6697579920 | Gulf of Tonkin Resolution | Increased amount of US troops in Vietnam War | 0 | |
6697579921 | Tet offensive | Turning point of Vietnam War (Campaign of suprise attacks by Viet Cong on Vietnamese new year) | 1 | |
6697579922 | Paris Peace Accord | Ended direct US involvement in Vietnam War | 2 | |
6697579923 | Confucian court exams (Vietnam usage) | These were used to determine Vietnamese government positions, later suspended by French | 3 | |
6697579924 | June Fourth Incident | Student protestors gathered in Tianamen Square for the funeral of Hu Yaobang, who sought to end corruption in Chinese Government | 4 | |
6697579925 | Deng Xiaoping | Introduced Capitalism into Chinese society, Ordered use of force against protestors during The June Fourth Incident | 5 | |
6697957215 | Challenges of Chinese economic growth | Income disparity and pollution | 6 | |
6697957216 | Nationalist China | Supported traditional womens roles while the Communists sought to provide greater liberties | 7 | |
6697957217 | Red Guard | A group of students during the Cultural Revolution that terrorized Mao's rivals and other intellectuals | 8 | |
6697957218 | Mao's death - Effect on economy | Following the death of this person, China became more open to capitalist markets and some democratic reform | 9 | |
6697957219 | The Great Leap Forward | Focused on "backyard" furnaces based on labor not technology, Resulted in worst famine of the Communist era | 10 | |
6697957220 | Hundred Flowers Campaign | Mao allowed intellectuals to speak out about Communism, negative responses led to arrests, "Entice the snakes out of their caves" | 11 | |
6697957221 | Autumn Harvest Uprising | Led by Mao Zedong against the Kuomintang, led to Long March | 12 | |
6697957222 | Kuomintang - foreign aid | Sought aid from the USSR after the West failed to provide assistance | 13 | |
6697957223 | Sun-Yat sen | Founder of Kuomintang, death led to rise of Chiang Kai-shek | 14 | |
6697957224 | Chiang Kai-Shek | Sought to eliminate feudalism in China, led the Kuomintang after Sun-Yat sen's death | 15 | |
6697957225 | Proletarian Revolution (China) | Early Marxist philosopher in China viewed Chinese society as Proletarian | 16 | |
6697957226 | Communist Infeluence (China) | Many Chinese students viewed the West as bourgeoise exploiters of Chinese peasants | 17 | |
6697957227 | Russian Revolution influence on China | Made China aware of a possible Marxist solution to their problems | 18 | |
6697957228 | May fourth Movement | Protest against Chinese Governments handling of Versailles treaty, gave land to Japan. Promoted a more liberal society, Footbinding was outlawed. | 19 | |
6697957229 | Failed Rule of Yuan Shikai | Japan establishes a foothold in Northern China, has massive domestic power, gained more influence after WW1 | 20 | |
6697957230 | Xinhai Revolution | Numerous groups opposed the Qing dynasty at the turn of the 20th century | 21 | |
6697957231 | Quing Dynasty (Overthrow) | Toppled in a revolt headed by the Revolutionary Alliance under Sun-Yat Sen | 22 | |
6697957232 | Puyi | Abdicated, ended over 2000 years of dynastic rule | 23 | |
6697957233 | The failiure of Confucianism | Both China and Vietnam had failing Confucian systems, failiure to deal with foreign aggression and internal revolt | 24 | |
6697957234 | Opium war, Sino-Japanese, Spheres of Influence | China | 25 | |
6697957235 | French Colonialism | Vietnam | 26 | |
6697957236 | World Cup Soccer | Served as a means to generate nationalism outside the context of military conflict | 27 | |
6697957237 | Cholera | Bacterial infection, caused by injestion of contaminated food or water, hurt Latin America the most | 28 | |
6697957238 | Latin American Economics | High debt to foreign countries in recent 20th century, Banana Republics, South America has huge drug problems | 29 | |
6697957239 | Augusto Pinochet | Dictator of Chile, helped by US to gain control over Salvador Allende | 30 | |
6697957240 | "Miracle of Chile" | Free market reforms, privatization at the expense if economic disparity | 31 | |
