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AP Language Terms Flashcards

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7146003801Adagea familiar proverb or wise saying that expresses a general truth Example: A penny saved is a penny earned0
7146003802Allegorya story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning; a symbol Example: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is a religious allegory1
7146003803AlliterationRepetition of initial consonant sounds Example: She sells seashells by the seashore2
7146003804AllusionA reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art Example: "I'm surprised his nose didn't grow like Pinocchio's."3
7146003805Ambiguityuncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language, ability to be interpreted in more than way Example: "Foreigners are hunting dogs"4
7146003806AnalogyA comparison of two different things that are similar in some way Example: You are as annoying as nails on a chalk board5
7146003807Anaphorathe repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses Example: "Every day, every night, in every way, I am getting better and better."6
7146003808Anecdotea short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person Example: I saw a 40 year-old man eating fruit from a bag with a spoon while watching Anime at Starbucks.7
7146003809Antecedent (grammatical term)an expression that gives meaning to its proform Example: Claire didn't like Eva's cake, so she had her cookies instead. (Her takes the place of Eva)8
7146003810Antimetabolerepetition of words in reverse order Example: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."9
7146003811AntithesisThe direct opposite of someone or something Example: a coward is the antithesis of a soldier10
7146003812Apostrophe (literary)A figure of speech addressing a nonexistent person or an abstract idea in such a way as if it were present Example: twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are11
7146003813AppositiveA word or phrase that renames a nearby noun or pronoun Example: Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed many buildings12
7146003814Archetypea very typical example of a certain person or thing; an original model Example: Dracula is the archetype of all monsters13
7146003815ArgumentA process of reasoned inquiry; an attempt to persuade someone or multiple people to think a certain way Example: You're an idiot because...14
7146003816Asyndetonomission of conjunctions between coordinate phrases, clauses, or words Example: "Without looking, without making a sound, without talking"15
7146044413Audiencethe part of the general public interested in something; a person or people for whom a writer writes Example: Books like Twilight target audiences of young females16
7146044414CacophonyA harsh, discordant mixture of sounds, lots of clamor Example: our class when Trujillo roasted Curtis or Tomás17
7146044415Characterizationthe process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character; the act of developing a character Example: "Characterizing someone who is skillful: He pulled the arrow back on the bow until it would go no further. When it left his hand, it glided through the air and perfectly into the center of the target."18
7146044416Circumlocutionan indirect expression; use of wordy or evasive language Example: "The driveway was not unlike that military training device known as an obstacle course" is a circumlocution for "The driveway resembled an obstacle course."19
7146044417ClimaxMost exciting moment of the story; turning point Example: When Gatsby reunites its Daisy20
7146044418ColloquialCharacteristic of ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing; using informal words or slang Example: But Mom I don't wanna go today.21
7146044419Concessiona device where one acknowledges a point made by one's opponent Example: I know a faction is expensive, but I deserve it.22
7146044420ConceitAn extended metaphor; figure of speech in which two different objects are compared/linked together by similes or metaphors Example: "The broken heart is a damaged China pot."23
7146044421ConnotationAll the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests Example: when you see a dove you think of peace and prosperity24
7146044422Contextthe circumstances, atmosphere, attitudes, and events surrounding a text Example: George Orwell uses the Russian Revolution as "Animal Farm"'s context25
7146044423Counter ArgumentAn opposing argument to the one a writer is putting forward. Example: "Trump is making America great again." "But he can't come up with a national healthcare program and is getting rid of all the old ones."26
7146044424Cumulative SentenceA sentence in which the main idea comes at the beginning and the subordinate elements come at the end to call attention to them Example: "He dipped his hands in the bichloride solution and shook them--a quick shake, fingers down, like the fingers of a pianist above the keys."27
7146044425DenotationThe dictionary definition of a word; the action or process of indicating or referring to something by means of a word, symbol, etc. Example: "Rock-literally means a stone, but can also be used to refer to a person as solid and stable"28
7146044426DenouementResolution; unraveling of the plot of a play or work of literature; when all matters are explained and resolved Example: Nick decided to go back to Minnesota to get away from all the rich people who were wasting their lives (Great Gatsby)29
