7188408517 | brazen | bold and without shame | 0 | |
7188408518 | compunction | (n.) remorse, regret | 1 | |
7188408519 | din | loud and discordant noises, cacophony | 2 | |
7188408520 | edict | (n.) an order issued by someone in authority | 3 | |
7188408521 | indiscretion | action lacking in judgment, breaking the rules as a result of lack of judgment | 4 | |
7188408522 | perquisites | "perks" that come along with something; the benefits | 5 | |
7188408523 | sepulcher | tomb | 6 | |
7188408524 | tumult | uproar; pandemonium | 7 | |
7188408525 | marauding | going about in search of things to steal or people to attack | 8 | |
7188408526 | antanaclasis | repetition of a word in two different senses | 9 | |
7188408527 | litotes | understatement | 10 | |
7188408528 | diction | a writer's or speaker's choice of words | 11 | |
7188408529 | syntax | sentence structure | 12 | |
7188408530 | metonymy | A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated (such as "crown" for "royalty"). | 13 | |
7188408531 | clause | A grammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb. | 14 | |
7188408532 | simple sentence | A sentence consisting of one independent clause and no dependent clause | 15 | |
7188408533 | compound sentence | A sentence with two or more coordinate independent clauses, often joined by one or more conjunctions | 16 | |
7188408534 | complex sentence | A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause | 17 | |
7188408535 | compound complex sentence | at least one dependent clause and two or more independent clauses | 18 | |
7188408536 | rhetoric | the art of speaking or writing effectively | 19 | |
7188408537 | It's not a big deal, this tiny tumor in my brain. | litotes | 20 | |
7188408538 | Lend me your ears. | metonymy | 21 | |
7188408539 | You may fool the whole world and end up a fool. | antanaclasis | 22 | |
7188408540 | adverb | a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb | 23 | |
7188408541 | FAN BOYS | conjunctions- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so | 24 | |
7188408542 | subordinating words | A dependent or subordinate clause cannot act as a complete sentence because it begins with a subordinating word, such as when, because, if, who, that, etc | 25 | |
7188408543 | Vic Nappa | He's the grammar guy. Verb, Interjection, Conjunction, Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Pronoun, Article | 26 | |
7188408544 | semicolon | use to join independent clauses in a compound sentence without a coordinating conjunction | 27 | |
7188408545 | asyndeton | A construction in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions | 28 | |
7188408546 | polysyndeton | The use of consecutive coordinating conjunctions even when they are not needed. The effect is to render the reader somewhat breathless. He was overwhelmed, as is by a tsunami, and by the fishes, and by the seaweed, and by the salt spray from the heavens. | 29 | |
7188408547 | anaphora | A rhetorical figure of repetition in which the same word or phrase is repeated in (and usually at the beginning of) successive lines, clauses, or sentences. | 30 | |
7188408548 | I want to go home. I want to get under the covers. I want to hide from the world. | anaphora | 31 | |
7188408549 | epistrophe | the repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentences | 32 | |
7188408550 | chiasmus | A statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed.... "I am stuck on Band Aids, and Band Aid's stuck on me." | 33 | |
7188408551 | Semicolon | use to join independent clauses in a compound sentence without a coordinating conjunction | 34 | |
7188408552 | apostrophe | A figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love. | 35 | |
7188408553 | imagery | descriptive or figurative language in a literary work; the use of language to create sensory impressions. | 36 | |
7188408554 | personification | a figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes | 37 | |
7188408555 | Close Reading | Really diving into a text. Connect with it. Mark it up. Do this to really understand the text, so you can speak and write about it with great perspicacity ( intellectual awesomeness). | 38 | |
7188408556 | plight | n. sad situation | 39 | |
