2915834890 | northern mountainous zone | first topographical zone of the Indian subcontinent | 0 | |
2915840770 | Indus and Gangus Basins | second topographical zone of the Indian subcontinent | 1 | |
2915842684 | the peninsula | third topographical zone of the Indian subcontinent | 2 | |
2915850852 | Indo-European | what kind of settlers moved to India after the fall of the Indus river valley civilization | 3 | |
2915861855 | varna | what was created as a result of the conflict between light skinned settlers and the dark skinned Dravidians | 4 | |
2915867345 | Brahmin | highest level of Varna- priests | 5 | |
2915880408 | Brahmin | mouth of Brahma | 6 | |
2915883076 | Kshastriya | second level of Varna- ruling class made up of leaders and warriors | 7 | |
2915886423 | Kshastriya | arms of Brahma | 8 | |
2915894404 | Vaishya | third level of varna- merchants, artisians | 9 | |
2915901773 | Vaishya | legs of Brahma | 10 | |
2915905347 | Shundra | fourth level of varna- unskilled laborers and servants | 11 | |
2915908456 | Shundra | feet of Brahma | 12 | |
2915910169 | Pariahs | the untouchables- lower than Brahmas feet | 13 | |
2915913414 | Shundras | fourth level of varna | 14 | |
2915915704 | varna | aka CULTURAL SEGREGATION | 15 | |
2915919168 | karma | according to varna, what determines your next level in life | 16 | |
2915925494 | religion | main conflict of India based on _____ | 17 | |
2915928911 | ideas from different religions | Hinduism is full of... | 18 | |
2915932157 | Hindu vs Buddhism | Main religious conflict was... | 19 | |
2915937532 | West Pakistan | who ruled over East Pakistan | 20 | |
2915937533 | East Pakistan | who was larger- East Pakistan or West Pakistan | 21 | |
2915946162 | West Pakistan | where were resources gathered in East Pakistan shipped | 22 | |
2915948800 | Hinduism | 3rd largest worldwide religion | 23 | |
2915956004 | near the Indus in Pakistan | where does Hinduism find its roots | 24 | |
2915958095 | prophits | Hinduism has no recorded ____ | 25 | |
2915962988 | Veda songs | earliest piece of Hindu culture | 26 | |
2915966234 | orally | how were Hindu beliefs passed on | 27 | |
2915968003 | Brahman | the formless `universal soul`- Hindu equivalent of the Christian God | 28 | |
2915975632 | atman | the Hindu word for `soul` | 29 | |
2915981314 | return to Brahma | end goal of Hinduism is for the atman to... | 30 | |
2915986768 | caste system | what is the name for the system of social classes according to varna | 31 | |
2915996047 | varna | what was the term for someones role in life | 32 | |
2916000239 | Brahma | god who created the universe (human birth) | 33 | |
2916013131 | Vishnu | god who preserves universe (human life) | 34 | |
2916015046 | Shiva | god who destroys universe (human death) | 35 | |
2916018959 | Rig Beta | Hindu creation story | 36 | |
2916022249 | Venda Songs | base of Hindu religious text | 37 | |
2916041611 | Moksha | Hindu enlightenment | 38 | |
2916048797 | Darius | who conquered India in 520 BCE | 39 | |
2916050770 | Alexander the Great | who conquered India in 327 BCE | 40 | |
2916056964 | rebellion of troops | what led to the end of Alexander the Great`s rule of India | 41 | |
2916063376 | agriculture and trade | two main sources of revenue for India after the death of Alexander | 42 | |
2916067154 | Chandragupta Maurya | Who took power of India in 321 | 43 | |
2916071408 | Magadna | most significant remaining civilization after the death of Alexander | 44 | |
2916076465 | Chandragupta Maurya | who created the first unified Indian Empire | 45 | |
2916079901 | Mauryan Empire | what empire was created by Chandragupta | 46 | |
2916083636 | zero | what major concept was first discovered in Mauryan-era India | 47 | |
2916090003 | provinces and districts | what did Chandragupta divide India into | 48 | |
2916093505 | tax assessments | why did Chandragupta divide India into provinces and districts | 49 | |
