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Psychology Consciousness Test Flashcards

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3294714340Consciousness___________, also defined as awareness or wakefulness, is the state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.0
3294714341Conscious preconscious unconsciousFreud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness: the _______, ________, and ________. Each of these levels corresponds and overlaps with Freud's ideas of the id, ego and superego1
3294714342ConsciousThe _________ level consists of all those things we are aware of, including things which we know about ourselves and our surroundings.2
3294714343PreconsciousThe _________ consists of those things which we could pay conscious attention to if we so desired, and where many memories are stored for easy retrieval.3
3294714344UnconsciousThe __________ consists of those things which are outside of conscious awareness, including many memories, thoughts, and urges of which we are not aware.4
3294714345Perception__________ is the process by which the mind selects, organizes, and interprets sensations.5
3294714346Subliminal messageA ____________ is a signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception.6
3294714347Hypnosis___________ is a trancelike state, artificially induced, in which a person has heightened suggestibility, and in which suppressed memories may be experienced.7
3294714348Arousal contentConsciousness is often described using two distinct dimensions: ________ and _______.8
3294714349Delta alpha theta betaThe four types of brain waves each correspond with one mental state: •Deep sleep - _______ •Twilight (drifting off to sleep) - ______ •light sleep - ______ •alert - ______9
329471435018 10-11 8.5 9.25 7 9Children need more sleep per day in order to develop and function properly: up to __ hours for newborn babies, with a declining rate as a child ages. Studies show that school age children need about ______ hours of sleep, adolescents need between ___ and _____, and adults generally between __ and __ hours.10
3294714351Circadian Rhythms___________ are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that respond to light and darkness and are important in determining human sleep patterns.11
3294714352non-REM sleep 10After the sleeper falls asleep, he or she enters into what is known as Stage 1 of _________. Stage 1 is the period when we "drift off". It lasts around __ minutes, and the sleeper is still easily awakened and might even deny having slept.12
3294714353non-REM sleep 45-55Stage 2 of _________ occupies _____% of total sleep in adults.13
3294714354non-REM sleep 30 45Stage 3 _________ is the beginning of deep sleep, occurring about __ to __ minutes after you first fall asleep.14
3294714355REM sleep 20-25 90_________ is the stage of sleep during which most brain activity and dreams occur, characterized by rapid eye movement. It accounts for _______% of total sleep time in most human adults. An adult reaches it approximately every __ minutes, with the latter half of sleep being more dominated by this stage.15
3294714356DyssomniaA _________ is any sleep disorder featuring an abnormality in the amount, quality, and timing of sleep.16
3294714357ParasomniaA _________ is a sleep disorder marked by irregular behavior or physiological occurrences happening during sleep or the transitional period between waking and sleeping.17
3294714358Insomnia________ is the failure to get enough sleep at night in order to feel rested the next day. This is a type of Dyssomnia.18
3294714359Sleep apnea________ is a disorder in which a person has trouble breathing while sleeping. This is a type of Dyssomnia.19
3294714360Narcolepsy________ is a condition characterized by suddenly falling asleep or feeling very sleepy during the day. This is a type of Dyssomnia.20
3294714361Sleep walking________ is where a person will get up and walk during the early hours of sleep. This is a type of Parasomnia.21
3294714362Sleep talking________ is a particularly common sleep disorder. It can be one word, long speeches, or even an entire conversation. This is a type of Parasomnia.22
3294714363Night terrors________ are characterized by a sudden arousal from deep sleep with a scream or cry, accompanied by some behavioral manifestations of intense fear. This is a type of Parasomnia.23
3294714364Freud_______'s theory centered around the notion of repressed longing — the idea that dreaming allows us to sort through unresolved, repressed ________.24
3294714365Threat-simulation__________ theory suggests that dreaming should be seen as an ancient biological defense mechanism.25
3294714366Expectation fulfillment__________ theory posits that dreaming serves to discharge emotional arousals (however minor) that haven't been expressed during the day.26
3294714367Activation-synthesisThe __________ theory which states that dreams don't actually mean anything.27
3294714368Continual-activationThe __________ theory of dreaming proposes that dreaming is a result of brain activation and synthesis.28
3294714369Depressants__________ cause the body to relax by increasing the neurotransmitter GABA, which decreases neuronal excitability.29
3294714370Alcohol_______: Though initially a stimulant, alcohol ultimately depresses the brain, resulting in relaxation and impaired judgment. This is a type of Depressant.30
3294714371Barbiturates_________: They are effective as anxiolytics, hypnotics, and anticonvulsants, and also have an analgesic (painkiller) effect. This is a type of Depressant.31
