Chapter 3 Study Questions using the American Pageant 13th Edition textbook. For eleventh grade Advanced Placement United States History. Vidalia High School.
883978626 | What factors united the English colonies? | A common language and an allegiance to their home country, England. (Pg: 43) | 0 | |
883978627 | Briefly describe Calvin's belief in predestination. (Use correct terminology) | God chose the people that would go to heaven (the elect) and those who would go to hell. Nothing could change this. (Pg: 43) | 1 | |
883978628 | What was conversion? | The receipt of God's free gift of saving grace. (Pg:44) | 2 | |
883978629 | Why was the king of England so worried about Separatists' beliefs? | Because he thought that if they would go against him being their spiritual leader, they may also defy him being their political leader. (Pg: 44) | 3 | |
883978630 | How did the Pilgrims end up in Plymouth Bay? | By having preliminary surveys of where they would land. (Pg: 44) | 4 | |
883978631 | Why did the Pilgrims feel the need to write the Mayflower Compact? Why is this document so important to American history? | Because they wanted a written agreement to form a sort of government. It was a step towards self-government (a vital attribute of liberty) which is why it is so important to American history. (Pg: 44) | 5 | |
883978632 | Why did Puritans bring their charter with them to the Massachusetts Bay colony? | Because they were a small unimportant group and they needed larger support. (Pg: 45) | 6 | |
883978633 | What was the 'Great Migration'? | It was during the 1630s. It was when about 70,000 refugees left England and came to Massachusetts and the West Indies. (Pg: 46) | 7 | |
883978634 | What did the Puritans mean by 'We shall be as a city upon a hill'? | They meant that (they believed) they had a covenant with God and that they would build a holy city as a model for the rest of mankind. (Pg: 46) | 8 | |
883978635 | How was the government of Massachusetts liberal for its time and yet not democratic? | Because they had elections, but not everyone could vote, only adult males who were church members. They had a type of provincial government, but since it wasn't completely free (with non-church members still having to pay taxes to the Church and not everyone being able to take part in the government) it wasn't a democracy yet. (Pg: 46-47) | 9 | |
883978636 | Why is Massachusetts Bay referred to as the "Bible Commonwealth"? | Because of the tremendous influence that the religious leaders had there. (Pg: 47) | 10 | |
883978637 | Why didn;t clergymen serve as governors of Massachusetts Bay? | Because the people didn't want there to be a strong union between church and state since it had caused problems in England. (Pg: 47) | 11 | |
883978638 | What activities did Puritans participate in that most people today are unaware of? | The Puritans 'ate plentifully, drank heartily, sang songs occasionally, and made love monogamously'. (Pg: 47) | 12 | |
883978639 | How did the ideas of Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams threaten the Puritan leaders of Massachusetts Bay? | They went against what the traditional views of the Puritans church were and did not coincide with what they were trying to instill. They caused some unrest and uproar and were seen as 'heresy'. (Pg: 47-48) | 13 | |
883978640 | Explain the statement that Rhode Island is 'the traditional home of the otherwise minded'. | People who didn't necessarily agree with the views of the majority of society lived in Rhode Island. Since they had different views than most people, Rhode Island became known as 'the traditional home of the otherwise minded'. (Pg: 48) | 14 | |
883978641 | Although the ends were similar, how was the Pequot War different from King Philip's War? | In the Pequot War, Puritans attacked Indian villages and in King Philip's War, Indians attacked Puritans villages. (Pg: 52) | 15 | |
883978642 | What was the purpose and the significance of the New England Confederation? | The purpose of the New England Confederation was for protection against enemies and potential enemies (esp. Indians, French, and Dutch). The significance was that it was part of the beginning steps towards the unity of the colonies. (Pg: 52) | 16 | |
883978643 | How did Charles II take an active role in colonial affairs? | He gave Connecticut a sea-to-sea charter that would legalize the squatter settlements. He also gave a charter to Rhode Island and took away Bay Colony's charter in 1654. (Pg: 53) | 17 | |
883978644 | What was the Dominion of New England and what was its purpose? | It was a dominion created by the royal authority of England. Its purpose was the promote the need for efficiency in the English Navigation Law's administration. (Pg: 53) | 18 | |
883978645 | Why were the colonists outraged at Edmund Andros? | Because he was openly affiliated with the Church of England and he had noisy and terrible soldiers. (Pg: 54) | 19 | |
883978646 | How did the Glorious Revolution in England affect the colonies? | During it, the Dominion of New England collapsed. It caused a crazy revolution of sorts. (Pg: 54) | 20 | |
883978647 | For what purpose did the Dutch settle New Netherlands? | To gain riches and by the Dutch- West India Company for its fur trade. (Pg: 56) | 21 | |
883978648 | How did New Netherlands become New York? | Charles II granted the land to his brother, the Duke of York. (Pg:57) | 22 | |
883978649 | For what purpose was Pennsylvania settled? | For religious toleration for Quakers. (Pg: 59) | 23 | |
883978650 | How did Penn try to create an experiment in liberal government in Pennsylvania? | He advertised a lot. He also welcomed many good citizens and hard-working people. Also, he implemented a liberal land policy which encouraged substantial holdings. (pg: 59) | 24 | |
883978651 | What are the common characteristics of the Middle Colonies? | They had fertile soil, expansive land, rivers that were vital, and a surprising amount of industry. (Pg: 62) | 25 | |
883978652 | Why did Pennsylvania not succeed in its benevolent treatment of Indians? | Because the more people that moved in, the more people opposed this treatment. (Pg: 60) | 26 | |
883978653 | Why are the Middle Colonies considered the 'most American part of America'? | Because they were more ethnically diverse than other colonies, had religious toleration, democratic control, and land was easier to obtain. (Pg: 62) | 27 |