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AP Literature Flashcards

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3051999657In media resTo begin the action in the middle of the action0
3052008432Boarding School NovelA novel, usually based around a male protagonist, in which the hero attends a boarding school and must face off with an evil professor1
3052019525GothicLiterature characterized by dark imagery, deep characters, and the supernatural2
3052044770PietaImage of the mother nursing her child3
3052049732Iambic pentameterForm of meter in which there are five iambic feet4
3052054280Ring novelsA set of novels which have similar events that expound upon each other as the series progresses.5
3052061738FrameworkA story within a story6
3052065801SonnetA poem which has 14 lines, usually with an ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme7
3052080530BildungsromanComing of Age Novel8
3052086344GenreA type of story or book9

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