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SAT Vocabulary Flashcards

All 400 of these words have appeared on previous SAT tests. They are arranged by frequency, and thus go progressively from easy to hard. The last 100 words are truly unusual and are exactly the type of words that you should favor in the harder sentence completions.
Learning all 400 words will probably give your reading score an automatic 30-50 point boost.

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631152480indifferentlacking a preference; neutral (adj.)0
631152481apathylack of emotion or interest (n.)1
631152482obscureunclear; clouded; partially hidden (adj.)2
631152483impartialunbiased; neutral (adj.)3
631152484objectivewithout bias (adj.)4
631152485revereto worship; to honor (v.)5
631152486discriminateto differentiate; to make a clear distinction (v.)6
631152487denounceto speak out against; to condemn (v.)7
631152488innovateto introduce something new (v.)8
631152489relevantimportant (adj.)9
631152490candidhonest; frank (adj.)10
631152491discernmentinsight; ability to see things clearly (n.)11
631152492disdainarrogant scorn; contempt (n.)12
631152493abstracttheoretical; lacking substance (adj.)13
631152494temperatemild; moderate; restrained (adj.)14
631152495enigmamystery (n.)15
631152496inevitableunavoidable; bound to happen (adj.)16
631152497eccentricnot conventional; a little kooky; irregular (adj.)17
631152498provinciallimited in outlook; narrow (adj.)18
631152499futilehopeless; without effect (adj.)19
631152500diversevaried (adj.)20
631152501benevolentkind; good-hearted; generous (adj.)21
631152502piousreverent or devout (adj.)22
631152503conciliatorymaking peace; attempting to solve a dispute through goodwill (adj.)23
631152504resignationreluctant acceptance of a bad situation (n.)24
631152505resolutedetermined; firm; unwavering (adj.)25
631152506servilesubmissive and subservient; like a servant (adj.)26
631152507acutesharp; shrewd (adj.)27
631152508reticentrestrained; uncommunicative (adj.)28
631152509anarchyabsence of government or control; lawlessness; disorder (n.)29
631152510virulentextremely poisonous; malignant; full of hate (adj.)30
631152511scrutinizeto examine closely (v.)31
631152512discorddisagreement (n.)32
631152513repudiateto reject; to deny; to refuse to acknowledge (v.)33
631152514diligenthardworking (adj.)34
631152515superficialon the surface only; shallow; not thorough (adj.)35
631152516contemptreproachful disdain; the act of despising (n.)36
631152517lucidclear; easy to understand (adj.)37
631152518aestheticdealing with artistic beauty; attractive (adj.)38
631152519prodigalextravagant; wasteful (adj.)39
631152520augmentto add to; to increase; to make bigger (v.)40
631152521complacentsmug; self-satisfied; pleased with oneself; contented to a fault (adj.)41
631152522guilecunning; duplicity (adj.)42
631152523squanderto waste (v.)43
631152524incessantunceasing; never-ending (adj.)44
631152525laudableworthy of praise (adj.)45
631152526deterto prevent (v.)46
631152527redundantrepetitive; unnecessary (adj.)47
631152528infamousshamefully wicked; having an extremely bad reputation (adj.)48
631152529provocativeexciting; attracting attention (adj.)49
631152530depravitymoral corruption (n.)50
631152531gravityseriousness (n.)51
631152532banalunoriginal; ordinary (adj.)52
631152533extolto praise (v.)53
631152534euphonypleasant sound (n.)54
631152535derideto ridicule; to laugh at contemptuously (v.)55
631152536insipiddull; banal (adj.)56
631152537austereunadorned; stern; forbidding; without much money (adj.)57
631152538expediteto make faster or easier (v.)58
631152539heresyan opinion violently opposed to established beliefs (n.)59
631152540novelnew; original (adj.)60
631152541philanthropylove of mankind; donating to charity (n.)61
631152542tentativeexperimental; temporary; uncertain (adj.)62
631152543deferencesubmission to another's will; respect; courtesy (n.)63
631152544vacillateto be indecisive; to waver back and forth (v.)64
631152545fervorpassion; intensity (n.)65
631152546dispassionatewithout passion; objective; neutral (adj.)66
631152547pragmaticpractical; down to earth (adj.)67
