2794586237 | Civilization | Any group of people sharing a set of cultual traits | 0 | |
2794586403 | Culture | Socially transmitted patterns of action and expression | 1 | |
2794586405 | History | The study of past events and changes in development | 2 | |
2794586404 | Stone Age | The historical period characterized by production of tools from stone and other non metallic substances | 3 | |
2794586598 | Paleolithic | The period of the Stone Age associated with the evolution of humans (구석시 시대). This comes before Neolithic | 4 | |
2794586867 | Neolithic | The period of the Stonge Age associated with the ancient Agricultural Revolution (신석기 시대) | 5 | |
2794594862 | Foragers | People who support themselves by hunting wild animals and gathering wild edible plants and insects | 6 | |
2794587676 | Agricultural Revolutions | The change from food gathering to food production that occurred between 8000 to 2000 B.C. Also known as Neolithic revolution. | 7 | |
2794591530 | Megaliths | Structures and complexes of very large stones constructed for ceremoonial and religious purposes in Neolithic times. (고인돌) | ![]() | 8 |
2794591531 | Sumerians | The people who dominated southern Mesopotamiathrough the end of the third millenium B.C. THey were responsible for the creation of many fundamental elements of Mesopotamian culture. | 9 | |
2794591666 | Semitic | Family of related languages long spoken across parts of western Asia and northen Africa. | 10 | |
2794592046 | City-state | A small independent state consisting of an urban center and the surrounding agricultural territory. | 11 | |
2794592047 | Babylon | The largest and most important city in Mesopotamia | 12 | |
2794592048 | Hammurabi | Amorite ruler of Babylon. He conquered many city-states in southern and northern Mesopotamia | 13 | |
2794592049 | Scribe | In the governments of many ancient societies, a professional position for educated men that is able to read and write using the writing systems. | 14 | |
2794592399 | Ziggurat | A massive pyramid stepped tower made of mud bricks. Associated with religious complexes in ancient Mesopotamian cities. | ![]() | 15 |
2794592400 | Amulet | Small charm meant to protect the bearer from evil. | ![]() | 16 |
2794592590 | Cuneiform | A system of writing in which wedge-shaped symbols represented words or syllables. | ![]() | 17 |
2794592591 | Bronze | An alloy of copper with a small amount of tin. | 18 | |
2794592592 | Pharaoh | The central figure in the ancient Egyptian state. | ![]() | 19 |
2794593056 | Ma'at | Egyptian term for the concept of divinely created and maintained order in the unvierse | 20 | |
2794593057 | A Pyramid | A latge triangular stone monument | 21 | |
2794593058 | Memphis | The captial of Old Kingdom Egypt, near the head of the Nile Delta | 22 | |
2794593059 | Thebes | Capital city of Egypt and home of the ruling dynasties during the Middle and New Kingdoms. | 23 | |
2794593446 | Hieroglyphics | A system of writing in which pictorial symbols represented sounds, syllables, or concepts. | 24 | |
2794593447 | Papyrus | A reed that grows along the abnks of the Nile River in Egypt. Also used to make papers | ![]() | 25 |
2794593448 | Mummy | A body preserved by chemical processes or special natural circumstances, often in the belief that the deceased will need it again in the afterlife. | ![]() | 26 |
2794594396 | Harappa | Site of one of the great cities of the Indus Valley civilization of the third millennium B.C. | ![]() | 27 |
2794594863 | Mohenjo-Daro | Largest of the cities of the Indus Valley. | ![]() | 28 |
2794595258 | Loess | A fine, light yellowish-brown dust deposited by wind and water. | ![]() | 29 |
2794595259 | Shang | The dominant people in the earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records. (Shang Dynasty) | 30 | |
2794595260 | Zhou | The people and dynasty that overthrew position in north China from the Shang and created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify their rule. | 31 | |
2794595479 | Mandate of Heaven | Chinese religious and politcal ideology developed by the Zhou | 32 | |
2794595819 | Confucius | Western name for the Chinese philosopher Kongzi. Great influence on Chinese thoughts. | 33 | |
2794596070 | Daoism | Chinese school of throught, originating in the Warring States Period with Laozi. | 34 | |
2794596071 | Yin/Yang | Chinese belief that helped to maintain the equilibrium of the world | 35 | |
2794596353 | Kush | An Egyptian name for Nubia, the region alongside the Nile River south of Egypt. | 36 | |
2794596354 | Meroe | Capital of a flourishing Kingdom in southern Nubia from the fourth century CE | 37 | |
2794596355 | Celts | Peoples sharing common lingustic and cultural features that originated in Central Europe in the first half of the first millennium | 38 | |
2794596694 | Druids | The class of religious experts who conducted rituals and preserved sacred lore among some ancient Celtic peoples. | 39 | |
2794596695 | Olmec | The first Mesoamerican civilization. They created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agricultre. | 40 | |
2794596696 | Chavin | The first major urban civilization in South America | 41 | |
2794596697 | Llama | An animal with humps on the back | 42 | |
2794597108 | Iron Age | A period during which iron was the primary metal for tools and weapons | 43 | |
2794597109 | Hittites | A people from central Anatolia who established an empire in Antolia and Syria in the Late Bronze Age. | 44 | |
2794597110 | Hatshepsut | Queen of Egypt. She dispatched a naval expedition to Punt(North east Sudan) | 45 | |
2794597992 | Akhenaten | Egyptian pharaoh. He built a new captial at Amarna. | 46 | |
2794598210 | Ramesses II | A ong ived ruler of New Kingdom Egypt. He reached an accododation with the Hitties of Anatolia after a standoff in battle at Kadesh in Syria. | 47 | |
2794598552 | Minoan | Prosperous civilization on the Aegean island of Crete in the second millenium B.C | 48 | |
2794598553 | Mycenae | An ancient city of a fortified palace complex in southern Greece that controlled a late Bronze Age kingdom. | 49 | |
2794599014 | Shaft graves | A term used for the burial sites of elite members of Mycenaean Greek society in the mid-second millenium B.C | 50 | |
2794599015 | Linear B | A set of syllabic symbols, derived from the writing system of Minoan Crete. | 51 | |
2794599016 | Neo-Assyrian Empire | An empire extending from western Iran to Syria-Palestine, conquered by the Assyrians of northern Mesopotamia between the tenth and seventh centuries B.C. | 52 | |
2794599445 | Mass deportation | The forceible removal and relocation of large numbers of people. | 53 | |
2794599924 | Library of Ashurbanipal | A large collection of writings from the ancient literary traditions of Mespotamia. | 54 | |
2794599925 | Israel | In antiquity, the land between the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, occupied by the Israelites from the early second millennium B.C. | 55 | |
2794599926 | Hebrew Bible | A collection of sacred books containing diverse materials concerning the origins of the Israelities. | 56 | |
2794600123 | First Temple | A sacred place built in Jerusalem by King Solomon in the tenth century. | 57 | |
2794600124 | Monotheism | Belief in the existence of only one God | 58 | |
2794600125 | Diaspora | Greek word menaing "dispersal" used to describe the communities of a given ethnic group living outside their homeland. | 59 | |
2794600439 | Phoenicians | Semitic speaking Canaanites living on the coast of modern Lebanon and Syria in the first millennium. | 60 | |
2794600440 | Carthage | City located in present-day Tunisia, founded by Phoenicians. It became a major commercial center and naval power. | 61 | |
2794601847 | Neo-Babylonian Kingdom | Under the Chaldeans, Babylon again bcame a major political and cultural center in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C. | 62 |
AP World History Vocab (Chapter 1~3) Flashcards
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