle of the aristocratic. Use of pastel colors and thick flowing brushstrokes.Rococo Art132
1278611007The Return from Cythera c. 1717 Artist: Watteau Period: Rococo Light and dreamy atmospheric perspective, shows lovers leaving the island of Venus133
1278611008The Swing c. 1766 Artist: Fragonard Period: Rococo134
1278611009The Breakfast Scene from Marriage á la Mode c. 1745 Artist: Hogarth Period: English Rococo (Grand Manner) One of a series of six paintings that satirized the folly of the English aristocracy.135
1278611011Chiswick House c. 1725 Artist: Richard Boyle and William Kent Period: Neoclassical High influence from Villa Rotund: Palladio's statue is placed at far left, Palladian motif of the decorated balls on the balustrade of the main floor; Palladian low dome; main floor raised over exposed basement level; pediments over windows and doors137
1278611012Monticello c. 1770 Artist: Thomas Jefferson Period: Neoclassical Means little mountain in Italian. Inspired by Greek and roman buildings.138
1278611013Death of General Wolfe c. 1771 Artist: Benjamin West Period: Neoclassical Depicts the Battle of Quebec, 1759139
1278611014Oath of the Horatii c. 1784 Artist: David Period: Neoclassical Roman story of Roman brothers fighting other Roman brothers to the death.140
1278611015Death of Marat c. 1793 Artist: David Period: neoclassical Marat was the leader of the French Revolution. Desk is like a tombstone, People shunned David for years because of this painting141
1278611016Pauline Borghese as Venus c. 1808 Artist: Canova Period: Neoclassical Napoleon's sister posed as Venus142
1278611017The Houses of Parliament c. 1836 Artists: Barry and Pugin Period: Romantic( Neo-Gothic)143
1278611018The sleep of Reason Produces Monsters c. 1799 Artist: Goya Period: Spanish Romantic Shows that monsters haunt even the most rational mind144
1278611019Family of Charles IV c. 1800 Artist: Goya Period: Spanish Romantic Some thought that Goya was mocking the royal family. Goya painted himself in background. Two great Velazquez paintings in background.145
1278611020Third of May c. 1814 Artist: Goya Period: Spanish Romantic Execution of Spanish Rebels after a failed uprising against the French. Central Spanish figures is Christ-like with stigmata and pure white clothes.146
1278611021Saturn devouring one of his children c. 1819 Artist: Goya Period: Spanish Romantic One of his black wall paintings. Symbolic of: human self-destruction, time destroys all its creations, a country eating its young in pointless wars.147
1278611022The Raft of Medusa c. 1818 Artist: Gericault Period: French Romantic Depicts the raft of the shipwrecked vessel Medusa. Fifteen people survived by eating one another.148
1278611023Liberty leading the people c. 1830 Artist: Delacroix Period: French Romantic July revolution of 183149
1278611024The Hay Wain c. 1821 Artist: John Constable Period: English Romantic Painting the English countryside as a reaction against the industrial revolution.150
1278611025The Oxbow c. 1836 Artist: Cole Period: American Romantic Founder of the Hudson River school. painted as a reply to a British book that alleged that Americans had destroyed a wilderness with industry.151
1278611026Artists Studio c. 1837 Artist: Daguerre Period: Photography Still life inspired by vanitas paintings.152
1278611027Realism( 1848-1860s) Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (1848-1860) Impressionism(1872-1880s) Post-Impressionism(1880s-1890s) Symbolism(1890s) Art Nouveau(1890s-1914)Late Nineteenth Century Art153
1278611028Burial at Ornans c. 1849 Artist: Courbet Period: Realism154
1278611029Rue Transnonain c. 1834 Artist: Daumier Period: Realism Worker unrest, suppresed by government troops. Three generations shown: middle aged man on top of child, old man in foreground. Lithograph used to mass produce image155
1278611030Third Class Carriage c. 1862 Artist: Daumier Period: Realism Poor huddled in the third-class compartment.156
1278611031The Gleaners c. 1857 Artist: Millet Period: Realism Millet was a member of the Barbizon school of painting, painted rural towns. shows the nobility of the poor, the nobility of hard work. Seen by the public as a socialist painting.157
1278611032Luncheon on the grass c. 1863 Artist: Manet Period: Realism Manet tried to enter the French salon with this painting, however it was allowed into the Salon des Refuses. Influenced by Giorgione's The Pastoral concert.158
1278611033Olympia c. 1863 Artist: Manet Period: Realism Inspired by Titian's Venus of Urbino, figures is cold and uninviting, no emotion.159
1278611034The Gross clinic c. 1875 Artist: Thomas Eakins Period: Realism Reminiscent of Anatomy lesson of Dr. Tulp by Rembrandt. Patients mother in background in tears. Painting celebrates the advance of medical science160
1278611035The Banjo lesson c. 1893 Artist: Henry Ossawa Tanner Period: Realism tanner was a student of Eakins. Shows exchange of values from one generation to the other161
1278611036Horse Jumping c. 1878 Artist: Eadward Muybridge Period: Realism Used a device called a zoopraxiscope to show that at some point in a horses gallop both of its feet are above the ground.162
1278611037Beata Beatrix c. 1863 Artist: Rosetti Period: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood The pre-Raphaelite brotherhood was a tightly knit group of English artists who believed that Raphael caused the death of art history by introducing a dramatic form of chiaroscuro. Liked Fra Angelico and Jan van Eyck.163
1278611038Rouen Cathedral c.1894 Artist: Monet Period: Impressionism Monet painted a series of paintings of the same subject done at different times of day/days. Subtle gradations of light on surface.164
1278611039Le Moulin de la Galette c. 1876 Artist: Renoir Period: Impressionism People go about their business they do not pose.165
1278611040The Rehearsal on Stage c. 1874 Artist: Degas Period: Impressionism Degas mainly focused on ballerinas. Influence of Japanese prints in compositional elements.166
1278611041Mother and Child c. 1908 Artist: Cassatt Period: Impressionism Mother-and-child theme a specialty of Cassatt, no posing or acting, figures possess a natural charm. Decorative charm influenced by Japanese art.167
1278611042The Starry Night c. 1889 Artist: van Gogh Period: Post-Impressionism Thick short brushstrokes. Shows at one with the forces of nature. Tree looks like green flames reaching into the sky exploding with stars over a placid village. The cypress tree a traditional symbol of death and eternal life.168
1278611043Sunday afternoon on the Grand Jatte c. 1884 Artist: Seurat Period: Post-Impressionism Seurat used pointillist technique.169
1278611044A basket of Apples c. 1893 Artist: Cezanne Period: Post-Impressionism170
1278611045The Scream c. 1893 Artist: Edvard Munch Period: Symbolism Emaciated twisting stick figure with skull-like head.171
1278611046Casa Mila c. 1907 Artist: Gaudí Period: Art Nouveau Modern apartment building. Undulating twisting forms of hand-cut stone.172
1278611047The Eiffel Tower c. 1887 Artist: Eiffel Period: Late-nineteenth century architecture Eiffel helped in the construction of the statue of liberty, the panama canal. Triumph of wrought iron design. Cantilevered iron.173
1278611048Carson Pirie Scott (Chicago) c. 1899 Artist: Sullivan Period: Late Nineteenth-Century architecture Sullivan's motto is "Form follows function" influence of Art Nouveau in decorative touches. Maximum window areas to admit light.174
1278611049Burghers of Calais c. 1884 Artist: Rodin Period: Late Nineteenth Century architecture Six burghers offer their lives to the English king in return for saving their besieged city.175

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