631152548rigorousstrict; harsh; severe (adj.)68
631152549solemnserious; grave (adj.)69
631152550alleviateto lessen; to relieve, usually temporarily or incompletely (v.)70
631152551negligencecarelessness (n.)71
631152552conspicuousstanding out; obvious (adj.)72
631152553advocateto speak in favor of; to support (v.)73
631152554ascetichermitlike; practicing self-denial; one who leads a life devoid of luxuries (adj.)74
631152555profounddeep; insightful (adj.)75
631152556ironicsatiric; unexpected (adj.)76
631152557dogmaticarrogantly assertive of unproven ideas or beliefs; arrogantly claiming that something is true (adj.)77
631152558condoneto overlook; to permit to happen (v.)78
631152559dissentdisagreement (n.)79
631152560volitionwill; conscious desire (n.)80
631152561voluntarywilling; unforced (adj.)81
631152562didacticinstructive; intended to instruct (adj.)82
631152563disparatedifferent; incompatible (adj.)83
631152564disparageto belittle; to make uncomplimentary remarks (v.)84
631152565ephemeralshort-lived; fleeting (adj.)85
631152566compliantyielding; submissive (adj.)86
631152567prosaicdull; unimaginative (adj.)87
631152568profuseflowing; extravagant (adj.)88
631152569fastidiousmeticulous; demanding (adj.)89
631152570belligerentcombative; quarrelsome (adj.)90
631152571astuteperceptive; intelligent (adj.)91
631152572languishto become weak, listless, or depressed (v.)92
631152573censureto condemn severely (v.)93
631152574stagnationlack of motion; inactivity (n.)94
631152575mitigateto lessen the severity of something (v.)95
631152576reprehensibleworthy of blame or censure (adj.)96
631152577engenderto create; to produce; to cause to come into existence (v.)97
631152578exemplaryoutstanding; setting an example (adj.)98
631152579relegateto banish; to send away (v.)99
631174912anecdotea brief, entertaining story (n.)100
631174913scantyinadequate; minimal (adj.)101
631174914fallaciousfalse; misleading (adj.)102
631174915acclaimpraise; applause; admiration (n.)103
631174916uniformconsistent; unchanging; the same for everyone (adj.)104
631174917incoherentjumbled; chaotic; impossible to understand (adj.)105
631174918repressto hold down (v.)106
631174919articulatespeaking clearly and well (adj.)107
631174920solicitto ask for; to seek (v.)108
631174921reproachto scold (v.)109
631174922condescendto stoop to someone's level (usu. offensive); to patronize (v.)110
631174923orthodoxadhering to established principles or doctrines, esp. in religion; by the book (adj.)111
631174924indolencehabitual laziness (n.)112
631174925congenialagreeably suitable; pleasant (adj.)113
631174926precludeto prevent; to make impossible (v.)114
631174927apprehensiveworried; anxious (adj.)115
631174928opaquedark; unclear; impossible to see through or understand (adj.)116
631174929elaborate1. detailed; careful (adj.) 2. to speak further; expand (v.)117
631174930elusivehard to pin down; difficult to grasp; evasive (adj.)118
631174931effaceto erase; to rub away the features of (v.)119
631174932taciturndisinclined to talk; silent (adj.)120
631174933ameliorateto make better or more tolerable (v.)121
631174934acquiesceto give in; to agree (v.)122
631174935atrophyto waste away from lack of use (v.)123
631174936dubiousdoubtful; uncertain (adj.)124
631174937flagrantshocking; outstandingly bad (adj.)125
631174938concisebrief and to the point; succinct (adj.)126
631174939immutableunchangeable; permanent (adj.)127
631174940static1. stationary; not changing or moving (adj.) 2. interference (n.)128
631174941credulousbelieving; gullible (adj.)129
631174942blasphemyirreverence; an insult to something held sacred (n.)130
631174943coalesceto come together as one; to fuse (v.)131
631174944crypticmysterious; mystifying (adj.)132
631174945levitylightness; frivolity; playfulness (n.)133
631174946ambivalentundecided; uncertain (adj.)134
631174947innateexisting at birth; inborn; inherent (adj.)135
631174948sycophanta servile self-seeking flatterer; a suck-up (n.)136
631174949amiablefriendly (adj.)137
631174950esoterichard to understand; understood only by a select few; peculiar (adj.)138
631174951extraneousirrelevant; unnecessary; unimportant (adj.)139
