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AP Literature Poetry Terms Flashcards

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1333890415SimileA directly expressed comparison; a figure of speech comparing two objects, usually with "like," as," or "than."0
1333890416SonnetNormally a fourteen-line iambic pentameter poem1
1333890417StanzaUsually a repeated grouping of three or more lines with the same meter and rhyme scheme2
1333890418SymbolSomething that is simultaneously itself and a sign of something else3
1333890419SynecdocheA form of metaphor which in mentioning a part signifies the whole4
1333890420SyntaxThe ordering of words into patterns or sentences5
1333890421TercetA stanza of three lines in which each line ends with the same rhyme6
1333890422ThemeThe main thought expressed by a work7
1333890423ToneThe manner in which an author expresses his or her attitude; the intonation of the voice that expresses meaning8
1333890424LitoteThe opposite of hyperbole; a kind of irony that deliberately represents something as being much less than it really is9
1333890425VillanelleA nineteen-line poem divided into five tercets and a final quatrain; uses only two rhymes which are repeated as follows: aba, aba, aba, aba, aba, abaa; line 1 is repeated entirely to form lines 6, 12, and 18, and line 3 is repeated entirely to form lines 9, 15, and 19; thus, eight of the nineteen lines are refrain10
1333890426EelegyA sustained and formal poem setting forth the poet's meditations upon death or another solemn theme11
1333890427EnjambmentThe continuation of the sense and grammatical construction from one line of poetry to the next12
1333890428EuphonyA style in which combinations of words pleasant to the ear predominate; the opposite of cacophony13
1333890429Figurative languageWriting that uses figures of speech (as opposed to literal language or that which is actual or specifically denoted) such as metaphor, irony, and simile; uses words to mean something other than their literal meaning14
1333890430Free versePoetry which is not written in traditional meter but is still rhythmical15
1333890431HyperboleA deliberate, extravagant, and often outrageous exaggeration; used for either serious or comic effect16
1333890432ImageryThe images of a literary work; the sensory details of a work; the figurative language of a work17
1333890433Lyric poemAny short poem that presents a single speaker who expresses thoughts and feelings18
1333890434MetaphorA figurative use of language in which a comparison is expressed without the use of a comparative term like "as," "like," or "than19
1333890435MeterThe repetition of a regular rhythmic unit in a line of poetry20
1333890436MetonymyA figure of speech which is characterized by the substitution of a term naming an object closely associated with the word in a mind for the word itself21
1333890437OxymoronA form of paradox that combines a pair of contrary terms into a single expression; usually serves the purpose of shocking the reader into awareness22
1333890438PersonificationA kind of metaphor that gives inanimate objects or abstract ideas human characteristics23
1333890439OnomatopoeiaThe use of words whose sound suggests their meaning24
1333890440PunA play on words that are identical or similar in sound but have sharply diverse meanings; can have serious as well as humorous uses25
1333890441QuatrainA four-line stanza with any combination of rhymes26
1333890442RefrainA group of words forming a phrase or sentence and consisting of one or more lines repeated at intervals in a poem, usually at the end of a stanza27
1333890443RhymeClose similarity or identity of sound between accented syllables occupying corresponding positions in two or more lines of verse28
1333890444AlliterationThe repetition of identical or similar consonant sounds, normally at the beginnings of words29
1333890445AntithesisA figure of speech characterized by strongly contrasting words, clauses, sentences, or ideas; a balancing of one term against another for emphasis or stylistic effectiveness30
1333890446ApostropheA figure of speech in which someone (usually, but not always absent), some abstract quality, or a nonexistent personage is directly addressed as though present31
1333890447AssonanceThe repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds32
1333890448Blank verseUnrhymed iambic pentameter33
1333890449CacophonyA harsh, unpleasant combination of sounds or tones; it may be an unconscious flaw in the poet's music, resulting in harshness of sound or difficulty of articulation, or it may be used consciously for effect34
1333890450CaesuraA pause, usually near the middle of a line of verse, usually indicated by the sense of the line, and often greater than the normal pause35
1333890451ConsonanceThe repetition of similar consonant sounds in a group of words; usually refers to words in which the ending consonants are the same but the vowels that precede them are different36
1333890452CoupletA two-line stanza, usually with end-rhymes the same37
1333890453DictionThe deliberate use of words in a literary work38
1333890454ConnotationsThe personal and emotional associations called up by a word that go beyond its dictionary meaning.39
1333890455OdeA long, stately poem in stanzas of varied length, meter, and form40
1333890456MoodAn atmosphere created by a writer's diction and the details selected.41
1333890457BalladNarrative poem written in four-line stanzas, characterized by swift action and narrated in a direct style.42
1333890458Iambic pentameterA line of poetry with 5 feet of iambs, which is an unstressed and then a stressed syllable43
1333890459Rhyme schemeThe ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or verse.44

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