7632271653 | Artisan | Definition: A worker in skilled trade that involves making things by hand Real World Example: Blacksmith SPICE Element: Society Sentence: A blacksmith is considered to be an artisan because they craft swords and other weapons by hand in forges. | 0 | |
7632272460 | Caste | Definition: A rigid system of social classification based on karma and dharma Real World Example: Hindu main categories- Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, Dalits SPICE Element: Society Sentence: The Caste system divides Hindus into four main categories in India. | 1 | |
7632273056 | Class | Definition: A system in which social status is largely determines by the family into which a person is born Real World Example: Hierarchy SPICE Element: Society Sentence: In America there are many people in the middle class because they are professional and business workers. | 2 | |
7632275133 | Egalitarianism | Definition: The doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities Real World Example: Democracy SPICE Element: Society Sentence: Someone who believes in Egalitarianism thinks that all humans share a quality that makes them equal. | 3 | |
7632276311 | Elite | Definition: The small group of rich, noble, and powerful peoples that are superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities Real World Example: Upper Class SPICE Element: Society Sentence: Elites are above commoners because they have more wealth. | 4 | |
7632276312 | Ethnicity | Definition: Affiliation or identity within a group of people bound by common ancestry and culture Real World Example: Black or African American SPICE Element: Society Sentence: White and Asian people differ in ethnicity because they're origins trace back to different countries of the world. | 5 | |
7632278019 | Extended family | Definition: A family that extends beyond the nuclear family and either lives together or in one household Real World Example: Grandparents SPICE Element: Society Sentence: An aunt that lives in the same town as you would be considered extended family because she is nearby. | 6 | |
7632278020 | Family | Definition: All descendants of a common ancestor Real World Example: Cousins SPICE Element: Society Sentence: Your grandma is the mother of your dad and uncle so therefore your uncle's son is apart of your family. | 7 | |
7632278021 | Gender | Definition: The state if being male or female Real World Example: Sex SPICE Element: Society Sentence: A birth certificate states what gender you are when you are born. | 8 | |
7632278950 | Immediate family | Definition: Consists of parents, children, brothers, and sister Real World Example: Sibling SPICE Element: Society Sentence: Your immediate family includes parents, siblings, children, and grandparents but not cousins, aunts, and uncles. | 9 | |
7632278951 | Kinship | Definition: A family relationship Real World Example: Biological parents SPICE Element: Society Sentence: Close family bonds can be considered kinship. | 10 | |
7632279881 | Laborer | Definition: A person engaged in work that requires bodily strength rather than skill or training Real World Example: Farmer SPICE Element: Society Sentence: A farmer would be considered a laborer because they do constant hard work in the field such as planting and harvesting crops, herding agricultural animals, etc. | 11 | |
7632282000 | Merchant | Definition: A person who buys and sells commodities for profit Real World Example: Trader SPICE Element: Society Sentence: The Silk Road was frequented by merchants who traded and carried goods between empires. | 12 | |
7632282001 | Nationality | Definition: The status of belonging to a particular nation, by birth or naturalization Real World Example: Citizen SPICE Element: Society Sentence: An immigrant to American would say that they Nationality is American because they are a citizen of that country. | 13 | |
7632282805 | Nuclear family | Definition: A social unit composed of two parents and one or more children Real World Example: Household SPICE Element: Society Sentence: If you live with your mother, father, and brother, then you all as a unit are a Nuclear family. | 14 | |
7632282806 | Patriarchy | Definition: A system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line Real World Example: When the family name comes from the man of the family ( in a marriage the last name of the woman changes to the male spouses name) SPICE Element: Society Sentence: In a patriarchy women stay home and care for kids and men make the rules and hold control. | 15 | |
7632283568 | Polyandry | Definition: A form of polygamy in which a woman has more than one husband Real World Example: A pattern of mating in which a female animal has more than one male mate SPICE Element: Society Sentence: In Tibet, brothers would marry the same wife thus practicing polyandry. | 16 | |
7632283569 | Polygamy | Definition: The practice of marrying multiple spouses Real World Example: When an animal has more than one mate SPICE Element: Society Sentence: A man who marries marries one woman then marries another without divorcing the first wife is practicing polygamy. | 17 | |
7632285772 | Polygyny | Definition: Polygamy in which a man has more than one wife Real World Example: A male animal who mates with more than one female SPICE Element: Society Sentence: Polygyny is practiced often amongst gorillas because the male can take different female partners. | 18 | |
7632285773 | Race | Definition: The major divisions of humankind, each having distinct physical characteristics. Real World Example: Ethnic group SPICE Element: Society Sentence: The different races include: white, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Pacific Islander. | 19 | |
7632289000 | Social hierarchy/ stratification | Definition: A system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy Real World Example: Wealthy people are seen as above impoverished people SPICE Element: Society Sentence: The differences that led to a social stratification in the United States were that some groups have greater status, power, and wealth than other groups. | 20 | |
7632289001 | Social system | Definition: An organization of individuals into groups or structures that have different functions, characteristics, origin or status. Real World Example: Social classes SPICE Element: Society Sentence: In a medieval society, Monarchs were at the top of the social system because they held the most power and wealth. | 21 | |
7632292440 | Warrior | Definition: A brave or experienced soldier or fighter Real World Example: Soldier SPICE Element: Society Sentence: In the ancient societies warriors had a high rank and were glorified because they were so brave. | 22 | |