631174952tedioustiresome; boring (adj.)140
631174953causticlike acid; corrosive; burning (adj.)141
631174954inadvertentcareless; without intention (adj.)142
631174955exhaustivethorough; complete (adj.)143
631174956incongruousnot harmonious; out of place; not consistent; incompatible (adj.)144
631174957belittleto insult (v.)145
631174958unprecedentedhappening for the first time; never seen before (adj.)146
631174959digressto go off subject (v.)147
631174960appeaseto soothe; to pacify by giving in to (v.)148
631174961frivolousnot serious; not solemn; with levity (adj.)149
631174962instigateto provoke; to stir up (v.)150
631174963sage1. wise (adj.) 2. a wise person (n.)151
631174964predecessorsomeone or something that came before another (n.)152
631174965jeopardydanger (n.)153
631174966tangibletouchable; palpable; perceptible (adj.)154
631174967indulgentlenient; yielding to desire (adj.)155
631174968remorsesadness; regret (n.)156
631174969pivotalcrucial (adj.)157
631174970scrupulousstrict; careful; ethical (adj.)158
631174971refuteto disprove; to prove to be false (v.)159
631174972respitea rest; a period of relief (n.)160
631174973stoiclacking emotion; transparent to pleasure or pain (adj.)161
631174974volatilequick to evaporate; highly unstable; explosive (adj.)162
631174975peripheralunimportant; on the edges (adj.)163
631174976hedonisticpleasure-seeking; indulgent (adj.)164
631174977idioma peculiar expression (n.)165
631174978benefactora generous donor (n.)166
631174979brevitybriefness (n.)167
631174980apocryphalof doubtful origin or authenticity; false; spurious (adj.)168
631174981virtuosoa masterful musician; someone accomplished in their field (n.)169
631174982slanderto defame; to speak maliciously and untruly of someone (v.)170
631174983animosityresentment; hostility (n.)171
631174984depleteto use up; to reduce (v.)172
631174985amityfriendship (n.)173
631174986stringentstrict; restrictive (adj.)174
631174987voluminousvery large; spacious (adj.)175
631174988auspiciousfavorable; promising; pointing to a good result (adj.)176
631174989ficklecapricious; whimsical; indecisive; erratic (adj.)177
631174990lethargysluggishness; laziness; drowsiness (n.)178
631174991hackneyedlacking in freshness or originality (adj.)179
631174992amassto accumulate (v.)180
631174993willfuldeliberate; obstinate; insistent of having one's way (adj.)181
631174994bastionstronghold; fortress; fortified place (n.)182
631174995trepidationfear; apprehension; nervous trembling (n.)183
631174996desecrateto profane a holy place; to violate the sanctity of; to treat with disrespect (v.)184
631174997fortuitousaccidentally fortunate; happening by chance (adj.)185
631174998vehementurgent; passionate; intensely emotional; powerful (adj.)186
631174999assuageto soothe; to pacify; to relieve (v.)187
631175000prodigiousextraordinary; enormous (adj.)188
631175001torporsluggishness; inactivity; apathy (n.)189
631175002furtivesecretive (adj.)190
631175003supercilioushaughty; patronizing; arrogant (adj.)191
631175004prudentcareful; having foresight (adj.)192
631175005verbosewordy; overly talkative (adj.)193
631175006pedestriancommon; ordinary; banal (adj.)194
631175007innocuousharmless; banal (adj.)195
631175008fanaticone who is extremely devoted to a cause or idea (n.)196
631175009enhanceto make better; to augment (v.)197
631175010retractto take back; to withdraw; to pull back (v.)198
631175011ambiguousunclear in meaning; confusing; vague (adj.)199
631175012paucityscarcity (n.)200
631175013rescindto repeal; to take back formally (v.)201
631175014subtlenot obvious; able to make fine distinctions; crafty (adj.)202
631175015zealousfervent; enthusiastically devoted to something (adj.)203
631175016benigngentle; not harmful (adj.)204
631175017emulateto strive to equal or excel, usually through imitation (v.)205
631175018innumerabletoo many to number or count (adj.)206
631175019meanderto wander slowly (v.)207
631175020authoritarianbossy; tyrannical (adj.)208
631175021brawnbulk; muscles (n.)209
631175022contritedeeply apologetic; remorseful (adj.)210
631175023exemplifyto serve as an example of (v.)211
631175024facilitateto make easier (v.)212
