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AP Language Literary Devices Flashcards

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5005406325AllegoryA narrative in which characters, behavior, and even the setting demonstrate multiple levels of meaning and significance. The underlying may be moral, religious, social, political, or Satiric0
5005406326AlliterationThe sequential repetition of constant sounds at the beginnings of words. (Example: Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore)1
5005406327AllusionA literary, historical, mythological, or biblical reference assumed to be well-known enough to be recognized by the reader. For instance, one might contrast the life and tribulations of Frederick Douglass to the trials of Job from the bible.2
5005406328AnalogyA comparison of two similar, yet different things, usually to clarify an action or relationship.(Example:Comparing the actions of a heart to a pump.3
5005406329AnaphoraThe regular repetition of the same words or phrases at the beginning o a successive phrases of clauses. (Example: Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all Gods children(MLK)4
5005406330AnecdoteA short simple narrative of an incident often used for humorous effect or to make a point5
5005406331AntithesisThe juxtaposition of sharply contrasting ideas in parallel of words or ideas. (Example: Alexander Pope reminds us that "to err is human, to forgive divine")6
5005406332Aphorisma concise, often witty statement of a principle or truth about life designed to make a point or illustrate a commonly help belief; also referred to as adage, maxim, or proverb. (Example: Spare the rod and spoil the child)7
5005406333AssonanceRepetition of a vowel sound within two or more words in close proximity(Example:How now Brown cow?)8
5005406334AttitudeThe sense expressed by the tone of voice or mood of a piece of writing. The authors feelings toward the subject, character, events, or theme.9
5005406335CaricatureDescriptive writing that greatly exaggerates a specific feature of a person's appearance or facet of their personality.10
5005406336ClaimIn argumentation, an assertion of something as fact11
5005406337ColloquialismWords or phrases used in everyday conversation and informal writing, but often inappropriate in formal writing; the diction of common, ordinary folks, especially of a common region. (Example: Southerner's Y'all)12
5005406338ConnotationThe implied, suggested, or underlying meaning of a word or phrase because of its association in the readers mind.13
5005406339ConsonanceThe repetition of two or more consonant sounds with a change in the intervening vowels (Example: Pitter-patter, splish-splash, click-clack)14
5005406340ConventionAn accepted manner, model, or tradition (Example: William using the Convention of comedy or tragedy)15
5005406341Deductive Reasoning(Deduction)The method of argument in which specific statements and conclusions are drawn or inferred from generalities: movements from the general to the specific16
5005406342DenotationThe literal meaning of a word as defined in the dictionary17
5005406343Descriptionthe picturing in words of something or someone through detailed observation of color, motion, sound, taste, smell, and touch18
5005406344DialectThe language and speech idiosyncrasies of a specific area, region, or group. (Example: Minnesotans say "You betcha" it is not usually common and is a Minnesotan thing)19
5005406345DictionThe specific word choice an author uses to persuade or convey tone, purpose, or effect.20
5005406346DidacticWriting or speech with an instructive purpose or lesson.21
5005406347DiscourseSpoken or written language, including literary works. The four classified modes of _____ are description, exposition, narration, and persuasion.22
5005406348DissonanceHarsh or grating sounds that do not go together23
5005406349ElegyA poem or prose that laments- or mediates upon the death of - a person or persons. Sometimes it will end with words of consolation.24
5005406350EphistropheIn rhetoric, the repetition of words of a phrase at the end of a successive sentence. (Example: "If women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have the chance to work, their families will flourish)25
5005406351EpitaphWriting in praise of a dead person, most often inscribed upon the headstone.26
5005406352EthosIn rhetoric, the appeal of a text to the credibility and character of a speaker, writer, or narrator (Who is this person, and what gives them the authority?)27
5005406353EuphemismAn indirect kinder way of expressing unpleasant information in an effort to avoid business. (Example: Passed on instead of died)28
5005406354ExpositionThe immediate revelation to the audience of the setting and other background information necessary for understanding the plot. The interpretation or analysis of a text; one or the four modes of discourse29
5005406355EulogyA speech or written message in praise of a person: an oration in honor of a deceased person.30
5005406356Extended Metaphora series of comparisons within a piece of writing. If they are consistently one concept this is also known as a conceit31
5005406357Figurative LanguageIt contains levels of meaning expressed through figures of speech such as a metaphor, simile, personification, and hyperbole, in order to create associations that are imaginative rather than literal32
