2772936172 | Abdicate | For a monarch to renounce his throne. Tzar Nicholas the II was Abdicated as Tzar. | 0 | |
2772936173 | Abolition | To Raze a system a practice or a institution. Abolition was a part of the Russian Revolution because Christianity was ended. | 1 | |
2772936174 | Absolutism | When someone has absolute power. Stalin has Absolutism over all of Russia. | 2 | |
2772936175 | Alliance | A union or association formed for mutual benefit. The Alliance with Germany, Italy, and Japan was formed in World War II | 3 | |
2772936176 | Anarchy | A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. Judges are the one this that can prevent total Anarchy. | 4 | |
2772936177 | Animosity | The use of strong hostility. Stalin used Animosity to take full control over Russia. | 5 | |
2772936178 | Anthropomorphic | When something has human characteristics. I was a bear at the zoo doing Anthropomorphic. | 6 | |
2772936179 | Anti-Semitism | To be hostile or prejudice against against Jews. Hitler was Anti-Semitism. | 7 | |
2772936180 | Appeasement | The process of appeasing someone. European countries Showed Appeasement to Hitler in World War II | 8 | |
2772936181 | Aristocracy | The highest class in certain societies. The clergy is the Aristocracy. | 9 | |
2772936182 | Autonomy | The right of a county or region to have self government. This could happen if a leader is being corrupted. | 10 | |
2772936183 | Belligerent | To show hostility or being aggressive Hitler was Belligerent towards Jews. | 11 | |
2772936184 | Bureaucracy | a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials. A republic is an example of Bureaucracy | 12 | |
2772936185 | Caliph | A chief Muslim and religious ruler regulated at Mohammad's successor. Caliph was a successor for Mohammad. | 13 | |
2772936186 | Celibacy | The state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations. To object a marriage is a form of Celibacy. | 14 | |
2772936187 | Centralized | To considerate control of a activity under a single authority. A vast super structure of a empire. | 15 | |
2772936188 | Chastity | the state or practice of refraining from sexual intercourse. Getting a Chastity ring is a oath you do that prevents you from having sexual intercourse. | 16 | |
2772936189 | Chivalry | The medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. In the Middle Ages knights have a system of religious code with each other. | 17 | |
2773133011 | Clan | A group of people who share the same interest. | 18 | |
2773133266 | Clergy | the body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church. In the 1800 the clergy was the highest social class. | 19 | |
2773133496 | Colonization | Colonization is the act of setting up a colony away from one's place of origin. The British had Colonization on the United States. | 20 | |
2773133651 | Commerce | the activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale. Many companies today have many episodes of commerce | 21 | |
2773133861 | Cult | a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. Many people believe in the cult of Buddha. | 22 | |
2773133985 | Decentralized | Transfer from central to local government. The pentagon is in charge of what is decentralized. | 23 | |
2773134033 | Deity | a god or goddess mainly in a polytheistic religion In roman mythology people believed in deity. | 24 | |
2773134385 | Democracy | a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state. In 322 BC Athens was the only democracy at the time. | 25 | |
2773134559 | Demographic | Relating to structure of populations. The demographic trend maybe towards an older population | 26 | |
2773134611 | Despot | A ruler or a person who holds absolute power. A tsar has absolute power over the country. | 27 | |
2773134748 | Diaspora | Jews living outside Israel. There are many Diaspora all around the world | 28 | |
2773134877 | Diffusion | The spreading of something more widely Philosophers were diffusional about their ideas | 29 | |
2773135232 | Doctrine | a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church or political party Many religions had Doctrine. | 30 | |
2773135952 | Ecclesiastical | of or relating to the Christian Church or its clergy. The Ecclesiastical is a big part in marriage. | 31 | |
2781861265 | Egalitarian | relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights People in a democracy are Egalitarian. | 32 | |
2781861563 | Elite | a select part of a group that is superior to the rest A General is more Elite then a Sargent | 33 | |
2781861669 | Empire | an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority Great Britain was the biggest empire in the late 1800s | 34 | |
2781861768 | Epidemic | a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. Ebola was an epidemic for a short time | 35 | |
2781862635 | Ethnocentric | evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture. Now ethnocentrics do not exist | 36 | |
2781862841 | Expropriation | The act of taking of privately owned property by a government to be used for the benefit of the public People who take property from the government for the publics benefit is Expropriation | 37 | |
