6218454982 | asceticism (noun) | rigorous self-denial; trying to attain high spiritual/moral state through self-denial or self-mortification, usually for religious purposes | 0 | |
6218454983 | dint (noun) | force, power, dent, blow, stroke | 1 | |
6218454984 | dint (verb with object) | to dent, drive in with force | 2 | |
6218454985 | envoy (noun) | messenger or representative | 3 | |
6218454986 | defray (verb with object) | to bear, pay all of part of an expense | 4 | |
6218454987 | crass (adjective) | without refinement, delicacy, sensitivity, intelligence | 5 | |
6218454988 | allocation (noun) | the act of apportioning, assigning, alloting, distributing, setting apart | 6 | |
6218454989 | enjoin (verb with object) | to direct, order, prescribe with authority | 7 | |
6218454990 | oscillate (verb) | to swing, vary, vibrate, move to and fro | 8 | |
6218454991 | interloper (noun) | person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others; intruder | 9 | |
6269162395 | incarcerate (verb) | to imprison; confine; enclose: constrict | 10 | |
6269162396 | vacuous (adjective) | empty; lacking in ideas or intelligence; purposeless; idle | 11 | |
6269162397 | akimbo (adjective) | with hand on hip and elbow bent outward | 12 | |
6269162398 | akimbo (adverb) | bent outward with joint away from body | 13 | |
6269162399 | jubilant (adjective) | show great joy, satisfaction, or triumph, rejoicing, exultant | 14 | |
6269162400 | presumptuous (adjective) | characterized by readiness to presume in conduct or thought; unwarrantedly bold; doing something without right or permission; overstepping; excessively forward; overconfident | 15 | |
6269162401 | pecuniary (adjective) | relating to money; consisting of monetary payments | 16 | |
6269162402 | licentious (adjective) | lewd, unrestrained by law or morals; lawless; immoral; disregarding rules; promiscuous | 17 | |
6269162403 | muse (verb) | to think or meditate; comment thoughtfully; ruminate | 18 | |
6269162404 | muse (noun) | a person who is the source of inspiration for an artist | 19 | |
6269162405 | subversive (adjective) | tending to overthrow, destroy, disrupt, or undermine an existing system | 20 | |
6269162406 | subversive (noun) | a person who adopts destructive, undermining principles; trouble-maker | 21 | |
6269162407 | lassitude (noun) | weariness of body or mind from strain; a condition of lazy indifference | 22 | |
6339446082 | vacillate (verb) | to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute; fluctuate | 23 | |
6339446083 | initiative (noun) | enterprise; personal responsible decision; leading action | 24 | |
6339446084 | initiative (adjective) | serving to set into motion; introductory; beginning | 25 | |
6339446085 | disparity (noun) | lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference | 26 | |
6339446086 | avocation (noun) | hobby, something done in addition to principal occupation | 27 | |
6339446087 | efficacy (noun) | capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness | 28 | |
6339446088 | capricious (adjective) | led by sudden odd notions; unpredictable changes; erratic | 29 | |
6339446089 | reticent (adjective) | disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved; reluctant; restrained | 30 | |
6339446090 | hospice (noun) | house of shelter or rest for travelers (typically religious); health-care facility | 31 | |
6339446091 | moribund (adjective) | in a dying state; near death; on the verge of extinction or termination; stagnant | 32 | |
6339446092 | risqué (adjective) | daringly close to insensitivity, indecency, or misconduct; off-color | 33 | |
6416567453 | verisimilitude (noun) | the appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood or probability of reality | 34 | |
6416575550 | inexorable (adjective) | unyielding; unalterable; not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by entreaties; impossible to stop or prevent | 35 | |
6416601748 | retinue (noun) | entourage; escorts, suite; those who follow an important person; advisers; assistants | 36 | |
6416632209 | insipid (adjective) | without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; bland; lacking flavor lacking vigor or interest | 37 | |
6416711054 | fedora (noun) | soft felt hat with curled brim and crown creased lengthwise; Indiana Jones hat | 38 | |
