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AP world history Flashcards

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4376785276agricultural revolutionthe transition period in which people switched from a hunter-gather lifestyle to a sedentary one. began when nomadic peoples returned to their favorite grazing place each year and began cultivating their favorite products. animals were domesticated. caused specialization of labor and social classes. also called neolithic revolution or the new stone age0
4376835166aristocracyhighest class in certain societies. often holding hereditary titles or offices. often received benefits or were exempt from classes depending on the society1
4376858714barbariana member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations (ex: Greek, Roman, or Christian)2
4376875751brahminhindu priests. originally second on the caste system but were moved up when they were considered "closer to god". hinduism revolves around them believing that the brahma spirit is inside of them3
4376887063bureaucracypeople who work for the government. a way to organize the government.4
4376899308cities vs villagescities were influenced over larger areas, more complex social structure and leadership, further specialization of labor, more complex technology5
4376907795civilization5 characteristics of this are: advanced cities, advanced technology, skilled workers, complex institutions (government, church, etc), system of writing6
4376943315deitygod/goddess in a polytheistic religion8
4376945891democracypolitical system in which the people rule; used first time in greek polis9
4376950685dharamamoral law in hinduism, "duty" (ex: a Brahmins dharma is to be a priest). emphasizes that human actions produce consequences10
4376970005diffusionspread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another11
4376993556diversified food supplycaused by agricultural revolution that changed peoples diets12
4376997596domesticated animalsa factor in the cause of the agricultural revolution, diversified food supply. also caused pastoral societies typically where the environment was insufficent for other forms of life. (ex: horses, pigs, cattle)13
4377019107dynastic cyclethe rise and fall of different dynasties. often reflected dominance of different parts of the country. prominent in Egypt, then China14
4377032964egalitarianthe belief that all people are equal15
4377036322ethnic/legal codesstarting that all people are equal; egalitarian. (ex: Hammarabi's code, 10 commandments in Hebrew and Christianity)16
4377045965fronteira line/border that separates two countries17
4377057641hunters and gathers/foraging/nomadsa way of life which does not include cities or farming; only needs are shelter and food. climate changes, disease, famine, and natural disasters could endanger entire communities18
4377069004ice agein the paleolithic age, this natural disaster locked up most of the worlds fresh water in glaciers. brought increased wetness to sahara which caused a rising population and changed the climate elsewhere19
4377082803irrigation systemssystem to water the land with canals, channels, etc. (ex: used in Mesopotamia to control Tigris and Euphrates, in Egypt to control the Nile, etc)20
4377102234karmaa persons good or evil deed in their personal life in the practice of Hinduism. those with a better deed would come back in a higher-caste. those with a bad deed would come back in a lower caste or as an animal21
4377116853mandate of heaventhe blessinng of heaven given to Chinese leaders. if things in the dynasty went wrong people claimed they lost that blessing and were overthrown. (ex: allowed the Zhou to overthrow the Shang)22
4377128174monogamythe practice of marriage to one person23
4377134175pagana person holding religious beliefs other than the main religion; synonym: heathen24
4377143359pastoral/pastoralismsocieties characterized by domestication of animals without agriculture. traded with agricultural societies. often in areas where resources were not plentiful enough for agriculture25
4377158398polygamymarriage to multiple people26
4377162416record keepingthe process of recording events. (ex: Mesopotamia used cunieform, Egypt used hierogylphics, Indus Valley's is undeciphered, Shang used orcale bones, etc)27
4377183687secularthings that have no religious basis (ex: some governments)28
4377188566sericulturethe production of silk and raising worms for this purpose (Shang people became experts in this)29
4377200416settled populationsagricultural revolution allowed for this while this allowed specialization of labor, cities (ex: Jericho in Israel and Catal Huyulk in Anatolia)30
4377217438slaverythe process of forcing labor upon people31
4377223517specialization of laborthis was the idea of different jobs being done by different people. the agricultural revolution as well as settled villages allowed for this. it helped establish a social structure and different acumlations of wealth32
4387271576surplustoo much of one resource. the agricultural revolution allowed for it33
4387274227syncretismthe blending of religion or cultures34
4387276249textilestype of cloth or woven fabric35
4387279024theocracya religiously based state; ruled directly by a god36
4387285484ancestor venerationa religious belief that deceased family members (their spirits) will look after the family, take an interest in the affairs of the world, and posses the ability to influence the fortune of the living. often in Chinese culture37