2781863492 | Extraterritoriality | immunity from the jurisdiction of a nation When you leave the country you are Extraterritoriality from that country | 38 | |
2781863987 | Feudalism | the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service In medieval Europe nobles will have feudalism | 39 | |
2781864163 | Filial Piety | is a virtue of respect for one's father, elders Youngsters have filial piety | 40 | |
2781864223 | Flora | the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period. There are many Flora habitats all over the world | 41 | |
2781864548 | Fragmentation | the process or state of breaking or being broken into small or separate parts. When you smash glass to the ground it becomes fragmentation | 42 | |
2781864746 | Genocide | the deliberate killing of a large group of people. The holocaust is an example of a genocide | 43 | |
2781864864 | Globalization | is the process of international integration of aspects of culture We have found many globalization is in our history | 44 | |
2781867483 | Hegemony | leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others. Kings have hegemony over all others in their social status | 45 | |
2781888247 | Hierarchy | a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. In the old European times people were Hierarchy | 46 | |
2781888662 | Idealism | the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, especially unrealistically. For scientist to be successful the use idealism | 47 | |
2781888834 | Ideology | a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy People use ideology to figure out things out | 48 | |
2781888905 | Imperialism | a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Imperialism happen when European countries took over parts of Africa | 49 | |
2781889031 | Indentured | bind by an indenture as an apprentice or laborer. Someone who is wealthy or is skill full might be indentured | 50 | |
2781889175 | Indigenous | originating or occurring naturally in a particular place Apple trees indigenously come out | 51 | |
2781889506 | Industrialization | The process in which a society or country transforms itself from a primarily agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services. The industrial revolution changes agricultural societies. | 52 | |
2781889596 | Infrastructure | the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise A government is a infrastructure | 53 | |
2781898366 | Integrity | the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. A person who is trust worthy has integrity | 54 | |
2781899340 | Isolationism | a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups To isolate someone out of a group | 55 | |
2781899385 | Kinship | A blood relationship Family members have kinship | 56 | |
2781899467 | Levy | impose to a tax, fee, or fine Sorry Nicholas the second made people pay lots taxes | 57 | |
2781899657 | Liberation | the act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression Hitler got Germany's liberation from the Treaty of versales | 58 | |
2781899754 | Maritime | connected with the sea, especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity. The Mediterranean was used for the French to transfer things to Germany | 59 | |
2781899823 | Martyr | A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. Hitler is an example of Martyr | 60 | |
2781900756 | Matriarchical | When a society is run by women When women control a society it's called matriarchical | 61 | |
2781900833 | Merit | the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward. Alexander the great was Merit | 62 | |
2781900937 | Messiah | the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. Messiah is a part of the Hebrew bible | 63 | |
2781904189 | Metallurgical | the technique or science of working or heating metals so as to give them certain desired shapes or properties. Blacksmith were matllurgical | 64 | |
2781934551 | Militarism | the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability Spartacus believed in a strong military | 65 | |
2781934654 | Mobilization | to assemble or marshal armed forces or military into readiness for active service Hitler had a big mobilization | 66 | |
2781934794 | Monarchy | a form of government with a monarch at the head A monarchy is when one ruler consoles a whole country | 67 | |
2781934968 | Monogamy | the practice or state of being married to one person at a time A regular marriage is a monogamy | 68 | |
2781935074 | Monopoly | the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service. Merchants are an example of monopoly | 69 | |
2781935139 | Monotheism | the doctrine or belief that there is only one God. There are many religions that are monotheism | 70 | |
2781935211 | Nationalism | To have pride and love for your country A patriot nationalism can be frightening to other countries | 71 | |
2781935326 | Nomadic | A nomad is someone who lives by traveling from place to place Hunter gatherers are nomadics | 72 | |
2781935374 | Oasis | A fertile spot in a desert where water is found. There are oasis in the Sahara desert | 73 | |