7146044427DetailFacts revealed by the author or speaker that support the attitude or tone in the work; an individual feature, fact, or item Example: any way a description can give an impression in the reader's mind of an event, place, person, or thing30
7146044428DictionA writer's or speaker's choice of words Example: abstract diction is often used in poetry31
7146044480Elegya poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead Example: O Captain!32
7146044429Elipsisthe omission of a word or words that are unnecessary or able to be understood from contextual clues Example: "Did you have fun?" "...Sure."33
7146044430EpicA long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds Example: the Iliad (epic poem)34
7146044431Ethosbeliefs or character of a group; ethical appeal; atmosphere Example: "As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this treatment will generate the best results"35
7146044432EuphemismAn indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant Example: "intoxicated" is a euphemism for drunk36
7146044433Expositionprovides important background information and introduces the characters Example: the title sequence in the beginning of Star Wars37
7146044434Foreshadowingthe use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot Example: in "Of Mice and Men", George killing Candy's dog foreshadows George killing Lennie because Lennie is identical to the dog.38
7146044435Genrea major category or type of literature Example: fiction, western, autobiography39
7146044436Horative Sentencesentence that exhorts, urges, entreats, implores, or calls to action. Example: "Come with me and I'll tell you a story."40
7146044437Hyperboleexaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally Example: I'm fatter than the whole squad combined41
7146044438ImageryLanguage that appeals to the senses Example: "I heard the screams coming from the dark forest."42
7146044439Imperative Sentencesentence used to command or enjoin Example: "Come with me."43
7146044440InversionWhen the normal order of words is reversed in order to achieve a particular effect of emphasis Example: "...shouts the policeman.", "What a beautiful picture it is!"44
7146044441Irony (verbal)When a speaker says something that is contradicting what they intend to Example: sarcasm, exaggeration, understatement45
7146044442JuxtapositionPlacement of two things closely together to emphasize comparisons or contrasts Example: light and dark46
7146044443LitotesMaking an understatement by using double negatives Example: saying "not too bad" in place of "very good"47
7146044444Logoslogical appeal Example: "History has shown time and again that absolute power corrupts absolutely"48
7146044445MetaphorA comparison without using like or as Example: "That show was a nightmare"49
7146044446Metonymythe substitution of the name of something with the name of something else closely associated to it Example: "Let me give you a hand." (A hand replaces help)50
7146044447MoodThe feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader; evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers Example: "The river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly on." (The passage evokes a serene and peaceful mood)51
7146044448MotifA recurring theme, subject or idea in a literary work Examples: Laertes speaks to his sister in a sexually explicit way in Hamlet (incest is a common motif)52
7146044449Mytha fictional tale that explains the actions of gods or the causes of natural phenomena, typically involves historical events and supernatural beings Example: Zeus and other Greek gods53
7146044450NarrativeA story of an event or series of events. Example: "Animal,Farm" by George Orwell is a modern narrative that aims to extend certain political views54
7146044451Non Sequitura statement or idea that that does not logically follow the one before Example: "Maria drives a car. She must be rich."55
7146044452Occasionthe time and place a speech or text is given/written; an environment of ideas, attitudes, and emotions that swirl around a broad issue Example: the context that prompted the writing56
7146044453Onomatopoeiathe use of words that imitate sounds Examples: bang, crash, zoom; "The buzzing bee flew by."57
7146044454Organizationthe way in which a piece of writing is structured Example: a typical essay is structured as followed: one intro paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph58
7146044455OxymoronA figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory terms Example: candid selfie, seriously funny, jumbo shrimp59
7146044456PaceThe speed at which a story unfolds Example: a short story does not use many words to get to the point, thus it has a fast pace, whereas a long story uses exact and precise wording and has a slower pace60
7146044457ParableA story meant to teach a moral or spiritual lesson Example: The Good Samaritan61
7146044458ParadoxA statement that sounds like it contradicts itself but might be true Example: "I can resist anything but temptation."62
7146044459Parallel Structurethe repetition of words or phrases that have similar grammatical structures Example: "We went shopping, driving, and dining.", "I like to take pictures, to run, and to listen to music."63
7146044460Parodya satirical imitation; a work that imitates another Example: The "Scary Movie" franchise64
7146044461PastoralA work of literature dealing with rural life Example: Old Macdonald65