7632292441 | Administration | Definition: Group of individuals who are in charge of creating and enforcing rules and regulations Real World Example: The President of the United States SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: The President appoints individuals to support him and to become apart of his administration. | 23 | |
7632293901 | Authoritarianism | Definition: The enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom Real World Example: China under the Communist Party SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: If a country has a dictator then that country is practicing authoritarianism because the dictator has more power than the people and controls everything. | 24 | |
7632293902 | Balance of power | Definition: A distribution and opposition of forces among nations such that no single nation is strong enough to assert its will or dominate all the others Real World Example: Checks and balances SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: In the UN some countries can veto the decision of another country so it is not all powerful in decision making and this is a Balance of power. | 25 | |
7632295319 | Bureaucracy | Definition: A system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials and not elected ones Real World Example: IRS SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: A large organization with a CEO would be considered a bureaucracy because the CEO manages the team and oversees all operations. | 26 | |
7632296153 | Casualty | Definition: A person killed or injured in a war or accident Real World Example: A soldier losing an arm during a war SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: There was no casualties in the traffic accident because no one was hurt or killed. | 27 | |
7632296154 | Centralization | Definition: The concentration of administrative power in a central government, authority Real World Example: Early Chinese Empire SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: The Chinese empire wanted to have cultural homogeneity and more centralized political control than Rome who ruled throughout local areas. | 28 | |
7632296155 | City | Definition: A large populated urban center of commerce and administration with a system of laws and, usually, regulated means of sanitation Real World Example: Babylon in Mesopotamia SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Mesopotamia produced some the first cities between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. | 29 | |
7632297631 | City-state | Definition: A city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state Real World Example: Athens SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Ancient was not a country, but a collection of city-states that each had their own way of doing things. | 30 | |
7632297632 | Consolidation | Definition: The action or process of making something stronger or more solid Real World Example: Pharaohs (people thought of them as Gods so they took advantage of the power) SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Many rulers used religion to consolidate their power and legitimize their rule. | 31 | |
7632301731 | Coup/ coup d'état | Definition: The sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group Real World Example: Napoleon and the Directory SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Coups were a regular occurrence in Africa after the countries gained independence because they did not like how the government was being run. | 32 | |
7632301732 | Decentralization | Definition: The transfer of authority from central to local government Real World Example: Australia SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Australia is considered decentralized because power is shared between the national and regional government. | 33 | |
7632302801 | Diplomacy | Definition: The profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country's representatives abroad Real World Example: Negotiate SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: When you negotiate a deal between two parties who are angry with each other, this is an example of showing diplomacy. | 34 | |
7632302802 | Empire | Definition: An extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress Real World Example: Roman Empire SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Even though the Byzantine Empire gained a lot of land far away the people still went by the laws of the Emperor. | 35 | |
7632304613 | Imperial | Definition: Relating to an empire Real World Example: Royal SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Silk exporting was important during China's imperial era. | 36 | |
7632302803 | Eunuch | Definition: A man who has been castrated, especially (in the past) one employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court Real World Example: Prisoners of war during the Shang Dynasty SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Eunuchs were important in the personal lives of ruling families and often got the opportunity to acquire useful information, politically and financially, some eunuchs had large personal fortunes and rose to positions of great power. | 37 | |
7632304614 | Infrastructure | Definition: The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise Real World Example: Electric systems SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Someone countries lack a suitable economic infrastructure to support themselves. | 38 | |
7632306380 | Institution | Definition: A society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose Real World Example: School SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: A school is an institution because it is specifically used for educational purposes. | 39 | |
7632306381 | Junta | Definition: A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force Real World Example: Sudan SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Sudan is considered a military junta because the armed forces control the government. | 40 | |
7632307770 | Mobilization | Definition: The action of a country or its government preparing and organizing troops for active service Real World Example: Assembling troops SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Germany thought that the Russian mobilization or preparation of troops was an act of war so they declared war on them. | 41 | |
7632307771 | Monarch | Definition: A sovereign head of state Real World Example: Queen/King SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: The monarch has very formal duties to carry out. | 42 | |
7632309215 | Monarchy | Definition: A form of government with a monarch at head Real World Example: Inherited ruling SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: The monarchy is lead by the Queen who has supreme power. | 43 | |
