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Ap human vocab Language Flashcards

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3268120783creolelanguage that comes from a mixing of languages0
3268123822dialectvariety of language distinguished by vocab spelling ect1
3268130446indo-european languagelanguages that come from the 4 indo branches2
3268131964isglossboundary that seperates regions with different languages3
3268135028languagesystem of communication4
3268136678language familylanguages related to each other through ancestery5
3268140181language grouplanguages that share common orgins6
3268142210language sub familydivisions in a language family where commonalities are more common7
3268149528lingua francelanguage used in trade by people with differnt languages8
3268153558linguistic diverstydifferences in languages9
3268155158monolingualspeaks one language10
3268156245multilingualspeaks more than one language11
3268157848offical languagelanguage adopted by a gov for the public12
3268159689pidginform of speech that adopts a simplified grammar for communications among different language speakers13
3268167227toponymname given to part of the earth14
3268168996trade languagelanguage used for trade15

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