7146044462Pathosappeal to emotion Example: "I know you'll make the right decision because you have something that most people don't: a heart"66
7146044463Periodic Sentencesentence whose main clause is withheld until the end Example: "With low taxes, beautiful views and a mild climate, this city is a great place to live."67
7146044464Personathe aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others; a role or character adopted by an author or an actor; personality Example: In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot, The speaker is a persona of T. S. Eliot that he wants to present before the world though the poet himself is not suffering from the same mental conflict.68
7146044465PersonificationAttributing human characteristics to no human subjects Example: "the wind danced through the field"69
7146044466Point of ViewThe perspective from which a story is told Example: "Catcher in the Rye" is told from first person POV70
7146044467Polemiccontroversy; argument that tries to establish the superiority of one opinion over all others; verbal attack on someone or something Example: "Broccoli is a disgusting vegetable whose existence is the bane of all children's lives."71
7146044468PropagandaIdeas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause Example: Hitler used propaganda to convince the public Jews were bad72
7146044469Prosewritten or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure Example: biographies, essays, most novels73
7146044470PurposeOne's intention or goal in a speech or piece of writing Example: authors intend to entertain, inform, persuade, or explain in their work74
7146044471Refutationa denial of the validity of an opposing argument; the action of proving something wrong Example: pulling up them receipts75
7146044472RepetitionRepeated use of sounds, words, or ideas to emphasize Example: "Unless there's something I can fix up, There'll be an awful traffic mix-up!" -Dr. Seuss76
7146044473RhetoricEffective writing or speaking; work meant to convince, influence, or please an audience Example: "How did this idiot get elected?" - A rhetorical question to convince others that the "idiot" does not deserve to be elected.77
7146044474Rhetorical Appealsthe use of emotional, ethical, and logical arguments to persuade in writing or speaking; ethos, pathos, and logos Example: "Got a good job? I cost thousands of dollars each year. Think being a teen parent won't cost you? Expect to spend more than $10,000 a year to raise a child?"78
7146044475Rhetorical TriangleA diagram that illustrates the relationship between the author, audience, purpose; ethos, pathos, logos Example: If you are trying to write a health article, you may do research and provide accepted medical facts. However, if you make clear your credibility as a medical doctor, your audience may be more receptive to accepting your statements as true.79
7146044476SatireA literary style used to make fun of or ridicule an idea or human vice or weakness; the use of irony or sarcasm for critique; uses fictional characters who stand for real people to expose and condemn their corruption Example: political cartoons80
7146044477SimileA comparison using "like" or "as" Example: "The house was like a prison."81
7146044478SoliloquyA long speech expressing the innermost thoughts of a character who is alone on stage Example: the "To be, or not to be" speech from Hamlet82
7146003817SymbolismA device in literature where an object represents an idea; something that represents something else Example: the old man from "The Old Man and the Sea" symbolizes Jesus Christ83
7146003818Synecdochea figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa Example: The word "sails" refers to a whole ship; The word "suits" refers to businessmen.84
7146003819Syllogisma form of deductive reasoning with a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion Example: All fruit is tasty. Strawberries are fruit. Therefore, strawberries are tasty.85
7146003820Syntaxthe rules for combining words into grammatically sensible sentences in a given language; sentence structure Example: The general word order of an English sentence is "Subject+Verb+Object"86
7146003821Thesisthe primary position taken by a writer or speaker; a statement that a writer intends to support and prove Example: "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." (Opening line from Pride and Prejudice)87
7146003822ToneAttitude a writer takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character Example: tones can be formal, serious, sad, etc.; Father: "We can't go on vacation this summer." Son: "Ok. Great! That's what I expected." (The son's tone is sarcastic in the given response.)88
7146003823Transitiona change from one state or condition to another; words and phrases that provide a connection between ideas, sentences and paragraphs and help to make a piece of writing flow better Example: Some examples of transition words or phrases: another key point, indeed, in fact, first thing to remember, on the negative side, on the positive side89
7146003824VoiceThe real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker Example: The author's voice is his particular style he employs in a particular story of a piece of writing; A character's voice is how he views the world90
7146003825ZeugmaA figure of speech in which a word applies to more than one noun, blending different ideas together Example: "John lost his coat and his temper.'91

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