6697957241 | Chile (Economy) | Strongest performing economy in Latin America | 32 | |
6697957242 | Fidel Castro | Led succesful coup of Batista's government in Cuba, embraced Socialism | 33 | |
6697957243 | Bay of Pigs Invasion | Failed to oust Castro | 34 | |
6697957244 | Colonel Jacobo Arbenz | Sought to nationalize Guatemala, Toppled by United States in support of United Fruit Company, overthrown by CIA due to supposed Communist links, fled to Cuba during Castro's reign | 35 | |
6697957245 | Juan D. Peron and Evita | Led a populist government following WW2 in Argentina | 36 | |
6697957246 | Peronism (Created by Juan D. Peron) | Centers on the "three flags" of social justice, economic independence, and political soverignty, viewed as alternate to extremes of capitalism and communism | 37 | |
6697957247 | US "Good neighbor" policy | US gave loans to Brazil for Industrialization, encourage Brazil to join allies in WW2 | 38 | |
6697957248 | President Getulio Vargas | Dictator of Brazil, embraced democratization as part of siding with Allies, Initially had centralized government based on Mussolini's model, assasination attempt led him to resign | 39 | |
6697957249 | Estado Novo | New state, period of Varga's leadership, ended by WW2 | 40 | |
6697957250 | Augusta Sandino | Nicuraguan gorilla fighter (Against US marines) was assasinated by US trained Nicaraguan guard, declared a national hero | 41 | |
6697957251 | NAFTA | Goal was to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between member nations, Members: US, Canada, Mexico. Helped Mexico's economy the most | 42 | |
6697957252 | Highlighted Mexican reforms | Nationalism and concern for Indian affairs | 43 | |
6697957253 | Party of Institutionalized Revolution | Led the social and political developments of Mexico, instituion if former revolutionairies | 44 | |
6697957254 | Celebration during Revolution (Mexico) | Mexican literature, music and art focused on the Mexican Revolution with some references to Marxist symbols | 45 | |
6697957255 | Francisco Madero | Revolted against the forces of Perfiro Diaz, resulted in Mexican Revolution | 46 | |
6697957256 | Mexican Constituion of 1917 | Promised land and reform, limited foreign ownership of key resources and placed restrictions on the church | 47 | |
6698093938 | Great Pacific Garbage Patch | Mass amount of marine debris, lies between Hawaii and California | 48 | |
6698093939 | Modern troubles of Little Tigers | Mass pollution due to rapid economic growth, increasing unemployment, weakening currencies | 49 | |
6698093940 | ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian nations) | Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines, Thailand. Sought nation-building, defense against communism. Promotes regional economic growth and peaceful cooperation | 50 | |
6698093941 | APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation) | Formed to promote free trade and economic intergration, Accounts for 80% of worlds computer and high tech components | 51 | |
6698093942 | Economic Tigers: Hong Kong | Became part of China after being a territory of the UK for 99 years, Strongly Capitalist, SARS epidemic resulted in many deaths | 52 | |
6698093943 | Economic Tigers: Taiwan | Not officially recognized by the United Nations, Textile Trade -> Japan | 53 | |
6698093944 | Economic Tigers: Singapore | Became independent and began to become wealthy through its role as a port for transshipment of goods, became a leader in industrialization due to geopolitical location and tight governmental control | 54 | |
6698093945 | Economic Tigers: South Korea | Hyundai, historically agricultural, shifting to an industrial economy, higher work week than Americans | 55 | |
6698093946 | Economic Tigers | South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong. Dramatic economic growth, challenged Japanese dominance in region | 56 | |
6698093947 | N.J Spykman | Geographer, theorized fhat controlling the Pacific Rim would allow control of the world | 57 | |
