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AP World History Flashcards

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5144521732napoleons in poweroverthrows the directory 17990
5144521733napoleons achievementsunified the legal system created the napoleonic code which is still the basis i for legal codes in latin America today equality before the law1
5144521734napoleon mistakes1808 The Peninsula War-tied up the French army in Spain led to the beginning of the use of the term Geurilla Warfare2
5144521735The Legacy of napoleongot rid of feudalism, ended absolutism3
5144521736the congress of viennaconservatives, congress wanted to change back the clock on the French Revolution and restore the old kings to their thrones called legitimacy4
5144521737legacy of the congressprevented a major war in Europe for 100 years WWI 19145
5144521738latin Americaby 1825 all of _________________ (south America) is enrevolt6
5144521739mestizothe american revolution was led by ___________7
5144521740portugalbrazil's monarchy related to __________8
5144521741stage of reasonset the stage for the revolutionary age of the 17 and 1800s9
5144521742ancient regime or old regimefrom 1792 thereafter, the french monarchy will be known as the _______ or ___________10
5159519148know chronology (french rev)(american french latin) moderately and then napoleons took over and became radical11
5159519149Simon bolovarwanted south America to be united states12
51595191501825 all LA indepall latin america was independent13
5159519151peninsula war 1808spark to overthrow spanish rule _____________14
5159519152rain of terrorhaiti slavery abolished at 1st then brought back ________15
5159519153what influenced LA revenlightenment revolution16
5159519154regional statesitaly after roman empire broken up into regional kingdoms17
5159519155german- states- prussiadominate force in getting the germans together18
5159519156franco prussian war 1871ended the 2nd french empire19
5159519157bismarcksocial security (intention)20
51595191583rd powerinitially gained power, upper part of state is middle class21
5159519159moderate phasereligious toleration and rights22
5159519160jacobinsthe radical face23
5159519161Francetried to spread ideas of liberty, equality to french rev and other areas24

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