6416726004 | corroborate (verb with object) | to make more certain; confirm; give support to a statement | 39 | |
6416736871 | physiognomy (noun) | face; countenance; determining characteristics based on appearance, facial features, or expression; outward appearance (taken as insight into character); facial features or expression, especially regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin | 40 | |
6416777166 | suppliant (noun) | petitioner; one who prays, entreaties | 41 | |
6416778676 | suppliant (adjective) | praying humbly; entreatying; petitioning; expressive of petitioning | 42 | |
6416800880 | tedium (noun) | the quality or state of being wearisome; irksomeness; tiresome; monotonous; too long or slow | 43 | |
6416800881 | torrid (adjective) | subject to parching or burning heat; oppressively hot, parching, or burning; ardent, passionate; intense emotion | 44 | |
6445044905 | encumber (verb) | to impede or hinder, to restrict or burden so free movement or action is difficult | 45 | |
6445044906 | impasse (noun) | a position or situation from which there is no escape; without an outlet; deadlock | 46 | |
6445044907 | lugubrious (adjective) | mournful, dismal, or gloomy; looking or sounding excessively sad or dismal | 47 | |
6445044908 | affront (noun) | a personally offensive act, remark, or word; insult | 48 | |
6445044909 | affront (verb) | to offend; embarrass | 49 | |
6445044910 | indolent (adjective) | slothful; avoiding exertion; inactive; lazy | 50 | |
6445044911 | connoisseur (noun) | a discerning judge of the best in any field; a person who is especially competent; expert judge in manners of taste | 51 | |
6445044912 | cajole (verb) | to persuade through flattery, promises, or coaxing | 52 | |
6445044913 | blasé (adjective) | indifferent to or bored with life; unimpressed because one has experienced or seen it so often before | 53 | |
6445044914 | ribald (adjective) | vulgar, coarse, or indecent in speech; abusive or irreverent | 54 | |
6445044915 | choleric (adjective) | extremely irritable, bad-tempered, or easily angered | 55 | |
6512674028 | droll (adjective) | amusing in an odd way; comical or humorous in an odd or whimsical manner | 56 | |
6512806553 | adulation (noun) | excessive devotion to someone; excessive flattery, admiration, or praise | 57 | |
6512674029 | carnage (noun) | the killing of many people; massacre; slaughter; mass murder; bodies of the slain | 58 | |
6512674030 | decrepit (adjective) | weakened by old age; feeble; infirm; worn out by long use; dilapidated | 59 | |
6512847695 | pusillanimous (adjective) | lacking courage; cowardly; timid; indicating a cowardly spirit | 60 | |
6512806554 | expectorate (verb) | to cough or spit out (phlegm) from the throat or lungs to expel matter through coughing; to spit | 61 | |
6512893608 | surfeit (noun) | excess or overindulgence in eating or drinking | 62 | |
6512674033 | surfeit (verb) | to cause to desire no more because of excessive indulgence; to eat or drink to excess; to excessively indulge in anything | 63 | |
6512674034 | lethargic (noun) | the quality or state of being drowsy and dull; listless and unenergetic; sluggish inactivity | 64 | |
6512674035 | palpate (verb) | to examine by touch, especially for diagnosing illness and medical purposes | 65 | |
6512674036 | peremptory (adjective) | leaving no opportunity for refusal; dictatorial; assertive in speech, tone, or manner; brusquely insisting that something be done immediately | 66 | |
6543006090 | prostrate (verb) | to lay flat on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration | 67 | |
6543006091 | prostrate (adjective) | lying flat on the ground and face down in submission | 68 | |
6543052263 | plethora | overabundance; excess of something | 69 | |
6543052264 | palpitate (verb) | to pulsate with unusual rapidity; to flutter, quiver, throb, or tremble | 70 | |
6543052265 | propitious (adjective) | favorable; auspicious; favorably inclined; indicating a good chance of success | 71 | |
6543052266 | extricate (verb) | to free or release from entanglement; disengage; to liberate | 72 | |
6543052267 | guffaw (noun) | a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter; boisterous laughter | 73 | |
6543052268 | guffaw (verb) | to laugh loudly and boisterously | 74 | |
6543052269 | ignominious (adjective) | marked by disgrace or dishonor; discreditable; humiliating; causing public disgrace or shame | 75 | |