7632309216 | Rebellion | Definition: The action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention Real World Example: Uprising/ Revolt SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: The slaves started a rebellion against their masters for freedom. | 44 | |
7632310918 | Region | Definition: An area or division, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries Real World Example: Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: The regions of North Africa and South Africa differ in customs and resources. | 45 | |
7632312017 | Revolution | Definition: A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system Real World Example: Revolt/ Rebellion SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: The American Revolution was about the colonists fighting for independence from British rule. | 46 | |
7632312018 | Secession | Definition: The action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a political state Real World Example: Gaining independence SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: In the Civil War the secession of the south would cause a big divide in America. | 47 | |
7632312095 | State | Definition: A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government Real World Example: India SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: India is considered to be a federal state that is under a central government. | 48 | |
7632313699 | Suffrage | Definition: The right to vote in political elections Real World Example: right to vote SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Some women are still fighting for suffrage in countries where they are not allowed to vote. | 49 | |
7632315489 | Theocracy | Definition: A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god Real World Example: Vatican City SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Vatican City is considered a theocracy because the government is organized around religious principles. | 50 | |
7633207963 | Trans-regional | Definition: Between regions Real World Example: Trading goods from one region to another SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: A merchant engaged in trans regional trade because he traveled with goods from north Africa to south Africa and traded his goods with the people there. | 51 | |
7633212610 | Tribute/ tributary system | Definition: A system of payment in which conquered peoples pay a tribute to the conqueror to show their superiority over the land Real World Example: Taxation SPICE Element: Politics Sentence: Due to the Tributary system, the Chinese emperor demanded payment from the people of the territories he took control of. | 52 | |
7633212611 | Climate | Definition: The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period Real World Example: Weather conditions SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The climate in the rain forest is tropical. | 53 | |
7633212612 | Deforestation | Definition: The action of clearing a wide area of trees Real World Example: habitat loss SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: Due to deforestation many animals especially birds lost their homes. | 54 | |
7633214052 | Demography | Definition: The study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations Real World Example: Age SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The demography of the worlds population changed after the development of medicines, which increased the longevity of life. | 55 | |
7633214053 | Desert | Definition: A dry, barren area of land, especially one covered with sand, that is characteristically desolate, waterless, and without vegetation Real World Example: the Sahara SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The Sahara Desert has hills of sand for miles and no towns in it. | 56 | |
7633220068 | Desertification | Definition: The process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, or inappropriate agriculture Real World Example: Deforestation SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The desertification of the farmland was caused by the of the lack of rain which made the land infertile. | 57 | |
7633220069 | Disease | Definition: A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury Real World Example: Illness SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The disease cause the girl to throw up a lot and she got so sick she had to be taken to the hospital. | 58 | |
7633221938 | Diaspora | Definition: The movement, migration, or scattering of a people away from an established or ancestral homeland Real World Example: Jewish people scattered about in the Middle East SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The African Diaspora was a practice of capturing and transporting Africans out of Africa which spread the people across the Atlantic. | 59 | |
7633221939 | Emigration | Definition: The act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another Real World Example: Moving abroad SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The family emigrated out of their home in Brazil and moved to the United States. | 60 | |
7633223735 | Epidemic | Definition: A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time Real World Example: The Black Plague SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The Black Plague killed many people across Europe because it came from an infection passed along from rats. | 61 | |
7633223736 | Erosion | Definition: The process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. Real World Example: The Grand Canyon SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The erosion of the Grand Canyon was caused by glaciers scraping along the rock. | 62 | |
7633225314 | Immigration | Definition: The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country Real World Example: Moving abroad SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The family left England and immigrated to the United States. | 63 | |
7633225315 | Metropolis | Definition: A very large and densely populated industrial and commercial city Real World Example: New York SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The Metropolis is the capital of the state. | 64 | |
7633226984 | Metropole | Definition: A home country in relation to its colonies, the mother country Real World Example: Britain and the 13 colonies SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: When the country dismantled their colonies they allowed former colonial subjects to work in the metropole or "home" country. | 65 | |
7633229149 | Migration | Definition: Movement from one part of something to another Real World Example: Birds flying from up north to the tropics SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The migration of birds across North America is an annual event. | 66 | |