2781935439 | Oligarchy | A fertile spot in a desert where water is found. There are oasis in the desert | 74 | |
2781938618 | Papan | Papan is a town in the Osh Province of Kyrgyzstan. Papuan is a town in Kyrgyzstan | 75 | |
2781940336 | Papacy | The office or authority of the pope. A pope has papacy | 76 | |
2781940412 | Pastoral | especially of land or a farm used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle. Farmer work on pastoral | 77 | |
2781940605 | Patriarchy | system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family Most cultures are patriarchy | 78 | |
2781943068 | Polygamy | the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. When a male or female is married to more then one person | 79 | |
2781943251 | Polytheistic | The brief of more then one god Some religions believe in polytheistic | 80 | |
2781943605 | Predecessor | a person who held a job or office before the current holder. A Vice President is an example of a predecessor | 81 | |
2781944150 | Promulgate | promote or make widely known of an idea or cause A president has to promulgate | 82 | |
2781944245 | Prophet | a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God. | 83 | |
2781944742 | Propoganda | information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. | 84 | |
2781947991 | Province | a principal administrative division of certain countries or empires. | 85 | |
2781948620 | Provisional | arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later. | 86 | |
2781948772 | Radical | relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something | 87 | |
2781948940 | Reign | Hold royal office as a queen or king | 88 | |
2781949303 | Revolution | a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. | 89 | |
2781949853 | Salvation | deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ. | 90 | |
2781950138 | Secularism | Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. | 91 | |
2781951959 | Segregation | the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. | 92 | |
2781952548 | Self-Determination | the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government. | 93 | |
2781952665 | Serfdom | Serfdom is the status of many peasants under feudalism | 94 | |
2781952766 | Servitude | the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful. | 95 | |
2781953258 | Social Mobility | The ability of individuals or groups to move upward or downward in status based on wealth, occupation, education, or some other social variable | 96 | |
2781953854 | Socialism | a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole | 97 | |
2781954019 | Sovereignty | Supreme power and authority | 98 | |
2781954705 | Steppe | a large area of flat unforested grassland in southeastern Europe or Siberia. | 99 | |
2781956160 | Stratification | Is a system or formation of layers, classes, or categories. | 100 | |
2781956245 | Subjugation | is one of many types of injustice in the world. It has to do with one group of people dominating another group by taking away their freedom. People might have injustice | 101 | |
2781956485 | Subordination | the action or state of subordinating or of being subordinate. Some people get a lot of subordination | 102 | |
2781956613 | Successor | a person or thing that succeeds another. A person that successes something els | 103 | |
2781956669 | Sultan | a Muslim sovereign. There are many muslim sultans that are governed by them | 104 | |
2781957104 | Sultanate | a state or country governed by a sultan In the Modern age there are still other states that are sultanated | 105 | |
2781957442 | Syncretism | the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought. In the modern age people have syncretism | 106 | |
2781957547 | Tacit | understood or implied without being stated. Stalin became ruler with the tactic of tacit | 107 | |
2781957652 | Textiles | a type of cloth or woven fabric. Textiles a a type of fabric | 108 | |
2781958427 | Theocracy | a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. In the old ages churches were theocratic | 109 | |
2781958572 | Totalitarianism | centralized control by an autocratic authority. Stalin was a totalitarianism | 110 | |
2781959276 | Transient | lasting only for a short time Tsar Nicholas II was transient | 111 | |
2781959418 | Treatys | a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries. Treaty of versales is an example of a treaty | 112 | |
2781959472 | Tyranny | cruel and oppressive government or rule. Napoleon is an example of tyranny | 113 | |
2781960740 | Unification | the process of being united or made into a whole. America was unified | 114 | |
2781961101 | Urbanization | A word for becoming more like a city. When populations of people grow, the population of a place may spill over from city to nearby areas. Colonies evolved isncalled urbanization | 115 | |
2781961258 | Vernacular | the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region. Many countries have their own vernacular. | 116 |
AP World History Vocabulary Flashcards
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