2916098681 | to pursue Jainism | why did Chandragupta leave his throne | 50 | |
2916105262 | Kautilya | Chandragupta`s advisor | 51 | |
2916112014 | legalistic | what kind of leadership did Kautilya believe in | 52 | |
2916113836 | anarchy | what was the greatest evil according to Kautilya | 53 | |
2916118437 | Ashoka Maurya | who ruled during the Golden Age of the Mauryan Empire | 54 | |
2916120784 | 304-232 BCE | this time was considered the Golden Age of the Mauryan Empire | 55 | |
2916127149 | Buddhism | what did Ashoka convert to after the battle of Kaling | 56 | |
2916130727 | Kaling | what battle caused Ashoka to convert to Buddhism | 57 | |
2916136851 | tolerant | Ashoka was a religiously ____ leader | 58 | |
2916139043 | positive leadership | how did Ashoka integrate Indian society | 59 | |
2916145034 | peaceful | under what conditions can culture be spread | 60 | |
2916147038 | Sanskrit | what kind of script is Ashoka`s Law Script written in | 61 | |
2916150011 | 10 rock edicts | Ashoka`s Law Code is written on what | 62 | |
2916155529 | economic crisis | what followed the death of Ashoka | 63 | |
2916158172 | bureaucratic, military | following the death of Ashoka, expensive ______ and ____ costs were not supported by tax | 64 | |
2916171307 | to pay salaries | why was currency devalued following the death of Ashoka | 65 | |
2916173313 | 185 | by ____ BCE, the Mauryan empire was gone | 66 | |
2916181262 | 320 CE | when was the Gupta empire founded | 67 | |
2916183721 | Magadha | where was the Gupta empire based | 68 | |
2916188696 | Chandra Gupta | who founded the Gupta empire | 69 | |
2916191945 | decentralized | the Gupta empire had a ____ style of leadership | 70 | |
2916193680 | Buddhism | what religion was `kicked out` of India by the Gupta empire | 71 | |
2916201751 | King of Kings | nickname for Chandra Gupta | 72 | |
2916230785 | starvation | how did Chandra Gupta die | 73 | |
2916204704 | 375 BCE | when did Chandra Gupta II take the throne | 74 | |
2916208127 | Mediterranean area | Chandra Gupta`s reign brought trade with the.... | 75 | |
2916210521 | the Huns | who invaded india in 450 CE | 76 | |
2916213085 | fault lines | where did the Gupta empire begin to disintegrate | 77 | |
2916224141 | Mughal Empire | what forgein empire took over in 16th Century India | 78 | |
2916224142 | Islam | religion of the Mughal empire | 79 | |
2916233759 | Indian Ocean | Indian trade routes revolved around the... | 80 | |
2916235468 | competition | main struggle for trade cities | 81 | |
2916240251 | pepper and cinnamon | exports of Sri Lanka | 82 | |
2916251547 | Arthashastra | what major literary work was written by Kautilya | 83 | |
2916258731 | ruler | Ashoka Maurya was a ___ rather than a conqueror | 84 | |
2916260463 | roads | Ashoka was known for building extensive ____ | 85 | |
2916268437 | power, selflessness | Ashoka was conflicted in his struggle to balance ___ and ____ | 86 | |
2916272636 | Buddhist | Ashoka`s law code was dominated by what kind of principles | 87 | |
2916278712 | Bactria | Northwestern regional kingdom of India | 88 | |
2916287944 | descendants of Alexander the Great | who ruled Bactria | 89 | |
2916290497 | Kush | Northern India and Central Asian regional kingdom (1-300 CE) | 90 | |
2916293724 | silk road | Kush kingdom was known for maintaining what network | 91 | |
2916302865 | natural sciences and mathematics | the Gupta empire created the foundations for studies in what two fields | 92 | |
2916307527 | Hindu | ____ revival followed the reign of Chandra Gupta II | 93 | |
2916316529 | Kalidasa | major literary achievement of Gupta | 94 | |
2916319335 | Gupta | what empire achieved medical advances such as plastic surgery, extensive disease classification, printed medical guides, c-sections, inoculations, and healing plant indentification | 95 | |
