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AP World History Dates Flashcards

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5377450700Olmecs1200-400 bc0
5377450701Chavin900-250 bc1
5377450702Roman Empire700bc-470 ad2
5377450703Roman republic500 bc-47 ad3
5377450704Hitties1700-1200 bc4
5377450705Assyrian911-612 bc5
5377450706Sumer5000-3000 bc6
5377450707Indus Valley3000-1500 bc7
5377450708Mycenae1600-1100 bc8
5377450709Minoans2000-1400 bc9
5377450710Phoenicians1200-800 bc10
5377450711Egyptian old2700-2200 bc11
5377450712Egyptian Middle2050-1650 bc12
5377450713Egyptian new1500-1000 bc13
5377450715Maya300-900 ce15
5377450716Mochë100-800 ce16
5377450717Ancient Israel1000-900 bc17
5377450718Shang1700-1100 bc18
5377450719Zhou1100-200 bc19
5377450720Han200 bc -200 ce20
5377450721Mauryan300-100 bc21
5377450722Achaemenid500-300 bc22
5377450723Confucius6th century bc23
5377450724Buddha6th century bc24
5377450725Warring states400-200 bc25
5377450726Alexander the great4th century bc26
5377450727Silk Road1st century-15th century27
5377450728Jesus1st century28
5377450729Delian league478 bc29
5377450730Bantu migration300-1500 bc30
5377450731Bronze Age2900-1100 bc31
5377450732Iron Age1300-600 bc32
5377450733Guptas300-500 ce33
5377450734Incas1300-1500 ce34
5377450735Aztecs1200-1500 ce35
5377450736Sui500-618 ce36
5377450737Tang618-907 ce37
5377450738Song960-1200 ce38
6351293076Yuan1200-1300 ce39
6351293734Ming1500-1600 ce40
6351294684Umayyad800-900 ce41
6351295134Abbasid900-1500 ce42
6351295706Muhammad600 ce43
6351296716Charlemagne800 ce44
6351298093Unification of Russia under Ivan 31450- 1500 ce45
6351299010Tamerlane1300-1400 ce46
6351300612Islam600 - 700 ce47
6351301545Voyages of Zheng He1400-1450 ce48
6351302557Crusades11th century ce49
6351304792Plague from Asia to Europe134750
6351305474Champa Rice11th century ce51
6351307897Safavid1500-1720 ce52
6351308349Mughal1520-1700 ce53
6351308832Ottoman1300-1920 ce54
6351311376Tokugawa Japan1600-1850 ce56
6351311766Songhai1350-1600 ce57
6351313703Mali1200-1550 ce58
6351314127Queen Elizabeth1550-1600 ce59
6351314909Akbar the Great1550-1600 ce60
6351316182Louis XIV1650-1720 ce61
6351317014Peter the Great1670-1730 ce62
6351317594Catherine the Great1730-1800 ce63
6351319188Suleyman the Magnificent1520-1566 ce64
6351320148Copernicus1475-1550 ce65
6351322950Ottomans take Constantinople1453 ce66
6351325028Absolutism in Europe and Russia1670-1800 ce67
6351325726Protestant Reformation1517 ce68
6351326944Atlantic Slave Trade1519-1800 ce69
6351331541Exploration of New World1492 ce70
6351332584Fall of Inca1500 ce71
6351332992Fall of Aztec1500 ce72
6351335089Voyages of Vasco de Gama1497 ce73
6351336771Renaissance in Europe1400-1600 ce74
6351337637Peace of Westphalia1648 ce75
6351338824Fall of Qing1900 ce76
6351340527Fall of Mughals1700 ce77
6351342527Industrialism in England1700-1850 ce78
6351345089Industrialism in US...79
6351345908Industrialism in Japan...80
6351346830Emancipation of Serfs1800 ce81
6351347776Passage of 13th Amendment1865 ce82
6351348725Opium Wars1840 ce83
6351349996Taiping Rebellion1850-1860 ce84
6351350842Simon Bolivar1780-1830 ce85
6351352264Benito Juarez1858-1870 ce86
6351355081French Revolution1790-1800 ce87
6351356247Haitian Revolution1790-1800 ce88
6351358486Meiji Revolution1868 ce89
6351358994Congress of Vienna1815 ce90
6351359879American War of Independence...91
6351361141Self Strengthening Movement...92
6351361867Tanzimat in Ottoman Empire...93
6351362791Suez Canal1870 ce94
6351363642Panama Canal1915 ce95
6351364308Colonization of Australia...96
6351364686Shaka Zulu1820-1870 ce97
6351365508Colonization of Egypt1880 ce98
6351366945Battle of Adowa(Ethiopia v. Italy)1890 ce99
6351367862First Railroads in Europe...100
6351368296Mexican Revolution...101
6351368538Sepoy Rebellion1857-1858 ce102
6351369948Crimean War1854-1856 ce103
6351370674Berlin West Africa Conference1885 ce104

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