6698093948 | Pacific Rim | Value of goods shipping across exceeded the value of goods shipping across the Atlantic | 58 | |
6698093949 | Korea Divided: South | Authoritarian with parliamentary institutions, Syngman Rhoe | 59 | |
6698093950 | Korea Divided: North | Communist with a powerful leader, Kim Il-Sung | 60 | |
6698093951 | Aftermath of WW2 (Korea) | Russia controlled North while US controlled south | 61 | |
6698093952 | Korea | Japan sought for this country to minimize its traditions, monarchy was abolished, focused on rice exports | 62 | |
6698093953 | Singapore | Developed as a naval base by the British, Japanese occupation brought great suffering | 63 | |
6698093954 | Japanese Economy and Industries | Known for high quality goods, recieved greater cooperation from the government, less leisure time than West | 64 | |
6698139717 | Japanese culture | Pop culture focused on baseball, tennis, and golf. Traditional fused with Western, continued Tea ceremonis, Kabuki, and Non theater | 65 | |
6698139718 | Hiraoka Kimitoke | Protested western influence by commiting seppuku | 66 | |
6698139719 | Japanese society | Focused on domestic duties, birth control and abortion were promoted to slow population growth, government sponsored chopstick training | 67 | |
6698139720 | Douglas Macarthur | Headed occupational government in Japan, offensive military forces were abolished, Island Hopping | 68 | |
6698139721 | Liberal Democratic Party | Dominated politics in Japan in mid to late 20th century | 69 | |
6698272441 | Fall of USSR | Baltic republics declared independence, replaced with the Commonwealth of Independent States | 70 | |
6698272442 | Boris Yeltsin | Elected president of Russian Republic, became the leader of the CIS | 71 | |
6698272443 | Vladimir Putin | Ethnic conflicts, especially in Chechnya | 72 | |
6698272444 | Gorbachev | Introduced reforms to limit soviet decline, Reforms had a greater impact outside of Russia than within | 73 | |
6698272445 | Glasnost | Openess, suggested new freedoms to criticize the government | 74 | |
6698272446 | Perestroika | Economic restructing, encouraged greater private ownership | 75 | |
6698272447 | Soviet invasion of Afghanistan | Invaded to support communists in civil war, withdrew after failiure to establish communism, Islamic fighters credit this war as bringing down Soviet Union | 76 | |
6698272448 | Solidarity in Poland | Labor movement challeneged soviet control, Lech Walesa came to power, freer elections and rise of solidarity party | 77 | |
6698272449 | Alexander Dubeck (Czech) | Stood against the soviets | 78 | |
6698272450 | Prague Spring | Liberalized Czechoslavakia - soviets invaded, nonviolent protest, split into Czech Republic and Slovakia | 79 | |
6698272451 | Space Race | Sputnik, Yuri Gagarin first man in space | 80 | |
6698272452 | USSR Alliance | Established world power through alliances, aided communist party in China, gained part of Vietnam, friendly ties with Cuba | 81 | |
6698346299 | Totalitarianism | The Great Purge Culminated, resulted in many deaths, Ministry of Internal Affairs served as Stalin's secret police | 82 | |
6698346300 | Joseph Stalin | Collectivization of farms, Most Kulaks refused to cooperate and were killed or sent to Siberia | 83 | |
6698428261 | Five Year Plan | Joseph Stalin's plan, focused on heavy industry, became world's third industrial powers | 84 | |
6698428262 | Russian Civil War | Devastated the Russian economy, Red Army defeated White Army(supported by US France Great Britain Japan) | 85 | |
6698428263 | Lenin's Economic Policy | Aimed at allieviating the stress on peasants, allowed them to keep their surplus, recognized these reforms were capitalist but called it "State capitalism" | 86 | |
6698428264 | October Revolution | Tsar Nicholas 2 abolished Duma, he was overthrown by numerous groups, placed Lenin in power | 87 | |
6698428265 | Brest-Litovsk | Lenin negotiated peace with the Germans | 88 | |
6698428266 | Family life in Soviet Union | Became more like west, childhood education was promoted, women worked industriap jobs, nuclear family more common | 89 | |