2916327620 | Gupta | what empire achieved mathematic accomplishments such as discovery of pi, zero, and the decimal system | 96 | |
2916338503 | White Huns | invasion of what group led to Gupta decline | 97 | |
2916340444 | local kingdoms | what kind of leadership took over in India after the Gupta end | 98 | |
2916348939 | trade routes in India | what did Indian government capitalize most on | 99 | |
2916352728 | Kush mountains | what mountain system was included in silk road trade routes | 100 | |
2916354834 | seasonal | trade on the Indian Ocean was... | 101 | |
2916357357 | south-west | where did spring and winter monsoon winds originate | 102 | |
2916360654 | north-west | where did fall and winter winds originate from | 103 | |
2916365510 | Indian Ocean | Indian trade to Asia, Persia, and the Red & Mediterranean seas was based where | 104 | |
2916373963 | economic diversification | what political issue challenged the caste system | 105 | |
2916376188 | Jatis | guilds that acted as sub-castes | 106 | |
2916378762 | outcastes | social class that was forced into low-status employment | 107 | |
2916386303 | caste privilege | social change generated resentment of what system | 108 | |
2916392445 | 6th and 5th centuries BCE | when did new religions begin to threaten the traditional caste status quo | 109 | |
2916396237 | Atheists, Jainists, Buddhists | what three major religious affiliations threatened the caste system hinduism | 110 | |
2916403585 | Vardhamana Mahavira | who founded Jainism | 111 | |
2916405651 | Upanishads | what was the basis of Jainism in the 7th century | 112 | |
2916408611 | Jainism | what religion held emphasis on selfless living and concern for all living beings | 113 | |
2916412678 | Ahimsa | principle of extreme non-violence | 114 | |
2916420221 | rejected caste | the primary appeal of Jainism was that it... | 115 | |
2916424402 | extreme, worldwide | Jain asceticism was too ___ to become a ____ movement | 116 | |
2916429479 | Siddhartha Gautama | who was the Buddha | 117 | |
2916430733 | the enlightened one | what is the meaning of the title Buddha | 118 | |
2916433051 | 49 days of meditation | what caused Siddhartha to reach enlightenment | 119 | |
2916437481 | bo | Siddhartha reached enlightenment while sitting under what type of tree | 120 | |
2916440622 | 528 BCE | when did the Buddha begin teaching his doctrine | 121 | |
2916443152 | robes and food bowls | followers of Buddha had only two possessions- what were they | 122 | |
2916446928 | monastic | what kind of communities did the Buddha establish | 123 | |
2916449174 | Buddhism | what is the 4th largest worldwide religion | 124 | |
2916454196 | nirvana | state of liberation and freedom from suffering according to Buddhist beliefs | 125 | |
2916459357 | everything in life is suffering | first noble truth | 126 | |
2916461111 | cause for pain is self-centeredness | second noble truth | 127 | |
2916465641 | eliminate pain by eliminating desires | third noble truth | 128 | |
2916469331 | do not kill | first Buddhist commandment | 129 | |
2916470798 | do not steal | second Buddhist commandment | 130 | |
2916470799 | do not lie | third Buddhist commandment | 131 | |
2916473268 | do not misuse sex | fourth Buddhist commandment | 132 | |
2916478549 | do not use drugs or alchohol | fifth Buddhist commandment | 133 | |
2916481397 | Panna | Buddhist principle pf discernment and wisdom | 134 | |
2916484830 | Sila | Buddhist principle of virtue and morality | 135 | |
2916486816 | Samadhi | Buddhist principle of concentration and meditation | 136 | |
2916494288 | Brahmins | Buddhist was appealing due to the lack of dependency on _____ | 137 | |
2916665494 | vernacular | what kind of script was used in Buddhist teachings | 138 | |
2916767625 | tropical | climate of south India | 139 | |
2916769178 | temperate | climate of north India | 140 |
AP World History- India Flashcards
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