7693804058 | city-state | a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state | 0 | |
7693804059 | tribute | payment made periodically by one state or ruler to another | 1 | |
7693804060 | Huaca de Sol | a stepped pyramid (meaning: Temple of the Sun) | 2 | |
7693804061 | Huaca de la Luna | a terraced platform (meaning: Temple of the Moon) | 3 | |
7693804062 | ayllus | small communities based on the idea of communal work | 4 | |
7693804063 | Mesoamerica | a region and cultural area in the Americas, extending approximately from central Mexico to Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica | 5 | |
7693804064 | Olmec | the first major civilization in present-day Guatemala and Mexico | 6 | |
7693804065 | obsidian | hard glass rock | 7 | |
7693804066 | slash-and-burn-agriculture | a type of agriculture that requires cutting down trees and plants in a patch of forest and then burning them, which fertilizes the soil | 8 | |
7693804067 | Rock and Pillar edicts | Policies and law written for the public | 9 | |
7693804068 | Chandragupta Maurya | Founded first Indian empire of the chapter | 10 | |
7693804069 | White Huns | Nomads from Northwest India | 11 | |
7693804070 | Pax Sinica | Period of Wudi's rule, golden age of China | 12 | |
7693804071 | Civil Service Examination | System of hiring based on abilities instead of family | 13 | |
7693804072 | Ascetic | One who rejects pleasures and lives in self-denial | 14 | |
7693804073 | Four Noble Truths | The Buddhist Doctrines listed | 15 | |
7693804074 | Reincarnation | Rebirth | 16 | |
7693804075 | Monasteries | Buddhist buildings of worship | 17 | |
7693804076 | Inoculations | Injecting diseases to develop immunities | 18 | |
7693804077 | Arabic Numerals | Invented by Indians, 0-9 | 19 | |
7693804078 | Jatis | Subcastes | 20 | |
7693804079 | Indian Ocean Sea Lanes | Ship routes from West Coast to East Africa and Indonesia | 21 | |
7693804080 | Silk Road | Trade routes connecting from Kushans to Rome | 22 | |
7693804081 | Republic | A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. | 23 | |
7693804082 | Senate | Any legislative or governing bodies. | 24 | |
7693804083 | Consuls | One of 2 annually elected chief magistrates who ruled the republic. | 25 | |
7693804084 | Checks and Balances | Counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated | 26 | |
7693804085 | Edict of Milan | A letter signed by the Roman Emperors that proclaimed religious toleration | 27 | |
7693804086 | Direct democracy | It is where the people vote directly for their officials. | 28 | |
7693804087 | Empiricism | A theory that all knowledge originates in experience. | 29 | |
7693804088 | Merchants | A person involved in trade or commerce. | 30 | |
7693804089 | Monarchy | A government controlled by a monarch. | 31 | |
7693804090 | Polls/Poleis | It was an ancient Greek city-state | 32 | |
7693804091 | Representative Democracy | Citizens elect leaders to represent them and give those leaders power to make laws and govern. | 33 | |
7693804092 | Royal road | The Royal Road was an ancient highway reorganized and rebuilt by the Persian king Darius the Great of the first Persian Empire in the 5th century BCE. | 34 | |
7693804093 | Satrap | A governor of a province under the ancient Persian monarchy. | 35 | |
7693804094 | Socratic Method | Emphasis on continually asking questions to systematically clarify another person's ideas and to identify core ideas. | 36 | |
7693804095 | Syncretic/Synthetic | Syncretism is a union or attempted fusion of different religions, cultures, or philosophies | 37 | |
7693804096 | Ahura Mazda | In Zoroastrianism, the good god who rules the world. | 38 | |
7693804097 | Alexander the Great | Alexander III of Macedon (356-323 B.C.E.), conqueror of the Persian Empire and part of northwest India. | 39 | |
7693804098 | Aryans | Indo-European pastoralists who moved into India about the time of the collapse of the Indus Valley civilization; their role in causing this collapse is still debated by historians. | 40 | |
7693804099 | Ashoka | The most famous ruler of the Mauryan Empire (r. 268-232 B.C.E.), who converted to Buddhism and tried to rule peacefully and with tolerance. | 41 | |
7693804101 | Caesar Augustus | The great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar who emerged as sole ruler of the Roman state at the end of an extended period of civil war (r. 31 B.C.E.-14 C.E.). | 42 | |
7693804102 | Darius I | Great king of Persia (r. 522-486 B.C.E.) following the upheavals after Cyrus's death; completed the establishment of the Persian Empire. | 43 | |
7693804103 | Greco-Persian Wars | Two major Persian invasions of Greece, in 490 B.C.E. and 480 B.C.E., in which the Persians were defeated on both land and sea. | 44 | |
7693804104 | Gupta Empire | The final Classical Empire to fall; a centralized empire of India (320-550 C.E.). | 45 | |
7693804105 | Han dynasty | Dynasty that ruled China from 206 B.C.E. to 220 C.E., creating a durable state based on Shihuangdi's state-building achievement of the Qin Dynasty. | 46 | |
7693804106 | Hellenistic era | The period from 323 to 30 B.C.E. in which Greek culture spread widely in Eurasia in the kingdoms ruled by Alexander the Great and his political successors. | 47 | |