7188408557 | admonish | (v.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty | 40 | |
7188408558 | lassitude | (n.) weariness of body or mind, lack of energy | 41 | |
7188408559 | licentious | lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct | 42 | |
7188408560 | muse | (n.) One of the ancient Greek goddesses presiding over the arts; the imaginary source of inspiration for an artist or writer. (v.) To reflect deeply; to ponder. | 43 | |
7188408561 | pecuniary | relating to money | 44 | |
7188408562 | vacuous | lacking in ideas or intelligence; empty; purposeless; idle. | 45 | |
7188408563 | presumptuous | (adj) too bold or forward; going beyond that which is proper... Think about the prince who stole a kiss from the princess. | 46 | |
7188408564 | akimbo | having the hand on the hip and the elbow turned outward | 47 | |
7188408565 | ethos | ethical appeal | 48 | |
7188408566 | pathos | emotional appeal | 49 | |
7188408567 | logos | appeal to logic | 50 | |
7188408568 | callous | (adj.) emotionally hardened, unfeeling | 51 | |
7188408569 | capricious | Changing one's mind quickly and often | 52 | |
7188408570 | vacillate | To sway physically; to be indecisive | 53 | |
7188408571 | disparity | Inequality | 54 | |
7188408572 | efficacy | The quality of being able to produce the intended effect | 55 | |
7188408573 | epistle | a letter or literary composition in letter form | 56 | |
7188408574 | rhetorical precis | a highly structured, multi- sentence paragraph that records and describes the essential elements of a text | 57 | |
7188408575 | torrid | (adj) very hot, parching, burning; passionate | 58 | |
7188408576 | akin | (adj.) related by blood; having similar qualities or character | 59 | |
7188408577 | inexorable | inflexible; unyielding | 60 | |
7188408578 | corroborate | (v.) to confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify | 61 | |
7188408579 | physiognomy | facial features | 62 | |
7188408580 | tedium | boredom | 63 | |
7188408581 | nefarious | wicked and evil | 64 | |
7188408582 | insipid | lacking interest or flavor | 65 | |
7188408583 | impasse | position or road from which there is no escape; deadlock | 66 | |
7188408584 | blase' | (adj.) indifferent, bored as a result of having enjoyed many pleasures; apathetic | 67 | |
7188408585 | indolent | habitually lazy or idle | 68 | |
7188408586 | feckless | (adj.) lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsible, unreliable | 69 | |
7188408587 | choleric | (adj.) easily made angry, bad-tempered | 70 | |
7188408588 | encumber | (v.) to weigh down or burden (with difficulties, cares, debt, etc.); to fill up, block up, hinder | 71 | |
7188408589 | Marjane Satrapi | Author of Persepolis; born in Iran; lived through the war between Iran and Iraq | 72 | |
7188408590 | Rhetorical Analysis | An examination of speech or writing that goes beyond what the author is saying (the content) to consider how the author is saying it, with a particular emphasis on the techniques of persuasion | 73 | |
7188408591 | TSFOOFOOCS | Helper for analytical paragraph structure | 74 | |
7188408592 | The What + Active Verb + Idea or Concept | Thesis | 75 | |
7188408593 | MLA | HUM and ENG Format for Composing and Citing- See Owl Purdue to help you master any required format! | 76 | |
7188408594 | End with a | Bang! | 77 | |
7188408595 | Write like you speak, | and speak intelligently! | 78 | |
7188408596 | A Modest Proposal | "A young healthy child, well nursed, is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food" | 79 | |
7188408597 | satire | A literary work that criticizes human misconduct and ridicules vices, stupidities, and follies. | 80 | |
7188408598 | Suzanne Berne | "Where Nothing Says Everything" | 81 | |
7188408599 | Barbara Ascher | "The Box Man" | 82 | |
7188408600 | Gloria Naylor | The power and ever-changing word. | 83 | |
7188408601 | Abigail Haworthe | "My Mother Sold My Virginity" | 84 | |
7188408602 | David Foster Wallace | Who wrote "Consider the Lobster"? | 85 | |
7188408603 | perspicacity | keenness of mental perception and understanding | 86 | |
7188408604 | adulation | (n.) praise or flattery that is excessive | 87 | |
7188408605 | censure | (v.) to criticize harshly | 88 | |
