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Ap world history Flashcards

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4822706964Venus figurinesIntricate carvings or statues of women in paleolithic culture0
4822706965Clovis cultureCulture that emerged about 13,000 years ago across North America1
4822706966ShamansPeople believed to be skilled at dealing with spirit world2
4822706967Gobekli Tepe or "potbelly hill"5 acre complex in southeastern turkey dating back almost 12,000 years3
4829140989Fertile crescentIn southwest Asia including present day Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Jordan and southern turkey was the first place to have a full agricultural revolution4
4829140990DiffusionGradual spread of agricultural technique with out extensive movement of agricultural people5
4829140991Bantu migrationStarting around 3000 BCE Bantu people from Nigeria and Cameroon move east and south driving out Paleolithic people6
4829140992Pastoral societiesSociety where farming was difficult so reliance on domesticated animals was big7
4829140993Catal HuyukEarly agricultural village in south turkey8
4829140994ChiefdomsSocieties with organized politics with inherited positions9
4842300840Indus Valley civilizationsCivilization that arose during the third millenium BCE. By 2000 BCE contained more area then any others. Had elaborately planned cities10
4842300841Central Asian/ Oxus civilizationsCivilization took shape right after 2200 BCE and contained compounds, workshops and temples surrounded by walls and gates11
4842300842Olmec civilization "mother civilization"Final first civilization on the Gulf of Mexico around 1200 BCE. The cities arose from series of chiefdoms. Very ceremonial and may have created first written language in Americas12
4842399581UrukMesopotamia's largest city13
4842399582Epic of GilgameshMesopotamia's ancient epic poem describing Uruk14
4842399583Mohenjo Daro/HarappaLarge Mesopotamian cities which flourished on Indus River. Intricate streets and sewage systems15
4842399584Code of HammurabiFamous set of rules or laws16
4842399585PatriarchyWomen's submission to men17
4861745827Rise of the stateStates were organized around cities or large areas and held ancient civilizations in order. Usually King has power18
4870509984EgyptCivilization surrounding the Nile relying on its flooding for agriculture19
4870509985SumerMesopotamian civilization located in the southern Tigris-Euphrates region20
4870509986NubiaCivilization to the south of Egypt in the Nile valley21

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