4387296347animismthe belief that all natural objects, phenomena, and the universe itself have desires and intentions and each posses a soul or spirit. this may be the earliest form of religion38
4387308711bodhisattrain mahayana buddhism, it is a deity that has achieved nirvana but choses to remain on earth39
4387315370caste systema class structure found specifically in hinduism, also called the jati. in order it goes the brahmins (priests), khatriyas (warriors), vaishyas (merchants, landowners), shudras (commoners, peasants, servants), and the untouchables (street sweepers, latrine cleaners)40
4387344600city statea city that with its surrounding territory form an independent state.41
4387356650classicalcomprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient greece, rome, han, gupta, and maya empires. the late period included the collapse of each empire42
4387375797codificationa set of rules or principles or laws, especially written ones43
4387388777dao/taothe way of nature, the way of cosmos. accomplishes everything yet does nothing. this developed into daoism44
4387404021diasporaa greek word "to scatter about". a widely dispersed community as a result of natural disaster, politics, etc.45
4387413094enlightenmentin buddhism, the action or state of attaining spritiual knowledge or insight in a particular state was that awarness which frees a person from reincarnation46
4387426561filial pietyalso means xiao. confucianism. the important virtue and primary duty of respect, obedience, and care for one's parents and elderly family47
4387434784hellenistic agerelating to greek history from 321-31 BCE when greek culture flourished and spread48
4388239005manifestationsdisorganized thinking-delusiotns, hallucinations, regression, withdrawal, paranoria49
4388240855merchanta trader50
4388240856missionariespeople sent to an area to spread a specific religion51
4388243150monarchya state or nation in which the supreme power is a hereditary soviergned king, queen, etc.52
4388250505monasterya place for monks and nuns to live and worship. (ex: buddhism, christianity, jainism)53
4388254333monsoon windsseasonal winds in the indian ocean caused by rapid heating and cooling of nearby landmasses. they make agriculture and sailing easier/more convenient54
4388261386rajastype genus of the family Rajidae55
4388267020reincarnationbeing reborn into an animal or another person. idea practiced in hinduism, buddhism, jainism56
4388272777rentsabove-market returns to a factor of products57
4388274499republica political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them58
4388280463ritualsthe prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies59
4388284261sanskrit scripturesan ancient language in india, hinduism/vedas text60
4388289195scripturessacred writing61
4388290761shamanismone acting as a medium between the visible an spirit worlds62
4388292793sinicizationadoption and absorption by foreign people of chinese language63
4388302027social harmonytaught that good government would come to china if people lived according to ethics, good conduct, and moral judgement64
4388305003universal truthsapplies universally to all religious beliefs65
4388626751black deathan outbreak of the bubonic plague and other diseases that the mongols spread to asia, africa, and europe killing off a majority of the population, including the feudal society66
4388630150bushido"the way of the warrior". the strict code by which the Japanese samurai were supposed to live by67
4388638076caliphatea theocratic government in the name of Islam ruled by a caliph68
4388638941chinampa"floating gardens". small man-made islands floating in water69
4388640655chivalrycode that knights followed. essentially a set of ideals that demands a knight fight bravely in defense of the 3 masters: his feudal lord, heavenly lord (god), and his chosen lady. knights should be loyal, brave, and courteous70
4388647526christendomchristian-dominated western europe of the middle ages71
4388650641civil service examin china, it was an exam based off confucian teachings that was used to select people for jobs in the government72
4388652543crusades4 major crusade movements to spread christianity. "religious" but ended up being bloody with rape, murder, etc. led to a bigger divide within the orthodox christianity and roman catholicism and within the christians and muslims that lasted for centuries73
4388660573dar al-islam"house of islam", essentially lands where islam was practiced74
4388663835diffusion of scientific and technological traditionsthe spread of printing and gunpowder (chinese tang/song), cotton, sugar, and citrus which spread by trade/expansion (especially in the dynastic successions in china), the indian ocean, silk road, etc, and newer transportation systems. greco-roman writings also spread to western europe75
4388675679entrepotbig commercial center for importing and exporting commodities76
4388846554feudalismeuropean social, economical, and political system which had a strict hierarchy: kings>nobles>vassals>peasants. kings granted nobles use of land in exchange for military service. the nobles split up the land and gave them to lesser lords (vassals) who supervised the peasants working on the farm in exchange for protection77
4388856298fiefsthe estates that were granted to vassals. later became known as manors78
4388857679gentryin china, the class of the prosperous families slightly below rural aristocrats. the government drew the administrative personel from this class79
4388861449grand canal in china600-1450, the longest man-made canal that connects beijing-hangzhou and yellow-yangzee rivers80