5005406358FlashbackAn earlier even inserted into the normal chronology of the narration: also known as retrospection33
5005406359Folkloretraditional stories, songs, dances, and customs that are preserved among people, passed down from generation to generation until recorded by scholars.34
5005406360ForeshadowingThe use of a hint or clue to suggest a larger event that occurs later in the work35
5005406361GenreA type or class of literature, such as narrative, poetry, history, biography, or epic36
5005406362HomilyA sermon, but more contemporary uses include any serious talk, speech, or lecture involved37
5005406363HubrisThe excessive pride or ambition that leads a tragic hero to disregard warnings or impending doom, ultimately causing their downfall38
5005406364HyperboleDeliberate overstatement characterized by exaggerated language, usually to make a point, create humor, or draw attention. (Example: I'm starving to death)39
5005406365ImageryAny sensory detail or evocation in a work: the use of figurative language to evoke feeling, call to mind an idea, or describe an object. It involves any of the five senses to create a mental picture.40
5005406366Inductive Reasoning(Induction)The method of argument in which general statements and conclusions are drawn or inferred from specifics.41
5005406367InferenceA conclusion or proposition arrived at by considering facts, observations, or some other specific data. It is through this process-looking at clues, learning the facts-that Sherlock Holmes was able to solve his crimes42
5005406368Interior MonologueWriting that records the conversation that occurs inside a character's mind43
5005406369IronyThe contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant. The intended meaning is often the opposite of what is stated, often suggesting light sarcasm. It is used for many reasons, often to create poignancy or humor44
5005406370Dramatic Ironyfacts or situations are known to the reader or audience but not the characters45
5005406371Situational Ironywhen events end up the opposite of what is expected46
5005406372Verbal IronyWhat the author/narrator says is actually the opposite of what is meant47
5005406373IsocolonParallel structure in which the parallel elements are similar not only in grammatical structure but also in length. (Example: Bible admonition-"Many are called,, but few are chosen")48
5005406374JargonSpecialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group. The Computer industry has introduced much of this into our vocabulary, such as geek, crash, virus, and bug49
5005406375JuxtapositionOne thing is placed adjacent to another to create an effect reveal an attitude, or accomplish some other purpose50
5005406376LitoteA Figure of speech that emphasizes its subject to another to create an effect, reveal an attitude, or accomplish some other purpose51
5005406377Loose SentenceA sentence that is grammatically complete before its end (Example:She played the violin with a dexterity never before seen in high school)52
5005406378Metaphorone thing is pictured as if it were something else, suggesting a likeness or analogy. It is an implicit comparison or identification of one thing with another, without using Like or as.53
5005406379Metonymya figure of speech that uses the name of an object, person, or idea to represent something which is associated. (Example: The crown instead of the king)54
5005406380Mode of DiscourseThe manner in which information is presented in written or spoken form: narration, description, argumentation, exposition.55
5005406381Narrative/Narrationa feeling or ambience resulting from the tone of a piece as well as the emotional attitude and POV of the writer/narrator.56
5005406382MotifThe main theme or subject of a work elaborated on in the development of a piece; a recurrent pattern or idea.57
5005406383MoodA mode of discourse that tells a story and is based on the sequences of connected events, usually presented in a straightforward, chronological framework.58
5005406384NaturalismA literary movement that grew out of realism in France, England and the US in the late 19th/early-20th centuries: it portrays humans as having no free will driven only by the natural forces of heredity, environment,, and animalistic urges over which they have no control59
5005406385Objectivityan impersonal presentation of characters and events60
5005406386Onomatopoeiathe use of words that sound like what they mean (Example: Hiss, boom, buzz, thump)61
5005406387Oxymoroncomposed of contradictory words or phrases (Example: silent alarm, deafening silence)62
5005406388Parablea short story that teaches a moral: similar but shorter than an allegory.63
5005406389Parallelism/Parallel Structurea statement that seems contradictory or absurd but has a rational meaning. Used to attract attention or secure emphasis. (Example: fight for peace)64
5005406390Paradoxa structural arrangement of parts f a sentence, sentences, paragraphs, and larger units of composition by which one element of equal importance with another is equally developed and similarly phrased. Example from A Tale of Two Cities: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it as the age of foolishness)65
5005406391ParodyA work that ridicules the style of another work by imitating and exaggerating its elements. (Saturday Night Live)66