7693804107 | Herodotus | Greek historian known as the "father of history" (ca. 484-ca. 425 B.C.E.). His Histories enunciated the Greek view of a fundamental divide between East and West, culminating in the Greco-Persian Wars of 490-480 B.C.E. | 48 | |
7693804108 | hoplite | A heavily armed Greek infantryman. Over time, the ability to afford a hoplite panoply and to fight for the city came to define Greek citizenship. | 49 | |
7693804109 | Mandate of Heaven | The ideological underpinning of Chinese emperors, this was the belief that a ruler held authority by command of divine force as long as he ruled morally and benevolently. | 50 | |
7693804110 | Mauryan Empire | A major, centralized empire (322-185 B.C.E.) that encompassed most of India. It's most impactful leader was Ashoka. No other leader will ever unify India to the extent that Ashoka did. | 51 | |
7693804111 | Olympic Games | Greek religious festival and athletic competition in honor of Zeus; founded in 776B.C.E. and celebrated every four years. | 52 | |
7693804112 | Patricians | Wealthy, privileged Romans who dominated early Roman society. | 53 | |
7693804113 | Pax Romana | The "Roman peace," a term typically used to denote the stability and prosperity of the early Roman Empire, especially in the first and second centuries C.E. | 54 | |
7693804114 | Peloponnesian War | Great war between Athens (and allies) and Sparta (and allies), lasting from 431 to 404 B.C.E. The conflict ended in the defeat of Athens and the closing of Athens's Golden Age. | 55 | |
7693804115 | Persian Empire | A major empire that expanded from the Iranian plateau to incorporate the Middle East from Egypt to India; flourished from around 550 to 330 B.C.E. | 56 | |
7693804116 | Plebians | Poorer, less privileged Romans who gradually won a role in Roman politics. | 57 | |
7693804117 | Punic Wars | Three major wars between Rome and Carthage in North Africa, fought between 264 and 146 B.C.E., that culminated in Roman victory and control of the western Mediterranean. These wars illustrate Rome as an empire. | 58 | |
7693804118 | Qin Dynasty | A short-lived (221-206 B.C.E.) but highly influential Chinese dynasty that succeeded in reuniting China at the end of the Warring States period. Adopted legalism and a merit based bureaucracy. | 59 | |
7693804119 | Qin Shihuangdi | Literally "first emperor" (r. 221-210 B.C.E.) forcibly reunited China and established a strong and repressive state. | 60 | |
7693804120 | Wudi | Han emperor (r. 141-86 B.C.E.) who began the Chinese civil service system by establishing an academy to train imperial bureaucrats. | 61 | |
7693804121 | Xiongnu | Nomadic peoples to the north of the Great Wall of China who were a frequent threat to the stability of the Chinese state. | 62 | |
7693804122 | Yellow Turban Rebellion | A major Chinese peasant revolt that began in 184 C.E. and helped cause the fall of the Han dynasty. | 63 | |
7693804123 | Aristotle | A Greek polymath philosopher (384-322 B.C.E.); student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. | 64 | |
7693804124 | Ban Zhao | A major female Confucian author of Han dynasty China (45-116 C.E.) whose works give insight into the implication of Confucian thinking for women. | 65 | |
7693804125 | Bhagavad Gita | A great Hindu epic text, part of the much larger Mahabharata, which affirms the performance of caste duties as a path to religious liberation. | 66 | |
7693804126 | Brahmins | The priestly caste of India. | 67 | |
7693804127 | Buddhism | The cultural/religious tradition first enunciated by Siddhartha Gautama. Aided in its spread by Ashoka and was very popular among lower classes. It rejected the Caste System and spread easily to East Asia. | 68 | |
7693804128 | Confucianism | The Chinese philosophy first enunciated by Confucius, advocating relationships as a moral example of superiors being the key element of social order. | 69 | |
7693804129 | Confucius | The founder of Confucianism (551-479 B.C.E.); an aristocrat of northern China who proved to be the greatest influence on Chinese culture in its history. | 70 | |
7693804130 | Constantine | Roman emperor (r. 306-337 C.E.) whose conversion to Christianity paved the way for the triumph of Christianity in Europe. | 71 | |
7693804131 | Daodejing | The central text of Daoism; translated as The Way and Its Power. | 72 | |
7693804132 | Daoism | A Chinese philosophy/popular religion that advocates simplicity and understanding of the world of nature, founded by the legendary figure Laozi. | 73 | |
7693804133 | Filial piety | The honoring of one's ancestors and parents, a key element of Confucianism. | 74 | |
7693804134 | Hinduism | A word derived from outsiders to describe the vast diversity of indigenous Indian religious traditions. A polytheistic religion that reinforced the Caste System. | 75 | |
7693804135 | Isiaih | One of the most important prophets of Judaism, whose teachings show the transformation of the religion in favor of compassion and social justice (eighth century B.C.E.). | 76 | |
7693804136 | Jesus of Nazareth | The prophet/god of Christianity(ca. 4 B.C.E.-ca. 30 C.E.). | 77 | |
7693804137 | Karma | In Hinduism, the determining factor of the level at which the individual is reincarnated, based on purity of action and fulfillment of duty in the prior existence. | 78 | |