6698428267 | Soviet Culture | Literature focused on hardships of Civil war and WW2, Scientific research funded, Freudalism banned | 90 | |
6698428268 | Soviet Society | Schools taught religion was a myth, western art was denounced, socialist realism glorified working class life, strong competitors in Olympics | 91 | |
6698479083 | Quebecois Seperatist Movement | Peaceful, Quebec wanted to seperate from Canada, concerned with maintaining french catholic heritage, two referendums (both failed) | 92 | |
6698479084 | Military Industrial complex | Political and monetary relationship between legislations, military, and military based industry, popular for US in cold war | 93 | |
6698479085 | Anti Nuclear Movement | Nuclear disarmment, bolstered by Cheronobyl | 94 | |
6698479086 | Western Politics in late 20th century | Student protests challenged government, South - Segregation, Colleges - Vietnam War | 95 | |
6698479087 | Attacks on Welfare State | Reagan and Margaret Thatcher | 96 | |
6698479088 | Promotion of Welfare state | Bill Clinton and Tony Blair | 97 | |
6698508368 | New Deal | Increased the power of the state | 98 | |
6698508369 | President Johnsons great society programs | Focused on medical assistance | 99 | |
6698508370 | Technocrat | Bureaucrats versed in science, engineering, etc | 100 | |
6698547018 | Influenza | Spanish reported the disease, were blamed for it, killed mostly young adults | 101 | |
6698547019 | Norman Borlaug | Father of the Green Revolution, Engineered wheat for higher crop yields, saved many from famine | 102 | |
6698547020 | Dada | Irrational art | 103 | |
6698547021 | Margaret Sanger | Opened first birth control clinic (USA) | 104 | |
6698547022 | Scientific Advances | Theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Big Bang Theory, Psychology | 105 | |
6698547023 | Iron Curtain | Churchills speech, communism | 106 | |
6698547024 | Marshall Plan | Designed fo fund European nations that were threatened by Communism | 107 | |
6698637630 | WW2 Peace Conferences: Tehran | Liberation of France, USSR invaded East Europe | 108 | |
6698637631 | WW2 Peace Conferences: Yalta | USSR agreed to join war against Japan for territory in Manchuria, Germany divided | 109 | |
6698637632 | WW2 Peace Conferences: Potsdam | Soviets gained control of eastern Poland, Poland recieved eastern part of Germany | 110 | |
6698637633 | Island Hopping | USA was able to repel Japanese closer to Japan | 111 | |
6698637634 | Stalingrad | Marked the climax of German eastward expansion | 112 | |
6698637635 | WW2: Axis Powers | Germany Italy Japan | 113 | |
6698637636 | WW2: Allied powers | Great Britain France Russia | 114 | |
6698637637 | Beginning of WW2 | Hitler invades Poland, France and Britain declare war on Germany in response | 115 | |
6698637638 | Fascism | Focused on nationalism and authoritarian, developed in Italy and Germany | 116 | |
6698637639 | Benito Mussolini | Sought Italian imperial glory (Ethiopia) | 117 | |
6698637640 | Hideki Tojo | Japan ruler that made Japan ultranationalist, sought Manchuria | 118 | |
6698637641 | Arab Nationalism | Nationalists rebelled against Ottoman empire | 119 | |
6698637642 | Balfour Declaration | Promised Jews Israel | 120 | |
6698693987 | WW1: Eastern Front | Russia vs Germany in Poland | 121 | |
6698693988 | WW1: Western Front | Germany vs France and Britain in France | 122 | |
6698693989 | WW1: Third front | Developed when Italy joined the war on the side of the French and British | 123 | |
6698727193 | German U-Boats and Zimmerman Telegram | Brought US into WW1 | 124 | |
6698727194 | Cause of WW1 | Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austria declares war on Serbia | 125 | |
6698727195 | Pan-Slavism | Promited relations between Russia and Slavic groups such as the Siberians | 126 | |
6698727196 | Early Alliances in WW1 | 1: Great Britain France Russia 2: Germany Austria-Hungary Italy | 127 |
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