4993737848 | Achille's Heel | One spot that is most vulnerable; one weakness a person may have. Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel. | 0 | |
4995557281 | Adonis | extremely handsome young man | 1 | |
4995558238 | Aeolian | anything pertaining to wind; the god who was the keeper of the wind | 2 | |
4995564020 | Apollo | A physically perfect male; the God of music and sun; known for his physical beauty | 3 | |
4995566616 | Argus-eyed | omniscient, all-seeing; from Argus, the 100-eyed monster that Hera had guarding Io | 4 | |
4995568869 | Athena/Minerva | Goddess of wisdom, the city and the arts; patron goddess of Athens | 5 | |
4995571104 | Atlantean | strong like Atlas -who carried the globe (world) on his shoulders | 6 | |
4995575079 | Aurora | early morning or sunrise, from the Roman personification of Dawn | 7 | |
4995580829 | Bacchanal | wild, drunken party or rowdy celebration; from God of wine Bacchus or Dionysus | 8 | |
4995585267 | Bacchanalian | pertaining to a wild, drunken party or celebration | 9 | |
4995587851 | Calliope | series of whistles; circus organ; from the Muse of eloquence or beautiful voice | 10 | |
4995589799 | Cassandra | A person who continually predicts misfortune but is not often believed | 11 | |
4995594229 | Centaur | a monster that had the head, arms, and chest of a man, and the body and legs of a horse | 12 | |
4995595801 | Chimera | a horrible creature of the imagination, an absurd or impossible idea, wild fancy; a monster with a lion's head, a goat's body and a serpent's tail, supposed to breathe fire out | 13 | |
4995601229 | Cupidity | eager or desire to posses something, greed or avarice, Roman god of love (Eros in Greek) | 14 | |
4995603087 | Erotic | of or having to do with sexual passion or love | 15 | |
4995604312 | Furor | (Latin to rage) wild enthusiasm or excitement, rage, fury; "run like fury", any one of the three furies | 16 | |
4995608475 | Gorgon | a very ugly or terrible person, especially a repulsive woman, Medusa, any one or three sisters have snakes for hair and faces so horrible that anyone who looked at them turned into stone | 17 | |
4995612619 | Halcyon | calm, peaceful, tranquil-- Archaic bird supposed to breed in a nest on the sea and calm the water, identified with the kingfisher | 18 | |
4995867621 | Harpy | a predatory person or nagging woman. from harpy, a foul creature who was part woman, part bird | 19 | |
4995870133 | Hector | to bully; from Hector, the son of Priam, and the bravest Trojan warrior | 20 | |
4995872745 | Helen of Troy | Hellenistic | 21 | |
4995873928 | Herculean | very strong or of extraordinary power from Hercules | 22 | |
4995875511 | Hydra-Headed | having many centers or branches, hard to bring under control, something bad you cannot erdaciate | 23 | |
4995875512 | Iridescent | a play of colors producing rainbow effects | 24 | |
4995875513 | Jovial | good humored, from the word Jove, used to express surprise or agreement | 25 | |
4995877307 | Junoesque | marked by stately beauty; comes from the word Juno. the wife of Jupiter, the goddess of light, birth, women, and marriage | 26 | |
4995877308 | Lethargy | abnormal drowsiness or inertia; from the word Lethe, a river in Hades that caused drinkers to forget their past | 27 | |
4995879466 | Martial | suited fro war or a warrior, from Mars, the Roman god of war | 28 | |
4996288797 | Madea | sorceress or echantress | 29 | |
4996288798 | Mentor | a trusted guide or counselor | 30 | |
4996288799 | Mercurial | Quickly and unpredictable changing moods; fickle, flighty | 31 | |
4996290024 | Mercury/Hermes | a carrier of tidings, a newsboy, a messenger; messenger of the gods, conductor of souls to the lower world, and god of eloquence , the fabled inventor, wore a winged a hat and shoes | 32 | |
4996290025 | Mnemonics | memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices | 33 | |
4996291214 | Morphine | a bitter white, crystalline alkaloid used to relieve pain and induce sleep | 34 | |
4996291215 | Muse | some creature of inspiration, divine singers that presided over the thought in all its forms | 35 | |
4996291216 | Narcissism | Being in love with their own self-image. Named for Narcissus a handsome young man who despised love. Echo, a nymph, who falls in love with him was rejected and decreed "let he who loves not others love himself" Hearing this he fell in love with his image while gazing in a pond and drowned himself trying to capture it | 36 | |
4996292032 | Nemesis | just punishment, one who inflicts due punishment; goddess who punishes crime, but more often she is the power charged with curbing excess, such as excessive good fortune or arrogant or pride | 37 | |
4996292033 | Neptune | the sea personified; the Roman God associated with Poseidon, the god of the water and ocean | 38 | |
4996292034 | Niobe | Mournful woman from Niobe whose children were slain by Apollo and Artemis because of her bragging; the gods pitied her and turned her into a rock that was always wet from weeping | 39 | |