631175025hypotheticalunproven; theoretical (adj.)213
631175026recalcitrantstubbornly defiant to authority or control (adj.)214
631175027ambulatoryable to walk; walking (adj.)215
631175028diffidenttimid; lacking self-confidence (adj.)216
631175029droneto talk on and on in a dull way (v.)217
631175030gullibleoverly trusting; willing to believe anything (adj.)218
631175031marreddamaged; bruised (adj.)219
631175032nullifyto cancel (v.)220
631175033parsimonystinginess (n.)221
631175034proprietyproperness; good manners (n.)222
631175035rejuvenateto make young again (v.)223
631175036skepticaldoubting (opposite of gullible) (adj.)224
631175037tenacioustough; hard to defeat (adj.)225
631175038animatedalive; moving (adj.)226
631175039authenticreal (adj.)227
631175040biasprejudice; tendency; tilt (n.)228
631175041blithecarefree; cheerful (adj.)229
631175042deartha lack of; scarcity (n.)230
631175043divertto change the direction of; to alter the course of; to amuse (v.)231
631175044enthrallto thrill (v.)232
631175045heedto listen to; to follow, as in advice (v.)233
631175046hindrancean obstruction; an annoying interference or delay (n.)234
631175047irascibleirritable (adj.)235
631175048mergera joining (n.)236
631175049nostalgiaa sentimental longing for the past (adj.)237
631175050pretentiouspompous; self-important; showy (adj.)238
631175051saccharinesweet; excessively or disgustingly sweet (adj.)239
631175052stanzaa section of a poem; verse (n.)240
631175053venerateto revere; to treat something as holy, esp. because of great age (v.)241
631175054vilifyto say vile things about; to defame; to make into a villain (v.)242
631175055trivialunimportant; insignificant (adj.)243
631175056qualifyto state exceptions to a general statement (v.)244
631175057detrimentalharmful; working against (adj.)245
631175058sombergloomy; serious (adj.)246
631175059tersebrief; concise; to the point (adj.)247
631175060serenequiet; calm; peaceful (adj.)248
631175061reproveto criticize mildly (v.)249
631175062ruffleto disturb the smoothness of; to disturb mildly (v.)250
631175063capriciousunpredictable; likely to change at any moment (adj.)251
631175064rotundround; plump (adj.)252
631175065expungeto erase; to strike out (v.)253
631175066colorto affect, especially to influence another's opinions or beliefs to misrepresent; to distort (v.)254
631175067prevaricateto lie (v.)255
631175068morosegloomy; sullen; sad (adj.)256
631175069meticulousespecially careful; paying close attention to detail (adj.)257
631175070gluttonone who eats or consumes excessively (n.)258
631175071warycautious; unsure (adj.)259
631175072surreptitioussneaky; stealthy; secret (adj.)260
631175073tonicsomething that refreshes; a refreshing or invigorating drink (n.)261
631175074surfeitexcess; excessive amount; overeating or overdrinking (n.)262
631175075soporificsleep inducing; extremely boring (adj.)263
631175076subjugateto subdue and dominate; to enslave; to conquer (v.)264
631175077resourcefulable to deal effectively with different situations (adj.)265
631175078ratifyto approve formally or officially (v.)266
631175079stalematea stand-off; a situation where nobody wins (n.)267
631175080sporadicstopping and starting; scattered; occurring at irregular intervals (adj.)268
631175081vociferousloud; outspoken; marked by vehement and insistent outcry (adj.)269
631175082superfluousextra; unnecessary (adj.)270
631175083spuriousfalse; fake; forged; deceitful in nature or quality (adj.)271
631175084waywardgoing one's own way; erratic; unpredictable; ungovernable (adj.)272
631175085slightan insult (n.)273
631175086affectationartificial behavior (usually intended to impress) (n.)274
631175087inhibitto hold back; to restrain (v.)275
631175088stolidemotionless (adj.)276
631175089wearytired; exhausted (adj.)277
631175090triteunoriginal; overused (adj.)278
631175091stupormental confusion (n.)279
631175092mosaica detailed pattern made from many different tiles of pieces (n.)280
631175093proseordinary speech or writing (not poetry) (n.)281
631175094sullensulky; in a bad mood (adj.)282
631175095tiradea long, angry speech (n.)283
631175096rebuffto reject; to snub; to refuse abruptly (v.)284