7633230802 | Monsoon | Definition: A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ) Real World Example: Rainstorm SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The monsoon flooded the city and made the power go out. | 67 | |
7633230803 | Pandemic | Definition: A disease that is prevalent over a whole country or the world Real World Example: HIV/AIDS SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The pandemic flu had sickened people all across Australia. | 68 | |
7633230804 | Pathogen | Definition: A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease Real World Example: Salmonella SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The girl was infected with a pathogenic organism from her food and got so sick she had to be rushed to the hospital. | 69 | |
7633232587 | Population | Definition: All the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country Real World Example: People SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The population in the metropolitan area was greater than in the countryside because people wanted to be close to everything and the central business district. | 70 | |
7633232588 | Pull factors | Definition: Factors that either forcefully push people into migration or attract them Real World Example: Economic growth SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The pull factors of the other city made the man want to move there. | 71 | |
7633234408 | Push factors | Definition: A forceful factor which relates to the country from which a person migrates Real World Example: Lack of jobs SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The war was a major push factor for the family so they moved to another country as soon as possible. | 72 | |
7633237166 | Savanna/ Savannah | Definition: A grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees Real World Example: Grassland SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The lions hide in the grass of the Savannah and stalk their prey. | 73 | |
7633237167 | Technology | Definition: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry Real World Example: Machines SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The computer was a new form of technology created in the twentieth century. | 74 | |
7633238404 | Tundra | Definition: A vast, flat, treeless Arctic region in which the subsoil is permanently frozen. Real World Example: Antarctica SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The Antarctic is know as a tundra because of the lack of vegetation and low temperatures of the flatlands. | 75 | |
7633238405 | Urban | Definition: In, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town Real World Example: Downtown SPICE Element: Interaction Between Humans & Environment Sentence: The man moved downtown to be closer to the urban center of the town. | 76 | |
7633240297 | Animism | Definition: Animism is the belief that there is a spirit or consciousness that is within things such as inanimate objects, plants, and animals Real World Example: Someone things a flower has a soul SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The man who believed in animism didn't want to cut down the tree and hurt it. | 77 | |
7633254905 | Belief system | Definition: A set of principles or tenets which together for the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral code Real World Example: Right and wrong SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: In the belief system of many ethnic groups they want to be selfless rather than selfish in nature. | 78 | |
7633254906 | Codify | Definition: Arrange into systematic code Real World Example: Categorize SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The teacher had to codify the worksheets because she had three from all of her students. | 79 | |
7633254907 | Culture | Definition: The art and other manifestations of hum intellectual achievement regarded collectively Real World Example: Humanities SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: In Trinidadian culture a very popular dish is Roti. | 80 | |
7633257666 | Cultural diffusion | Definition: When the cultural beliefs and social activities are spread through different ethnicities, religions, nationalities, etc. Real World Example: Globalization SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: McDonald's spread across the world from the United States through cultural diffusion | 81 | |
7633257667 | Cultural synthesis | Definition: The process by which two or more cultures merge over time to produce a new culture with elements of both Real World Example: Combine SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The effect of cultural synthesis was a new culture. | 82 | |
7633271613 | Ideology | Definition: A system of ideas and ideals, especially on that form he basis of economic or political theory and policy Real World Example: Beliefs SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: Based on her ideology the woman voted for the candidate that had her same beliefs. | 83 | |
7633273608 | Indigenous | Definition: Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place Real World Example: Native American SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The Indigenous plant was first found in Canada and has been their for years. | 84 | |
7633273609 | Literacy | Definition: The ability to be able to read and write Real World Example: Education SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The literacy rate of the country was low because there were schools to teach literature. | 85 | |
7633273610 | Missionary | Definition: A person sent on a religious mission Real World Example: Proselytizer SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The missionary went to the foreign country to spread his religion of Christianity. | 86 | |
7633275223 | Monotheism | Definition: The doctrine or belief that there is only one God Real World Example: Christianity SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: In Christianity there is only one supreme God so Christianity is a monotheistic religion. | 87 | |
7633275224 | Philosophy | Definition: The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline Real World Example: Ideology SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The government claims to support the philosophy of equality for women, but it hasn't taken any action to pay women a fair salary. | 88 | |
7633277870 | Polytheism | Definition: The belief in or worship of more than one god Real World Example: Hinduism SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: The Hindu religion is considered polytheistic because their are many gods worshiped such as Brahma and Vishnu. | 89 | |
7634573418 | Religion | Definition: The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Real World Example: Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: Islam is the world fastest growing religions. | 90 | |
