1082895148 | How many types of release forms are there? | there are three: medical, telephone, HIV/AIDS | 0 | |
1082895149 | Encounter Form/Superbill | form used by the physician to select frequently used CPT-4 & ICD-9 | 1 | |
1082895150 | Copayment | small fee paid upon every office visit | 2 | |
1082895151 | Demographics | term used to identify all pt info. necessary for all forms | 3 | |
1082895152 | Insured | one who has or is given insurance | 4 | |
1082895153 | Exclusion | procedures not covered by insurance | 5 | |
1082895154 | Deductible | amt paid by the patient to the insurance policy before the plan begins to pay | 6 | |
1082895155 | ICD-9 | international classification of diseases ninth edition | 7 | |
1082895156 | CPT-4 | current procedural terminology fourth edition | 8 | |
1082895157 | HCFA-1500 | old form used to bill for services rendered | 9 | |
1082895158 | CMS-1500 | current form used for billing services re | 10 | |
1082907585 | Picks up where primary insurance left off | secondary insurance | 11 | |
1082907586 | picks up where secondary insurance left off | tertiary insurance | 12 | |
1082907587 | MCR | medicare | 13 | |
1082907588 | MCD | medicaid | 14 | |
1082907589 | SOF | signature on file | 15 | |
1082918491 | TRICARE | is aka CHAMPUS | 16 | |
1082918492 | CHAMPVA | federal health benefit that covers veterans and their families | 17 | |
1082918493 | Workers &Compensation | given to an employee who is injured on the job, and is has their employer responsible for their medical expenses | 18 | |
1082918494 | Insurer | aka carrier, ins. carrier, insurance company | 19 | |
1082918495 | self pay | is the status of a patient that has no ins. coverage and must pay out-of-pocket | 20 | |
1082924939 | re-submission | the process of resending a previous dirty claim and made the necessary corrections for payment | 21 | |
1082924940 | birthday rule | the technique used to determine a dependents primary and secondary ins. when they have two parents with ins. polocies. | 22 | |
1082934688 | A listing of physician fees | Fee Schedule | 23 | |
1082934689 | pre-existing condition | condition that exists prior to a new ins. policy | 24 | |
1082934690 | EOB | explanation of benefits, a letter given to doctor and patient which has the charges, allowed amt for services rendered. | 25 | |
1082934691 | clean claim | claim with no errors, omissions, fraudulent information. | 26 | |
1082934692 | dirty claim | claim with errors, omissions, fraudulent information. | 27 | |
1083013508 | Medicare Part A | covers hospital expenses | 28 | |
1083013509 | Medicare Part B | covers medical visits | 29 | |
1083013510 | Medicare Part D | covers prescriptions | 30 | |
1083013511 | 99204 | example of a CPT-4 code | 31 | |
1083013512 | 401.9 | example of a ICD-9 code | 32 | |
1083236704 | O.V. | office visit | 33 | |
1083236705 | T.O.S. | type of service | 34 | |
1083236706 | P.O.S. | place of service | 35 | |
1083236707 | HMO | health maintenance organization | 36 | |
1083236708 | PPO | preferred provider organization | 37 | |
1083236709 | N.F. | no fault | 38 | |
1083236710 | any changes performed on a patients account | adjustment | 39 | |
1083236711 | 30-90 days | claims submission time | 40 | |
1083236712 | L.E. | life expectancy | 41 | |
1083236713 | Hospital benefit | medical coverage for a hospital stay | 42 | |
1083236714 | inpt. | in patient (patient is staying over night in the hospital) | 43 | |
1083236715 | est. pt. | a patient that has been seen at least once | 44 | |
1083236716 | N.P. or initial | means new patient (never been seen before) | 45 | |
1121677307 | P.F. | problem focused, Level I | 46 | |
1121677308 | E.F. | expanded focused, Level II | 47 | |
1121677309 | Low | routine, 20-30 mins | 48 | |
1121677310 | Moderate | 30-45 mins | 49 | |
1121677311 | High | 45-1 hour or more | 50 | |
1121677312 | Form given to obtain information regarding pts CC in a specialties office | Questionnaire | 51 | |
1121677313 | Form used to document all CC, vitals, and etc | Progress Notes (3rd form) | 52 | |
1121677314 | Form that has all patient history | History Form (2nd form) | 53 | |
1121677315 | Social Hx | sex, smoking, drugs, alcohol, other activities | 54 | |
1121677316 | Work Hx | job activities or exposures | 55 | |
1121677317 | Medical Hx | has information from all medical issues from birth to present day | 56 | |
1121677318 | Family Hx | medical history regarding your family blood line | 57 | |
1121720250 | F/U | follow up | 58 | |
1121720251 | E/M | evaluation and management first section of the CPT-4 | 59 | |
1121720252 | Index | located in the back of the CPT-4 book | 60 | |
1121720253 | Anesthesia | second section of the CPT-4 book, where codes are found for anesthesia, numbing agents | 61 | |
1121720254 | Surgery | largest section in the CPT-4 book and lists procedures regarding all 12 body systemt | 62 | |
1121720255 | Radiology | section of the CPT book that refers to nuclear medicine, sonography procedure codes | 63 | |
1121720256 | Pathology & Laboratory | section of the CPT book that has codes regarding laboratory or pathology such as: urinalysis and hematology | 64 | |
1121720257 | CPT-4 Book has | Six sections excluding the index | 65 | |
1121720258 | ICD-9 Book has | three volumes I, II, III | 66 | |
1121720259 | Modifiers | are two digit codes that attach to CPT-4 codes to express specificity | 67 | |
1121725794 | UB-04 form | used to bill for hospital claims | 68 | |
1121725795 | Encounter form used in the hospital | Charge Master | 69 | |
1121725796 | Consultation | is an examination with a specialist | 70 | |
1121725797 | In patient | means overnight stay at a hospital | 71 | |
1121725798 | Out patient | having an exam or test in a hospital and able to return home afterwards | 72 | |
1131169623 | MCR covers__________ of a claim | 80% | 73 | |
1131169624 | MCD usually is the ___________ ins, alongside MCR | supplemental | 74 | |
1131169625 | _________has six sections excluding the index | CPT-4 Book | 75 | |
1131169626 | _________ has 3 volumes | ICD-9 Book | 76 | |
1131169627 | Volume II has____________ | the Tabular list which is used to verify ICD-9 codes | 77 | |
1131169628 | HCPCS codes | are used in hospital billing | 78 | |
1131169629 | Volume I has ______________ | the alphabetic index of the ICD-9 book | 79 | |
1131185829 | The largest section in the CPT-4 book | Surgery due to the 12 body systems | 80 | |
1131185830 | The last section of the CPT-4 book | index, located in the back of the book | 81 | |
1131185831 | The third section in the CPT-4 book | Surgery | 82 | |
1131185832 | The section in the CPT-4 book where codes begin with two zeros | Anesthesia | 83 | |
1131185833 | The section in the CPT-4 book where codes begin with the digit seven | Radiology | 84 | |
1131185834 | The section in the CPT-4 book where codes begin with the digit eight | Laboratory & Pathology | 85 | |
1131185835 | The section in the CPT-4 book where codes begin with the digit nine | Medicine | 86 | |
1801816381 | UB-92 | old claim form used for hospital claims | 87 | |
1801816382 | UB-04 | new claim form for hospital claims | 88 | |
1801816383 | MCO | ensures insurance affordability | 89 | |
1801881971 | Medicare PART C | part of advantage care plan | 90 |