4996292753 | Odyssey | a long journey named Odysseus, the character in the story by Homer, Odysseus makes his long journey back from Trojan War, encountering several obstacles along the way | 40 | |
4996292754 | Olympian | majestic in manner, superior to mundane affairs; any participant in the ancient or modern Olympic games, named after 12 gods that were supposed to reside on Mt. olympus | 41 | |
4996292755 | Paean | a song of joy; a ritual epithet of Apollo the healer. In homeric poem, an independent god of healing named Paean, who take care of Hades when he was wounded | 42 | |
4996293775 | Pandora's Box | Something that opens the door for bad occurrences open by someone known for curiosity names for Pandora who was the first mortal sent by the Zeus to punish man for Prometheus after fire for her curiosity and opening the box Zeus gave her all human ills in the world leaving only hope at the bottom | 43 | |
4996293776 | Parnassus | Mountain was sacred to the arts and literature and the Center of poetic or artistic activity poetry or poets collectively a common title for selection of poetry named after the hero of Mount Parnassus the son of Poseidon and then he founded the Oracle of python which was later occupied by Apollo | 44 | |
4996294583 | Pegasus | Poetic inspiration named after a winged horse which sprang from the blood of Medusa at her death; a stamp of his hoof caused Hippocrene, the Fountain of the muses, to issue poetic inspiration from Mount Helicon | 45 | |
4996294584 | Phoneix | A symbol of immortality or rebirth named after the Egyptian mythology Phoenix; a long bird which lived in the Arabian Desert and then consumed itself in fire, rising renewed from the flame to start another long life | 46 | |
4996295802 | Plutocracy | a government by the wealthy; named after Pluton, the "Rich Man" a ritual title of Hades. He was originally the god of the fields because the ground was the source of all wealth, ores, and jewels | 47 | |
4996295803 | Promethean | life-bringing, creative, or courageously original, named after the Titan who brought man the use of fire which he had stolen from heaven for their benefit | 48 | |
4996295804 | Protean | taking many forms, versatile, named after proteus, a god of the sea, charged with tending the flocks of the sea creature belonging to Poseidon. | 49 | |
4996296625 | Psyche | the human soul, the mind, named after Psyche, a maiden who, after undergoing many hardships due to Aphrodite's jealousy, reunited with Cupid and was made immortal by Jupiter, she personifies the soul joined to the heart of love | 50 | |
4996296626 | Pygmalion | someone (usually a male) who tries to fashion someone into the person he desires | 51 | |
4996298405 | Pyrrhic Victory | a too costly victory; named after a Greek king who defeated the romans but suffered extremely heavy losses in the fight | 52 | |
4996298406 | Saturnalia | a period of unrestrained revelry | 53 | |
4996299258 | Saturine | sluggish, gloomy, morose, inactive in winter months | 54 | |
4996299259 | Sibyl | a witch or sorceress; a priestess who made known the oracles of Apollo and possessed the gift of prophecy | 55 | |
4996301339 | Sisyphean | greedy and avaricious; from the shrewd and greedy king of Corinth who was doomed forever in Hades to roll uphill a heavy stone, which always rolled down again | 56 | |
4996301340 | Stentorian | having a loud voice, named after a character in the Iliad who could shout as loudly as 50 men | 57 | |
4996301352 | Stygian | Dark and gloomy named after the River Styx a river in the Underworld the water is poisonous for human and cattle and said to break iron metal and pottery though it is said a horse's hoof is an unarmed by it | 58 | |
4996585413 | Tantalize | (v.) to tease, torment by teasing | 59 | |
4996303150 | Terpsichorean | pertaining to dance, one of the muses, said to be the mother of the sirens, and protector of dance | 60 | |
4996303151 | Titanic | large, grand, enormous, | 61 | |
4996303152 | Volcanoes | originated from Vulcan, roman god of fire, whose forge is said yo be under the mountains | 62 | |
4996303891 | Vulcanize | to treat rubber with sulfur to increase strength and elasticity | 63 | |
4996312889 | Zeus | a powerful man, king of the gods, ruler of Mt. Olymus, vengeful hurler of thunderbolts | 64 | |
4996623546 | Absolom | A son who brings heartache to his father from the third son of David king of Israel exiled for three years before he was allowed to return to the court or see his Royal father Absalom plotted to cause a rebellion against his father to overtake the kingdom because he heard Solomon was to succeed David. When Absalom was killed in battle King David grieved for his son in the spite of his treachery against | 65 | |
4996624637 | Alpha and Omega | the beginning and the end | 66 | |
4996624638 | Cain | a brother who kills a brother | 67 | |