631175097pompousarrogant; cocky; showy (adj.)285
631175098profanenot having to do with religion; irreligious; unholy; disrespectful (adj.)286
631175099troupea company of actors, singers, or dancers (n.)287
631175100virtuoushonest; moral; ethical (adj.)288
631175101jovialhappy; in good spirits; jolly (adj.)289
631175102vestigethe remains of something that no longer exists (n.)290
631175103prudishoverly concerned with being modest or proper (adj.)291
631175104vindictiverevengeful (adj.)292
631175105salutarybeneficial; wholesome (adj.)293
631175106renounceto resign; to disown; to give up formally; to reject (v.)294
631175107hyperbolean exaggeration (n.)295
631175108paradigma good model or example (n.)296
631175109proliferateto spread rapidly (v.)297
631175110stymieto get in the way of; to hinder (v.)298
631175111extricateto free from difficulty; to remove something entangled; to untangle (v.)299
631175112synergya combined effect greater than the individual parts (n.)300
631175113skullduggerydishonest actions; cheating; unscrupulous behavior (n.)301
631175114juggernauta massive, unstoppable force crushing everything in its path (n.)302
631175115maverickan independent person who resists conformity (n.)303
631175116altruista selfless person who looks out for the welfare of others (n.)304
631175117disabuseto free from error, fallacy, or misconception (v.)305
631175118scintillatingbrilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty (adj.)306
631175119vimrobust energy and enthusiasm (n.)307
631175120conundruma puzzle or problem without a solution (n.)308
631175121debunkto expose the sham, falseness or nonsense of (v.)309
631175122jingoista belligerent, chauvinistic patriot; a warmonger (n.)310
631175123cajoleto persuade someone (especially with flattery) to do something he is reluctant to do; to coax (v.)311
631175124calumnya slanderous statement made with the intent of hurting another's reputation; a malicious rumor (n.)312
631175125stratifyto divide into a series of classes or layers (v.)313
631175126stigmaa mark of shame or discredit; a stain or curse (n.)314
631175127stipenda periodic payment, such as a scholarship or other allowance (n.)315
631175128mawkishoverly sentimental (adj.)316
631175129miserone who is extremely stingy with money (n.)317
631175130byzantineintricately involved; extremely complex (adj.)318
631175131precociousadvanced or mature, especially for one's age (adj.)319
631175132ineffableincapable of being expressed in words; indescribable (adj.)320
631175133ineluctableunavoidable; impossible to overcome; inevitable (adj.)321
631175134ossifyto harden or become bonelike; to make rigid and opposed to change (v.)322
631175135mirthgladness or gaiety marked by laughter (n.)323
631175136plunderto take by force; to loot; to ransack (v.)324
631175137poignantpainfully emotional; extremely moving; sharp or astute (adj.)325
631175138enervateto gradually reduce the strength or force of (v.)326
631175139destituteextremely poor; utterly lacking (adj.)327
631175140ennuiweariness and dissatisfaction; boredom (n.)328
631175141galvanizeto startle into sudden activity; to revitalize (v.)329
631175142cacophonya harsh-sounding mixture of words, voices, or sounds (n.)330
631175143balkto abruptly refuse; to stop short (v.)331
631175144banea source of harm or ruin; a curse (n.)332
631175145despota ruler with absolute power and authority; a tyrant (n.)333
631175146empiricalbased on observation or experience; not merely theoretical (adj.)334
631175147androgynousshowing characteristics reminiscent of both man and woman (adj.)335
631175148histrionicoverly dramatic; theatrical (adj.)336
631175149feralnot domesticated or cultivated; wild, uncontrollable; brutal (adj.)337
631175150munificentvery generous; lavish (adj.)338
631175151misnomeran incorrect naming of something (n.)339
631175152anachronismsomething misplaced in time or history; an incongruity (n.)340
631175153obstreperousuncontrollably aggressive; defiant, boisterous (adj.)341
631175154ostracizeto exclude from a group; to shun (v.)342
631175155peccadilloa minor fault (n.)343
631175156perfunctorymundane; routine; showing little care; mechanical (adj.)344
