Book: American Pageant 12th Edition
5756318344 | The "red scare" of the early 1920's was initially set off by | The Bolshevik revolution in Russia. | 0 | |
5756318345 | Besides attacking minorities like Catholics, blacks, and Jews, the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920's opposed contemporary cultural and social changes such as | Evolution and birth control. | 1 | |
5756318346 | The quota system established for immigration in the 1920's was based partly on the idea that | Immigrants from northern and western Europe were superior to those from southern and eastern Europe. | 2 | |
5756318347 | The seperation of many American ethnic groups in seperate neighborhoods with their own distinct cultures, and values meant that | It was almost impossible to organize the American working class across ethnic and religious lines. | 3 | |
5756318348 | One product of prohibition was | A rise in criminal organizations that supplied illegal liquor. | 4 | |
5756318349 | The American city where gangsterism flourished most blatantly in the 1920's was | Chicago. | 5 | |
5756318350 | The essential issue in the Scopes trial was whether | Darwimian evolutionary science could be taught in the public schools. | 6 | |
5756318351 | The most highly acclaimed industrial innovator of the new mass-production economy was | Henry Ford. | 7 | |
5756318352 | Two major American industries that benefited economically from the widespread use of the automobile were | Rubber and petroleum. | 8 | |
5756318353 | One of the primary social effects of the new automobile age was | A weaking of traditional family ties between parents and youth. | 9 | |
5756318354 | Radio and the movies both had the cultural effect of | Increasing mass standardization and weakening traditional forms of culture. | 10 | |
5756318355 | In the 1920's, the major changes pursued by American women were | Cultural freedom and expanded sexual experience. | 11 | |
5756318356 | The primary achievement of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association was | Its positive impact on black and racial pride. | 12 | |
5756318357 | The literary figure who promoted many new writers of the 1920's in his magazine, "The American Mercury", was | H. L. Mencken. | 13 | |
5756318358 | Many of the prominent new writers of the 1920's were | Highly critical of traditional American "Puritanism" and small-town life. | 14 | |
5756318359 | "The Red Scare" | The movement of 1919-1920, spawned by fear of the Bolshevik revolution, that resulted in the arrest and deportation of many political radicals. | 15 | |
5756318360 | Ku Klux Klan | Hooded defenders of Anglo- Saxon and "Protestant" values against immigrants, Catholics, and Jews. | 16 | |
5756318361 | Immigration Act of 1924 | Restrictive legislation of 1924 the reduced the number of newcomers to the United States and discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe. | 17 | |
5756367595 | 18th amendment | new constitutional provision, popular in the midwest and south, that encourages law breaking and gangsterism in big cities of the east and north. | 18 | |
5756318362 | Prohibtion | New constitutional provision, popular in the Midwest and South, that encouraged lawbreaking and gangersterism in big cities. | 19 | |
5756318363 | Bible Belt | Term for area of the South were traditional evangelical and Fundamentalist religion remained strong. | 20 | |
5756318364 | Monkey Trials (Scopes Trial) | Legal battle over teaching evolution that pitted modern science against Fundamentalist religion. | 21 | |
5756318365 | Advertising | New industry spawned by the mass-consumption economy that encouraged still more consumption. | 22 | |
5756318366 | Model T | Henry Ford's cheap, mass-produced automobile. | 23 | |
5756318367 | Airplanes | Invented in 1903 and first used primarily for stunts and mail carrying. | 24 | |
5756318368 | Radio | One of the few new consumer products of the 1920's that encouraged people to stay at home rather than pulling them away from home and family. | 25 | |
5756318369 | Birth Control | the cause, promoted by Feminist Margaret Sanger's that contributed to changing sexual behaviors, especially for women. | 26 | |
5756318370 | Jazz | Syncopated style of music originally created by blacks that attained national popularity in the 1920's. | 27 | |
5756318371 | UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) | Marcus Garvey's self-help organized that proposed leading blacks back to Africa. | 28 | |
5756318372 | "American Mercury" | H. L. Mencken's monthly magazine the led the literary attack on traditional moral values, the middle call (class), and "Puritanism". | 29 | |
5756318373 | New York Stock Exchange (Stock Market) | The New York institution in which continuously rising prices and profits were fueled by speculation in the 1920's. | 30 | |
5756318374 | A. Mitchell Palmer | Federal Official who rounded up thousands of alleged Bolsheviks in the red scare of 1919-1920. | 31 | |
5756318375 | Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti | Italian-American anarchists whose trial and execution aroused widespread protest. | 32 | |
5756318376 | Al Capone | Top Chicago gangster of the 1920's, eventually convicted of income-tax evasion | 33 | |
5756318377 | John Dewey | Leading American philosopher and proponent of "progressive education". | 34 | |
5756318378 | William Jennings Bryan | Former presidental candidate who led the fight against evolution at the 1925 Scopes trial. | 35 | |
5756318379 | Henry Ford | Mechanical genius and organizer of the mass-produced automobile industry | 36 | |
5756318380 | Bruce Barton | A founder of the advertising industry and author of a new interpretation on Christ in "The Man Nobody Knows". | 37 | |