7188408606 | dissemble | (v.) to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression | 89 | |
7188408607 | droll | (adj.) amusingly odd | 90 | |
7188408608 | expectorate | (v.) To cough up and spit forth. | 91 | |
7188408609 | palpate | (v).medical term meaning to examine with the hands; to fell; to examine by feeling | 92 | |
7188408610 | peremptory | (adj.) having the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute | 93 | |
7188408611 | pusillanimous | (adj.) cowardly; fearful | 94 | |
7188408612 | surfeit | (n.) an excess or overindulgence, as in eating or drinking, causing disgust; (v.) to feed or supply with anything to excess | 95 | |
7188408613 | allay | (v.) to calm or pacify, set to rest; to lessen or relieve | 96 | |
7188408614 | capacious | (adj.) able to hold much, roomy | 97 | |
7188408615 | didactic | (adj.)Intended to instruct; teaching , or teaching a moral lesson | 98 | |
7188408616 | diurnal | (adj.) daily; occurring during the daytime | 99 | |
7188408617 | ignominious | (adj)-shameful, dishonorable, disgraceful | 100 | |
7188408618 | mitigate | (v) make less severe; lessen or moderate (damage, grief, pain, etc.) | 101 | |
7188408619 | palpitate | (v)To quiver, flutter, or tremble; to beat quickly, said especially of the heart | 102 | |
7188408620 | phlegmatic | (adj.) slow-moving, sluggish; unemotional | 103 | |
7188408621 | propitious | (adj.) favorable (The dark storm clouds visible on the horizon suggested that the weather would not be ______ for sailing.) (adj.) marked by favorable signs or conditions | 104 | |
7188408622 | prostrate | (adj.) lying face down, esp. as a sign of humility or worship; physically or emotional exhausted | 105 | |
7188408623 | acquiesce | (v.) to accept without protest; to agree or submit | 106 | |
7188408624 | amity | (n.) friendship, peaceful relations | 107 | |
7188408625 | arduous | (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort; difficult | 108 | |
7188408626 | gestalt | (n.) an organized whole; our tendency to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes. | 109 | |
7188408627 | inundate | (v.) to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size | 110 | |
7188408628 | perjury | (n.) lying under oath | 111 | |
7188408629 | perspicuity | (n.) clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity | 112 | |
7188408630 | preposterous | (adj.) ridiculous, senseless | 113 | |
7188408631 | trepidation | (n.) fear, fright, trembling | 114 | |
7188408632 | voluble | (adj.) characterized by a ready flow of words; glib, fluent | 115 | |
7188408633 | Process | Rhetorical mode of instructions, steps, etc. "My First Conk" | 116 | |
7188408634 | Definition Mode of Writing | Focused on defining an abstract or other term with depth. Describes something that cannot be quickly defined/understood | 117 | |
7188408635 | Comparison and Contrast | a mode of discourse in which two or more things are compared, contrasted, or both | 118 | |
7188408636 | block format | All of subject one and all of subject two | 119 | |
7188408637 | point-by-point | subject one point one....subject two point one...subject one point two...subject two point two...etc. | 120 | |
7188408638 | classification essay | essay which divides something into multiple groups in some meaningful way | 121 | |
7188408639 | Rogerian Argument | a modern method of argumentation that tries to find mutually agreeable solutions to problems by seeking common ground, building trust, and reducing threat | 122 | |
7188408640 | Why we cite sources | avoid plagiarism and continue the knowledge for others | 123 | |
7188408641 | fallacies in reasoning | 1.) attack the person instead of his or her position on an issue. Becomes persona Ad Hominem, Bandwagon, Either-Or/False Dilemma, False Cause, Hasty Generalization, Red Herring, Slippery Slope | 124 | |
7188408642 | The Crucible | Written by Miller. He refused to testify one called before the HUAC in 1956 and criticize the hysteria created by the Second Red Scare in this play - which likened the HUAC investigations to the Salem Witch Trials in colonial Massachusetts. | 125 |
AP Language 2017-2018 Pretest Flashcards
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