3294714372Benzodiazepines__________: They enhance the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABAA receptor, resulting in sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties. This is a type of Depressant.32
3294714373Cannabinoids__________: Although Cannabis or Marijuana is often considered either in its own unique category or as a mild psychedelic, the drug — notably the chemical compound Cannabidiol it contains — nevertheless has many depressant effects such as muscle relaxation, sedation, decreased alertness, and tiredness. This is a type of Depressant.33
3294714374Opioids________: They are any psychoactive chemical that resembles morphine or other opiates in its pharmacological effects. This is a type of Depressant.34
3294714375Stimulants_________ induce temporary improvements in mental and/or physical functions, and are commonly used as prescription or recreational drugs.35
3294714376Amphetamines____________ are a group of stimulants that increase the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain through reuptake inhibition — meaning they block these neurotransmitters from being reabsorbed back into the neural networks. This is a type of Stimulant.36
3294714377MDMA_______, known by its common street name "Ecstasy," had a medical application as a treatment for depression and a psychotherapy aid until 1985, when it became a controlled substance. This is a type of Stimulant & Hallucinogen.37
3294714378Cocaine________ is made from the leaves of the coca shrub, which grows in the mountain regions of South America. Most of its use is recreational and its abuse potential is high, and so its sale and possession are strictly controlled in most jurisdictions. This is a type of Stimulant.38
3294714379Caffeine________ is a drug that is found naturally in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and cocoa. It stimulates the body, increases heart rate and blood pressure, and facilitates alertness and concentration. This is a type of Stimulant.39
3294714380NicotineIn very low concentrations, ________ also acts as a stimulant, and it is one of the main factors responsible for the dependence-forming properties of tobacco smoking. This is a type of Stimulant.40
3294714381Narcotics_________ are any class of substances or drugs, that reduces pain, induces sleep and may alter mood or behavior.41
3294714382Hallucinogens_________ are drugs that alter sensory input to the brain. This creates an altered sense of reality, as well as a change in emotions and thought patterns.42
3294714383Psychedelics___________ are distinguished from the other two subclasses by their lack of addictive qualities, and the remarkable experiences one may experience under their influence. This is a subclass of Hallucinogens.43
3294714384Dissociatives____________ are a subclass of hallucinogens that work by blocking or altering sensory perception (including senses that are perceived by the unconscious mind), creating a feeling of disconnection and depersonalization from one's body and reality in general.44
3294714385Deliriants__________ are very similar to dissociatives, and are considered to be true hallucinogens because the visuals they produce are hard or impossible to tell apart from reality. This is a subclass of Hallucinogens.45
3294714386PCP___ (or Angel Dust) prevents the actions normally caused when a neurotransmitter called glutamate is able to attach to its receptor in the brain. This is a type of Hallucinogen.46
3294714387LSD____ blocks serotonin from the brain which regulates mood, perception, muscle contraction, and other cognitive functions. It blocks serotonin because it is, structurally, similar to serotonin. This is a type of Hallucinogen.47
3298384682Chronobiology_________ is the study of the effects of time on biological systems, especially the effects of periodicity.48
3298391516Circadian_________ is of, or relating to, or showing rhythmic behavior with a period of 24 hours; especially of a biological process.49
3298405541Dissociation__________ is a state of consciousness in which certain thoughts or mental processes are compartmentalized; this is often an unconscious defense mechanism hat seeks to avoid emotional stress to the conscious mind.50
3298416428Entrainment__________ is the alignment of an organism's circadian rhythm to that of an external rhythm in its environment.51
3298427389Latent_______ means existing or present but concealed or inactive.52
3298429806Manifest_________ means obvious to understanding; apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not obscure or hidden.53
3298435276Mantra__________ is a sound, word, or phrase repeated to assist concentration during meditation, originally in Hinduism.54
3298441068Meditation_________ is a practice in which an individual trains the mind and/or induces a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit, although it can be argued that it is a goal in and of itself a devotional exercise of, or leading to contemplation.55
3298453734Polysomnography___________ is a multiparameter technique which documents multiple different psychological procedures during the night, for the purpose of diagnosing sleep-related disorders.56
3298463661Subliminal perception__________ is perception that is below he threshold of consciousness.57
3298466219TranceA _________ is a state of concentration, awareness and/or focus that filters information and experience; e.g. meditation, possession, etc.58

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