4996626411 | Daniel | One known for wisdom and accurate judgement from a wise leader in the Old Testament who was able to read the handwriting on the wall | 68 | |
4996627507 | David and Bathsheba | Represents a big scene from King David affair with Bathsheba the wife of Uriah after they had an affair and she became pregnant David had her husband Uriah put on the front lines of battle so he would die. The "Bathsheba Affair" formed a critical turning point in King David's life. Prior to this he had prospered greatly but afterward his personal fortunes were greatly diminished Nathan the prophet confronted David after he took Bathsheba for his wife and trapped him into admitting his own guilt | 69 | |
4996627508 | Eye of the needle | A very difficult task from famous narrow gateway called the needle. is the New Testament Jesus said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven | 70 | |
4996627509 | Flithy Lucre | Money or profits from a story in the New Testament of Jesus casting money lenders out of the Temple | 71 | |
4996628870 | Goliath | A large person from the Giant from the Philistine city of Gath slain by David when he was a Shepherd boy | 72 | |
4996629634 | Good Samritan | Someone who helps another person perhaps someone of A different race or background from a new testament parable about a Samaritan a traditional enemy of the Hebrews, who stopped to help a Jewish man who had been beaten and left for dead at the side of the road | 73 | |
4996632176 | Handwriting on the wall | What the future holds from the Old Testament story of Daniel who was able to accurately predict some mysterious writing that appeared on a wall it predicted the imminent death of the king | 74 | |
4996632177 | Ishmael | One who was cast out as being unworthy the son of Abraham and his handmaiden Hagar he was cast out into the desert when his wife Sarah had their son Isaac therefore said to be the ancestor of the nomadic desert tribes of Arabs | 75 | |
4996632973 | Jacob | Grandson of Abraham son of Isaac and Rebekah brother of Esau and the traditional ancestor of Israelites his name was changed to Israel and his 12 sons became the 12 tribes of Israel | 76 | |
4996632974 | Job | One who suffers a great deal but remains faithful from an Old Testament character whose faith in God was tested by Satan though he lost his family and belongings he remain patient and faithful | 77 | |
4996633764 | Job's comforters | "friends" who try to help by bringing blame | 78 | |
4996633765 | Jonah | One who brings bad luck, An old testament prophet who ran from god. When a storm arose, he admitted that he was the cause, and the sailors threw him overboard, where he was swallowed by a big fish. | 79 | |
4996633766 | Judas | a traitor or a treacherous kiss; the Apostle who betrayed Jesus and turned him into the Roman guards for 30 pieces of silver; his surname means murderer or assasin | 80 | |
4996635360 | King Ahab and Jezabel | an evil king and his evil wife, Jezabel introduced the worship of Baal, an idol. Jezebel means a brazen or forward woman | 81 | |
4996635361 | Manna | a sustaining life-giving source or food; from the sweetish bread like food that fell from heaven for the Israelites as they went to the Promise Land | 82 | |
4996638358 | Original Sin/The Fall | The idea that all men are innately simple as a result of Adam and Eve's fall from the state of Innocence when they ate the forbidden fruit they were cast out of the biblical Garden of Eden | 83 | |
4996639219 | Pearl of Great Price | Something so precious that one would devote everything to or give up everything for it in one of Jesus Parables the Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a pearl of great price or value found by a merchant | 84 | |
4996639220 | Philistine | A person indifferent or hostile to the Arts and refinement from seagoing people from Crete who became enemies of the Israelites and fought over their lands | 85 | |
4996655512 | Prodigal Son | a wasteful son who disappoints his father | 86 | |
4996656925 | Ruth and Naomi | paragons of love between in laws, faithful friends | 87 | |
4996658481 | Samson and Delilah | Treacherous love story | 88 | |
4996658482 | Scapegoat | one that is made an object of blame for others | 89 | |
4996659415 | Sepulcher | tomb in the old testament | 90 | |
4996659416 | Sodom and Gomorrah | any place associated with wickedness and sin; from the evil cities of the Old Testament that were destroyed by fire | 91 | |
4996660340 | Solomon | an extremely wise person | 92 | |
4996661597 | Twelve Tribes of Isreal | According to the Old Testament the Hebrew people took possession of the promised land of Canaan after the death of Moses and name the tribes after the sons and grandsons of Jacob: Reuben Simeon Judah, Issachar, Zebulum, Gad, Asher, Dan, Naphtali, Joseph, Manasseh, and Ephraim | 93 |
AP Literature Allusion Terms Flashcards
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