5005406392Pastorala short descriptive narrative , usually a poem, about an idealized country life: also called an idyll67
5005406393PathosThe element in literature which stimulates pity or sorrow. In argument or persuasion it tends to be the evocation of pity from the reader/listener. Emotion68
5005406394Periodic sentenceA sentence that is not grammatically complete until the last phrase. (Example: Despite Austin's hatred of his sister's laziness, he still cared for her.)69
5005406395PersonaA fictional voice that a writer adopts to tell a story, determined by the subject matter and audience.70
5005406396PersonificationThe attribution of human qualities to a nonhuman or inanimate object. (Example: Once again the heart of America is heavy. The spirit of America weeps for a tragedy that denies the very meaning of our land)71
5005406397PersuasionOne of the four modes of discourse, it is a form of argumentation in which the language is intended to convince through appeals to reason or emotion.72
5005406398Point of ViewThe perspective from which a story is presented. In nonfiction, it requires the reader to establish the historical perspective of what is being said. (5 Types)73
5005406399First Person NarratorNarration is provided by a character in the story who related the actins through their own perspective, also revealing their thoughts74
5005406400Limited Omniscient NarratorThird person narration which reports the thoughts of only one character and generally only what one character sees75
5005406401Objective Narratorthird person narration which only reports what would be visible to a camera. thoughts and feelings are only reveals if they are spoken76
5005406402Omniscient Narratorthird person narration, where "he" "she" and they" is able to see into each characters mind and understand all the action.77
5005406403Stream of Consciousness NarratorLike a first person narration, but instead placing the reader inside the characters had, making the reader privy too continuous, chaotic flow of disconnected, half-formed thoughts an impressions in the characters mind.78
5005406404ProseThe ordinary form of written language without metrical structure, in contrast to verse and poetry79
5005406405Protagonistthe main character of literary work80
5005406406Rhetoricatttemps to describe nature and life without idealization and with alteration to detail. (Example: Walden Pond)81
5005406407RealismThe art of using language to persuade in writing or speaking. Involves, writers purpose, consideration of audience, exploration of the subject, arrangement and organization of ideas, style and tone of expression, and form.82
5005406408Rhetorical ModesArgumentation, description, exposition, narration83
5005406409Rhetorical QuestionAsked simply for the sake of stylistic effect, it s a question not expected to be answered84
5005406410RomanticismA literary, artistic, and philosophical movement that began in the 18th century. Focal points are imagination, emotion and freedom.85
5005406411SarcasmA form of verbal irony in which apparent praise is actually critical. It can be light and gently poke fun t someone/something, or can be harsh and cruel86
5005406412SatireA literary work that hold up to human failings to ridicule and censure.87
5005406413SimileA direct explicit cmparison of one thing to another, usually the words like or as to make direct comparison between two essentially different objects, actions, or qualities.88
5005406414Speakerthe voice of a work; an author may speak as himself/herself or as a fictitious persona89
5005406415Stereotypea character who represents a trait that is usually attributed to a particular social or racial group and who lacks individuality90
5005406416Stylethe manner in which a writer characteristically combines and arranges words, shapes ides, an utilizes syntax and structure. It is the distinctive manner of expression that represents that author's typical writing ______.91
5005406417SubjectivityA personal representation of events and characters, influenced by the author's feelings and opinions92
5005406418Symbolismthe use of a person, place, thing, event, or pattern that figuratively represents or stands for someone else. Often the thing or idea represented is more abstract or general than this, which is concrete93
5005406419Synecdochea figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole94
5005406420Syntaxthe way words are put together to form phrases, clauses, and sentence. it is a sentence structure and how it influences the way a reader perceives a particular piece of writing. Another word choice for diction95
5005406421Themethe central or dominant idea, message or focus of a literary work, it is the overall statement the piece makes about its subject96
5005406422Tonethe attitude the author/narrator takes toward a subject, character, audience, or theme. It s the overall tenor of a piece of writing based o particular stylistic devices employed by the writer97
5005406423Unitythe quality of a piece of writing, also known as coherence98
5005406424Voicethe way a literary work conveys an author's attitude, the source of the words is either acknowledged or unacknowledged. it is the speaker's or narrator's particular take of an idea based on a particular passage and how al elements of the style of the piece come together to express their feelings99

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