4388864789great warming perioda period of unnaturally warm weather from 800-130081
4388866292griotsprofessional oral historians who served as keepers of traditions and advisors to the kings within the Mali empire82
4388869786guildsassociation of merchants or artsians who cooperated to protect their economic interests83
4388873519hajjthe pilgrimage to mecca done by muslims as a duty84
4388876255hanseatic leaguea signifgant economic alliance of merchant towns designed to achieve security and trust for trading in germany85
4388882113khan/khanatesa title given to rulers and officials of mostly mongol tribes/empires. (ex: khanate of great khan, chagatai khan, khanate of golden horde, ilkhanate)86
4388885489kow towa chinese custom to kneel, touch the head to the group in expression of deep respect, worship, or submission87
4388889240little ice agea period from 1300-1450 in europe where cold and wet weather occured88
4388956933manorialismeconomic system during middle ages that revolved around self-sufficent farming estates where lords and peasants shared the land89
4388958252mit'aforced labor system for a limited time to accomplish public works and provide food for the family90
4388959765neoconfucianismdescribes the resurgence of confucianism and confucian scholar influence during the song dynasty. a new understanding of the texts91
4388966089nobilitya privledged class holding hereditary titles92
4388968313daimyogreat lords who were vassals of shogun in Japan93
4388969190zamindarslandowner; often leases it out94
4388971574papacycentral administration of roman catholic church, of which the pope is the head95
4388972242quipuarrangement of knotted strings on a cord to record numerical info used by the incas96
4388973723samuraiclass of warriors who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land in feudal japan97
4388975171serfsa person who lived on and farmed a lords land; peasant in the feudal system98
4388976698shariabody of islamic law that includes the interpretation of the quran and applies islamic principles to everyday life99
4388978029shiashi'ite muslims; accepts ali as true successor100
4388979052southernizationdevelopments that were first made in south asia and then spread to other places through trade and conquest101
4388981390sufimuslim who seeks to achieve direct contact with god through mystical means102
4388981749sultan"holder of power"103
4388982706sunnia branch of islam whose members acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful successors of muhammad104
4388985125swahilibantu language with arabic words, spoken along the east african coast105
4388986804tax farminggovernment's use of private collectors to collect taxes. individuals or corporations contract with the government to collect a fixed amount for the government and are permitted to keep as profit everything they collect over that amount.106
4388989207terracessteplike ledges cut into mountains to make land suitable for farming107
4388989887synthesizedto create108
4388992014tribute systemwhen independent nations acknowledged the supremacy of other nations and sent ambassadors to the city with gifts109
4388994953ulamathe body of mullahs (muslim scholars trained in islam and islamic law) who are the interpreters of islam's sciences and doctrines and laws and the chief guarantors of continuity in the spiritual and intellectual history of the islamic community110
4388995672622the rise of islam (year)111
4388996968730printing invented in china (year)112
4388998056732battle of tours (end of muslim move to france) (year)113
4388999588900decline of classical maya (year)114
43890004621054schism of greek and latin christian churches divides christianity permanently into two geographical and denominational halves (year)115
43890026041066norman conquest of england (year)116
43890035771071seljuk defeat of byzantines (battle of manzikert) (year)117
43890047641095first crusade (year)118
43890055281026genghis khan begins his conquest of asia (year)119
43890082321215magna carta signed by king john at runnymede; beginning of constitutional rule (year)120
43890102061258mongols sack baghad (year)121
43890114491271-1295marco polo travels (year)122
43890121241300srise of ottomans (relative year)123
43890130901324mansa musa's pilgrimage (year)124
43890144101325-1349travels of ibn battuta (year)125
43890152271347-1348bubonic plague in europe (year)126
43890157621433end of zheng he's voyages (year)127
43890167411438rise of the inca (year)128
43890186478000 BCEbeginnings of agriculture (year)129
43890190863500 BCEinvention of wheel, plough (mesopotamia) and sail (egypt) (year)130
43890208443200 BCEinvention of writing in mesopotamia (year)131
43890219613000 BCEfounding of first cities in sumeria (year)132
43890234437th century BCEinvention of ironworking (year)133
43890239025th century BCEbeginnings of confucianism, buddhism, daoism, and greek golden age (year)134
4389025065323 BCEalexander the great (year)135
4389027548221 BCEqin unified china (year)136
4389028236184 BCEfall of the mauryan dynasty (year)137
438902931232beginnings of christianity (year)138
4389031844180end of pax romana (year)139
4389032358220end of han dynasty (year)140
4389032359312roman emperor constantine converts to christianity (year)141
4389033413320rise of gupta in india (year)142
4389034027333roman capital moved to constantinople (year)143
4389034453476fall of rome in the west ends 800 years of roman hegemony (year)144
4389035774527justinian rules byzantine empire (year)145
4389036253550fall of gupta empire in india146

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