Second half
921147266 | map | a drawing or visual representation of an area | 0 | |
921147267 | map distortion | all maps are distorted as a result of projecting a 3 dimensional surface on a 2 dimensional surface | 1 | |
921147268 | reference maps | maps used to show landforms and/or places | 2 | |
921147269 | thematic maps | maps used to display specific types of information to tell a story | 3 | |
921147270 | physical map | map that shows identifiable natural landmarks such as mountains, rivers, oceans | 4 | |
921147271 | political map | map that shows political boundaries | 5 | |
921147272 | flow line map | map that shows movement of ideas, goods, or people | 6 | |
921147273 | cartogram | maps that shows statistical data by transforming space | 7 | |
921147274 | qualitative map | map that shows patterns | 8 | |
921147275 | Compromise Projection | a way to transfer the 3 dimensional Earth onto a two dimensional map to reduce distortion | 9 | |
921147276 | Mercator Projection | map that preserves accurate compass direction, but distorts the shapes of the continents at the poles | 10 | |
921147277 | Robinson Projection | a compromise projection commonly used in textbooks an attempt to balance projection by minimizing errors | 11 | |
921147278 | Homolosine Projection | also called an interrupted map shows accurate shapes and sizes of land, but distorts compass direction | 12 | |
921147279 | Peters Projection | map with accurate area of land and water, but distorts shape | 13 | |
921147280 | Fuller Projection | map that maintains accurate size and shape of landmasses, but distorts compass direction | 14 | |
921147281 | isoline map | a contour map with continuous lines joining points of the same values | 15 | |
921147282 | choropleth map | map that uses shading or coloring to show statistical data | 16 | |
921147283 | dot density map | map that indicates a feature or occurrence, each dot represents a figure | 17 | |
921147284 | proportional symbols map | map that indicates relative magnitude of some value for a geographic region in which the symbol varies in proportion to data | 18 | |
921147285 | GIS | map created by a computer that can combine layers of spatial data | 19 | |
921147286 | GPS | satellite based global positioning system used to locate things on earth | 20 | |
921147287 | remote sensing | collecting data with instruments that are distant from the area of study | 21 | |
921147288 | perception of place | belief or understanding about a place developed through books, media, pictures | 22 | |
921147289 | mental map | image of the way a place is organized as determined by an individual's perception, impression, and knowledge of that space | 23 | |
921147290 | friction of distance | the idea that distance usually requires some amount of effort, money, and/or energy to overcome | 24 | |
921147291 | distance decay | the idea that the likelihood of interaction diminishes with increasing distance | 25 | |
921147292 | globalization | the process of increased interconnectedness among countries most notably in the areas of economics, politics, and culture | 26 | |
921147293 | time space convergence | term that refers to the greatly accelerated movement of goods, information,and ideas during the 20th century made possible by technological innovations | 27 | |
921147294 | time space compression | term that refers to the social and psychological effects of living in a world in which time space convergence has reached a high level of intensity promoting the feeling that the world is "shrinking" | 28 |