6543052270 | deem (verb) | to form or have an opinion; judge; think; regard; to hold as an opinion | 76 | |
6543052271 | fiasco (noun) | a complete and humiliating failure; ignominious failure | 77 | |
6543052272 | pinnacle (noun) | lofty peak; highest or culminating point | 78 | |
6543052273 | pinnacle (verb) | to reach the most successful point | 79 | |
6646997309 | voluble (adjective) | characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; talkative; chatty; loquacious | 80 | |
6646997310 | perspicuity (noun) | clearness; lucidity; apparentness; plainness; transparency | 81 | |
6646999733 | perjury (noun) | purposely giving false testimony while under oath; criminal offense of lying under oath | 82 | |
6647001078 | flagrant (adjective) | obvious; shockingly noticeable or evident; notorious; scandalous; conspicious | 83 | |
6647003488 | acquiesce (verb) | to assent, submit, or comply without protest; silently consent or agree | 84 | |
6647003489 | amity (noun) | friendship; friendly relationship; accord | 85 | |
6647005569 | preposterous (adjective) | completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; senseless; utterly foolish | 86 | |
6647005570 | parody (noun) | any humorous satirical imitation of literature, people, or events | 87 | |
6647007863 | parody (verb) | to imitate for the purposes of ridicule or satire | 88 | |
6647009341 | arduous (adjective) | laborious; difficult; requiring lots of energy or exertion | 89 | |
6647010621 | trepidation (noun) | tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; severe panic, horror, or dread | 90 | |
6674667648 | admonish (verb) | to caution, advise or counsel against something; scold or reprove especially in a good willed manner | 91 | |
6674667649 | vernacular (adjective) | native, everyday or common when pertaining to langugage | 92 | |
6743461257 | vernacular (noun) | the native speech or language of a place; common language | 93 | |
6674667650 | collusion (noun) | secret or illegal operation of conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others | 94 | |
6674667651 | cognizant (adjective) | having awareness, realization, or knowledge | 95 | |
6674667652 | barrage (noun) | An overwhelming quantity or explosion (from artillery fire to words and criticism) | 96 | |
6743204504 | barrage (verb) | to bombard someone with something | 97 | |
6674667653 | ramification (noun) | consequences of actions a branch; a subdivision; extension | 98 | |
6674667654 | unctuous (adjective) | excessively smooth;oily; greasy; soapy; sneaky in manner of speech | 99 | |
6674667655 | urbane (adjective) | reflecting elegance; sophistication, especially in expression; refined | 100 | |
6674667656 | aplomb (noun) | imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance (vertical) | 101 | |
6674667657 | nebulous (adjective) | hazy, vague, indinstict, or confused (cloudy): unclear, vague, or ill defined; in the form of a cloud | 102 | |
6743313554 | brazen (adj) | shameless or impudent; cheeky; bold | 103 | |
6743315899 | brazen (verb) | to make bold or shameless | 104 | |
6743320935 | inscrutable (adj) | incapable of being investigated or analyzed; mysterious; impossible to understand or interpret | 105 | |
6743324480 | ambulatory (adj) | relating to walking; moving about; not stationary | 106 | |
6743324481 | ambulatory (noun) | architectural structure in a church; aisle in a church | 107 | |
6743329232 | ennui (noun) | a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from boredom; lassitude | 108 | |
6743331777 | debilitate (verb) | to make weak or feeble; to make infirm | 109 | |
6743335298 | fraternize (verb) | to associate in a friendly or brotherly way when not supposed to | 110 | |
6743338431 | schism (noun) | division or disunion, especially in opposed parties and when caused by differences in opinion; the offense of causing or wanting to cause division | 111 | |
6743341043 | exonerate (verb) | to legally clear from accusation; free from blame; to relieve from a duty | 112 | |
6743343766 | sedition (noun) | incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government; any action promoting rebellion against the government | 113 | |
6743349734 | prognosticate (verb) | to forecast or predict; prophesy or fortell | 114 |
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