5756318381 | Langston Hughes | The "Poet Laureate" of Harlem and author of "The Weary Blues". | 38 | |
5756318382 | Charles A. Lindberh | Humble aviation pioneer who became a cultural hero of the 1920's. | 39 | |
5756318383 | Marcus Garvey | Jamaican-born leader who enhanced African-American pride despite his failed migration plans. | 40 | |
5756318384 | Sigmund Freud | Viennese psychologist whose writings were interpereted by Americans as a call for sexual liberation and gratification. | 41 | |
5756318385 | H. L. Mencken | Baltimore writer who criticized the supposedly narrow and hypocritical values of American society. | 42 | |
5756318386 | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Minnesota-born writer whose novels were especially popular with young people in the 1920's. | 43 | |
5756318387 | Ernest Hemingway | Writer whose novels reflected the disillusionment of many Americans with propaganda and patriotic idealism. | 44 | |
5756318388 | Andrew Mellon | Federal Offical who attempted to promote business investment by reducing taxes on the rich. | 45 | |
5756420288 | putting things in order | 1.the fear of the bolshevik revolution sparks a crusade against radicals and communists in America 2. two italian immigrants are convicted of murder and robbery provoking charges of prejudice against the judge and jury 3. a new immigration law tightens up earlier emergency restrictions and imposes discriminatory quotas against the new immigrants. 4.the trial of a tennessee high school biology teacher symbolizes a national conflict over values of religion and science 5.a modest young man becomes a national hero by accomplishing a bold feat of aviation. | 46 | |
5756318389 | Cause: American fear of Bolshevism... | Effect: Caused the red scare and the deportation of foreign radicals. | 47 | |
5756318390 | Cause: Nativist American fear of immigrants and Catholics... | Effect: Caused the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the imposition of immigration restrictions. | 48 | |
5756318391 | Cause: Prohibition... | Effect: Helped spawn "bootlegging" and large-scale organized crime. | 49 | |
5756318392 | Cause: The automobile industry... | Effect: Stimulated highway construction, petroleum production, and other related industries. | 50 | |
5756318393 | Cause: The radio... | Effect: created a intense mass involvement with sports, advertising, and politics | 51 | |
5756318394 | Cause: Rising prosperity, and changing sexual attitudes. | Effect: Created a new atmosphere of sexual frankness and liberation, especially among the young. | 52 | |
5756318395 | Cause: Resentment against conventional small-town morality... | Effect: Caused many disillusioned writers of the 1920's to criticize traditional values and search for new moral standards. | 53 | |
5756318396 | Cause: The economic boom of the 1920's... | Effect: Greatly raised the incomes and living standards of many Americans. | 54 | |
5756318397 | Cause: The ability to buy stocks with only a small down payment... | Effect: Enabled many ordinary citizens to join in a speculative Wall Street boom. | 55 | |
5756318398 | Cause: Andrew Mellon's tax policies... | Effect: Reduced the tax burden on the wealthy and strengthened the stock-market boom. | 56 | |
5756318399 | The "red scare" of 1919-1920 led the US to threaten military assult on the Communist government of Russia | False (attacked alleged communists and radicals in the United States) | 57 | |
5756318400 | The Sacco-Vanzetti case aroused liberal and radicl protest because of alleged prejudice by the judge and jury against the atheistic immigrant defendants | True | 58 | |
5756318401 | The KKK of the 1920s was strongest in the East and West. | False (south and midwest) | 59 | |
5756318402 | The Immigration Act of 1924 reflected nativist prejudice against the new immigrants from southern and eastern Europe | True | 60 | |
5756318403 | The 18th amendment and the Volstead Act were frequently violated, especially by big-city dwellers and immigrants | True | 61 | |
5756318404 | The Scopes trial verdict acquitted biology teacher Scopes and overturned the Tennessee law prohibiting the teaching of evolution in the schools. | False (he was guilty) (fine of 100$) (law upheld) | 62 | |
5756318405 | The 1920s saw a shift from heavy industrial production toward a mass-consumption economy | True | 63 | |
5756318406 | Henry Ford's great economic achievement was the production of a cheap, reliable, mass-produced automobile. | True | 64 | |
5756318407 | The automobile's large social and cultural effects in such areas as family life ad gender relations were comparable to its economic importance. | True | 65 | |
5756318408 | The radio and film industries initially emphasized non-commercial and public service uses of the mass media | False (entertainment and commercial advertising) | 66 | |
5756318409 | The 1920s saw attempts to restore stricter standards of sexual behavior, especially for women. | False (not stricter looser) | 67 | |
5756318410 | Jazz was initially pioneered by blacks but was eventually taken up and promoted by whites. | True | 68 | |
5756318411 | The center of black literacy and cultural achievement in the 1920s was Atlanta, Georgia | False (Harlem, NY) | 69 | |
5756318412 | The most prominent writers of the 1920s upheld the moral virtues of small-town American life against the critical attitudes and moral questioning of the big cities. | False (attacked small-town) (very critical) | 70 | |
5756318413 | The real estate and stock market booms of the 1920s included large elements of speculation and excessive credit risk. | True | 71 |