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Ap world history important dates Flashcards

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65016168821500 BCEHinduism0
6501617676321 BCEAlexander the Great1
6501619406221 BCEQin unified China2
650162179944BCE- 476 CERoman Empire begins3
650162318232CEChristianity begins4
6501624719476-1,000'sDark ages/Megieval5
6501625514622Islam founded6
6501626101732Battle of tours7
6501629198750-1258Abbasid dynasty (Islamic golden age)8
65016308851054Great schism (Catholics and Eastern Orthodox)9
65016319381066William the conqueror10
65016327591095Crusades begin11
65016334761200Rise of the Mongols12
65016340991215Manga carta13
65016367281271Marco Polo14
65016372641324Mansa musa15
65016387971325Ibn Battuta16
65016445051347-1348Plagues in Europe17
65016460691453Ottomans capture Constantinople (end Byzantine)19
65016472971492Columbus sails to the americas20
65016485011517Martin Luther 95 thesis21
65016494921600Japan united under Tokugawa shogunate22
65016515191750Industrial revolution begins in England24
65016528231789French Revolution25
65016533901839-1842Opium wars26
65016540741853Commodore Perry opens Japan to trade27
65016552201885Berlin conference28
65016559921914-1918WWI (panama canal completed in 1914)29
65016591531917Russian revolution30
65016604661947Cold War begins: India/Pakistan split32
65016623581948Israel founded: Gandhi assassinated33
65016649461962Cuban missile crisis34
65016659971989Tiananmen Square Protest: Berlin Wall falls35
650167061020019-11 attacks on US36

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