Starred terms are True/False
7730833385 | a village in South Central Anatolia with a population of around five thousand | Catalhuyuk | 0 | |
7730850064 | the priests in Ancient India were called this | Brahmins | 1 | |
7730884139 | Yangshao village, not the capital during he last centuries of the Shang dynasty | Banpo | 2 | |
7730891011 | the hero of the oldest known epic | Gilgamesh | 3 | |
7758144288 | Chinese dynasty known for development, but not monopoly of iron weaponry | Zhou | 4 | |
7758152512 | the sculptures of women usually depicted with exaggerated sexual features | Venus figurines | 5 | |
7758154828 | the Egyptian god of the underworld | Osiris | 6 | |
7758164076 | people who flourished in Europe from around two-thousand to thirty-five thousand years ago. | Neandertal | 7 | |
7758168033 | the most important river in early Chinese history | Huanghe | 8 | |
7758172998 | the process by which Egyptians preserved bodies of deceased individuals | Mummification | 9 | |
7758177442 | served as co-ruler with her stepson Tuthmosis III | Hatshepsut | 10 | |
7758183095 | this cult was a new religion that appeared in the central Andes around 1000 B.C.E | Chavin | 11 | |
7758185908 | a famous Zhou collection of verses | Book of songs | 12 | |
7758190778 | sea-faring civilization that did not invent the horse-drawn chariot | Phoenicians | 13 | |
7758198234 | the state was famous for its orange pottery, and it built on the Olmec calendar and graphic symbols | Teotinuacan | 14 | |
7758203397 | constructed the largest empire of the Mesopotamian societies | Assyrians | 15 | |
7758208334 | writing system invented by the Pheonicians | Alphabet | 16 | |
7758211649 | the Maya creation myth | Popolvuh | 17 | |
7758220475 | severing all ties with the physical world and identifying oneself with the ultimate reality of the world spirit | Moksha | 18 | |
7758225603 | Aryans used this term to refer to the major social classes | Varnas | 19 | |
7761091227 | city founded by Menes, served as capitol of Egypt | Memphis | 20 | |
7761097976 | it was crucial to Maya rituals because it was associated with rain and agriculture | Bloodletting | 21 | |
7761104109 | Homo Erectus did not share this with modern humans: | Brain size | 22 | |
7761109627 | one of the two main cities of the Harappan society | Mohenjodaro | 23 | |
7761115727 | in an effort to foretell the future, the Shang made use of these | Oracle bones | 24 | |
7761122964 | people who began metallurgy in Mesopotamia | Hitittes | 25 | |
7761131834 | Tian, an impersonal heavenly power was stolen of by the Chinese in regard to gaining or losing this | Mandate of Heaven | 26 | |
7761133964 | Copper and Tin produce this metal | Copper | 27 | |
7761142280 | external invaders who helped bring about the end of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom | Hyksos | 28 | |
7761241958 | the earliest Egyptian and Nubian states were these | Kingdoms | 29 | |
7761328195 | number of years ago that homo sapiens evolved | 200,000 | 30 | |
7761332061 | this term means "rubber people" | Olmec | 31 | |
7761335988 | first people to use wheeled vehicles | Sumerians | 32 | |
7761343733 | the Chinese began to make extensive use of writing during the _________ dynasty | Shang | 33 | |
7761349382 | the most important development of Homo Erectus | Communication | 34 | |
7761360166 | the early Chinese shipped textiles and metal goods to the ancestors of these people in the steppes and receives horses in return | Mongols | 35 | |
7761368520 | the Olmecs traded extensively in many items but not these because they were introduced later by the Spanish | Horses | 36 | |
7761370853 | Harappan religion focused on this | Fertility | 37 | |
7761374537 | Australopithecus did not produce these | Cleavers | 38 | |
7761383101 | _________ receded into background after the Aryans and Dravidians mixed and intermingled | Indra | 39 |