631175157quiescentmotionless; at rest; still (adj.)345
631175158inveteratedeep-rooted and persisting; firmly established; habitual (adj.)346
631175159rancorintense ill-will; bitter resentment (n.)347
631175160sacrosanctsacred; treated as if holy; inviolable (adj.)348
631175161ubiquitousconstantly encountered; widespread (adj.)349
631175162vignettea small, decorative design or drawing; a short literary sketch; a brief but expressive scene (n.)350
631175163iconoclastone who attacks cherished institutions or beliefs (n.)351
631175164dilettantesomeone having superficial knowledge of the arts; an amateur; a dabbler (n.)352
631175165archetypean original model or pattern; a perfect example (n.)353
631175166mercurialhaving an unpredictable emotional state or rapidly changing mood (adj.)354
631175167sanguinecheerful; optimistic (adj.)355
631175168effronteryshameless boldness (n.)356
631175169saturninemoody and morose; gloomy (adj.)357
631175170panaceaa remedy for all ills and difficulties; a universal cure (n.)358
631175171lionizeto praise excessively; to idolize (v.)359
631175172zeniththe highest point attained (n.)360
631175173heterogeneousconsisting of diverse ingredients; mixed (adj.)361
631175174gregarioussociable; enjoying the company of others (adj.)362
631175175effusivemarked by an excessive display of feelings or emotions (adj.)363
631175176serendipityaccidental good fortune (n.)364
631175177idiosyncrasya peculiarity; an eccentricity (n.)365
631175178perfidiousdisloyal; treacherous (adj.)366
631175179odiousdeserving hatred (adj.)367
631175180alacritycheerful willingness; promptness in response (n.)368
631175181watersheda crucial event; a turning point (n.)369
631175182luminarysomething emitting light; a person widely renowned and respected in his field (n.)370
631175183corroborateto confirm or substantiate; to increase in certainty (v.)371
631175184eulogya spoken or written tribute (usually for the deceased) (n.)372
631175185gaffea social blunder; an embarrassing mistake (n.)373
631175186imminentlikely to happen at any time; impending (adj.)374
631175187redoubtableinspiring wonder or awe; worthy of respect (adj.)375
631175188redressto remedy; to make amends for (v.)376
631175189remissionrelief from suffering; disappearance of a disease (n.)377
631175190unfetteredfree; unrestrained (adj.)378
631175191onusa burden or responsibility (n.)379
631175192latitudefreedom of action or choice (n.)380
631175193eruditescholarly; deeply learned (adj.)381
631175194joculargiven to jesting; playful; witty (adj.)382
631175195jettisonto get rid of; to discard (v.)383
631175196seminalcreative; original; contributing to later development (adj.)384
631175197husbandrycareful control or judicious use of resources; conservation (n.)385
631175198marshalto arrange in order; to gather together for the purpose of doing something (v.)386
631175199xenophobesomeone who fears or despises foreigners (n.)387
631175200waxto increase in size, numbers, strength, prosperity, or intensity (v.)388
631175201waneto decrease in size, extent, or degree; to dwindle; to fade away (v.)389
631175202visceraldeeply felt; instinctive; based on emotion (adj.)390
631175203viscousthick; gluey; sticky (adj.)391
631175204toutto praise highly; to brag publicly about (v.)392
631175205sybaritea person deeply fond of pleasure or luxury (n.)393
631175206sylvanrelated to the woods or forest (adj.)394
631175207systemicaffecting the entire system, especially the entire body (adj.)395
631175208proteanable to change shape; displaying great variety (adj.)396
631175209proponenta supporter; an advocate (n.)397
631175210propensityan intense natural inclination or preference; leaning (n.)398
631175211modicuma small portion; a limited quantity (n.)399

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Need Notes?

While we strive to provide the most comprehensive notes for as many high school textbooks as possible, there are certainly going to be some that we miss. Drop us a note and let us know which textbooks you need. Be sure to include which edition of the textbook you are using! If we see enough demand, we'll do whatever we can to get those notes up on the site for you!