7693804138 | Laozi | A legendary Chinese philosopher of the sixth century B.C.E.; regarded as the founder of Daoism. | 79 | |
7693804139 | Legalism | A Chinese philosophy distinguished by an adherence to clear laws with vigorous punishments. | 80 | |
7693804140 | Nirvana | The end goal of Buddhism, in which individual identity is "extinguished" into a state of serenity and great compassion. | 81 | |
7693804141 | Pythagoras | A major Greek philosopher (ca. 560-ca. 480 B.C.E.) who believed that an unchanging mathematical order underlies the apparent chaos of the world. | 82 | |
7693804142 | Saint Paul | The first great popularizer of Christianity (10-65 C.E.). | 83 | |
7693804143 | Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) | The Indian prince turned ascetic (ca. 566-ca. 486 B.C.E.) who founded Buddhism. | 84 | |
7693804144 | Socrates | The first great Greek philosopher to turn rationalism toward questions of human existence (469-399 B.C.E.). | 85 | |
7693804145 | Upanishads | Indian mystical and philosophical works, written between 800 and 400 B.C.E. | 86 | |
7693804146 | Vedas | The earliest religious texts of India, a collection of ancient poems, hymns, and rituals that were transmitted orally before being written down ca. 600 B.C.E. | 87 | |
7693804147 | Warring States Period | Period in China preceding the Qin Dynasty from 403 to 221 B.C.E. that was typified by disorder and political chaos. | 88 | |
7693804148 | Yin and Yang | Expression of the Chinese belief in the unity of opposites. | 89 | |
7693804149 | Zarathustra | A Persian prophet, traditionally dated to the sixth or seventh century B.C.E. (but perhaps much older), who founded Zoroastrianism. | 90 | |
7693804150 | Zoroastrianism | Persian monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Zarathustra. Represents the ideas of good and evil. | 91 | |
7693804151 | caste as varna and jati | The system of social organization in India that has evolved over millennia; it is based on an original division of the populace into four inherited classes, with the addition of thousands of social distinctions based on occupation, which became the main cell of social life in India. | 92 | |
7693804152 | dharma | In Indian belief, performance of the duties appropriate to an individual's caste; good performance will lead to rebirth in a higher caste. | 93 | |
7693804153 | helots | The dependent, semi-enslaved class of ancient Sparta whose social discontent prompted the militarization of Spartan society. | 94 | |
7693804154 | Ksatriya | The Indian social class of warriors and rulers. | 95 | |
7693804155 | latifundia | Huge estates operated by slave labor that flourished in parts of the Roman Empire | 96 | |
7693804156 | "ritual purity" in Indian social practice | In India, the idea that members of higher castes must adhere to strict regulations limiting or forbidding their contact with objects and members of lower castes to preserve their own caste standing and their relationship with the gods. | 97 | |
7693804157 | scholar-gentry class | A term used to describe members of China's landowning families, reflecting their wealth from the land and the privilege that they derived as government officials. | 98 | |
7693804158 | Sudra | The lowest Indian social class of varna; regarded as servants of their social betters; eventually included peasant farmers | 99 | |
7693804159 | the "three obediences" | In Chinese Confucian thought, the notion that a woman is permanently subordinate to male control: first that of her father, then of her husband, and finally of her son. | 100 | |
7693804160 | Untouchables | An Indian social class that emerged below the Sudras and whose members performed the most unclean and polluting work. | 101 | |
7693804161 | Vaisya | The Indian social class that was originally defined as farmers but eventually comprised merchants. | 102 | |
7693804162 | Wang Mang | A Han court official who usurped the throne and ruled from 8 C.E. to 23 C.E.; noted for his reform movement that included the breakup of large estates. | 103 | |
7693804163 | Empress Wu | The only female "emperor" in Chinese history (r. 690-705 C.E.); patronized scholarship, worked to elevate the position of women, and provoked a backlash of Confucian misogynist invective. | 104 | |
7693804164 | Chavin | Andean town that was the center of a large Peruvian religious movement from around 900 to 200 B.C.E. | 105 | |
7693804165 | Maya | The major classical civilization of Mesoamerica; flourished from 250 to 900 C.E.; descendants of the Olmec and practiced human sacrifice. | 106 | |
7693804166 | Moche | An important regional civilization of Peru, governed by warrior-priests; flourished from around 100 to 800 C.E. | 107 | |
7693804167 | Teotihuacán | The largest city of pre-Columbian America, with a population between 100,000 and 200,000; seemingly built to a plan in the Valley of Mexico, flourished between 300 and 600 C.E., during which time it governed or influenced much of the surrounding region. The name is an Aztec term meaning "city of the gods." | 108 | |
7693826462 | Ancestor Veneration | The respect of the dead, including one's ancestors, is based on love and respect for the deceased. | 109 |
AP World History Period 2 Flashcards
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