7634576374 | Syncretism | Definition: Syncretism is the blending of multiple ideas to create new religions, languages, and elements of culture . Real World Example: Blending SPICE Element: Culture Sentence: Gnosticism was a result of syncretism, it came from Judaism, Christianity, and Greek religious philosophical concepts | 91 | |
7634578501 | Agriculture | Definition: The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products. Real World Example: Horticulture SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: To be sustainable , agriculture must provide a farmer with a living. | 92 | |
7634578502 | Capitalism | Definition: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state Real World Example: Free enterprise SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The prison system in the United states is operated by private companies practicing capitalism. | 93 | |
7634580448 | Commerce | Definition: The activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale Real World Example: Trade SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: Commerce is a big part of the economy and helps get goods out and into the country. | 94 | |
7634582229 | Commercialization | Definition: The transformation of an area of a city into an area attractive to residents and tourists alike in terms of economic activity Real World Example: SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The commercialization of the town brought more tourists and boosted the economy. | 95 | |
7634586204 | Commodity | Definition: A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold Real World Example: Item SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The farmer's milk was such a hot commodity that he got wealthy from it quickly. | 96 | |
7634588081 | Communism | Definition: A political theory advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs Real World Example: Maoist China SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: In communist China people owned the factors of production. | 97 | |
7634588082 | Consumer | Definition: A person who purchases good and services for personal use Real World Example: Buyer SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The consumer wrote a good review on the lotion after she bought it and used it. | 98 | |
7634588083 | Credit | Definition: The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future Real World Example: Loan SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The man had good credit because he always paid his bills on time. | 99 | |
7634590059 | Cultivation | Definition: To prepare land to grow something or to nurture and cause growth Real World Example: Agriculture SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The cultivation of carrots in fertile soil made them grow. | 100 | |
7634590060 | Currency | Definition: A system of money in general use in a particular country Real World Example: Money SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The currency was different in the foreign country so the man couldn't buy anything until he exchanged it. | 101 | |
7634590061 | Domesticate | Definition: Tame and keep and animal as a pet or for farm produce Real World Example: To tame SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: Cows were domesticated for their milk. | 102 | |
7634592195 | Domesticated animal | Definition: An animal that has been trained by humans so as to live and breed in a tame condition and depend on humankind for survival Real World Example: Tamed animal, dog SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The domesticated animal was trained to stay within the fence and not attack the farmer. | 103 | |
7634592196 | Economy | Definition: The resources and wealth of a country or region Real World Example: Wealth SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The economy of the coastal city was thriving because of trade and tourism. | 104 | |
7634594071 | Economic structure | Definition: The changing balance of output, trade, incomes and employment drawn from different economic sectors Real World Example: SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The economic structure of China is dominated by state-owned enterprises. | 105 | |
7634594072 | Economic system | Definition: The means by which countries and governments distribute resources and trade goods and services Real World Example: Communism, capitalism, socialism SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The economic system of the United States is capitalistic. | 106 | |
7634610489 | Export | Definition: To send goods or services to another country for sale Real World Example: International trade SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The country exported millions of dollars worth of coffee to the other country. | 107 | |
7634610490 | Fertility | Definition: The ability to produce offspring Real World Example: Pregnancy SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The fertility rate in the town was high because most of the women living there are pregnant. | 108 | |
7634610491 | Forage | Definition: Search widely for food or provisions Real World Example: Scavenge SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The animal had to forage for food to prepare for the scarcity of resources during winter. | 109 | |
7634612583 | Forced labour system | Definition: Very hard physical work that someone is forced to do Real World Example: Slavery SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The forced labor system in the country caused many of the slaves involved to revolt. | 110 | |
7634612584 | Import | Definition: To bring goods or services into a country from abroad for sale Real World Example: Receiving a shipment SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The imported goods were sold in the retail store for a high price. | 111 | |
7634615045 | Industrialization | Definition: The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale Real World Example: Mechanization SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The industrialization of America marked a shift in powered machinery, factories, and mass production. | 112 | |
7634615046 | Irrigation | Definition: The supply of water to land or crops to help growth Real World Example: Sprinkler SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The farmer needed a new irrigation system so he bought sprinklers to water his plants. | 113 | |
7634617167 | Monetization | Definition: To convert an asset or any object into money or legal tender of a country Real World Example: Legitimatize SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The woman was able to make a living off of her hobby after monetizing it. | 114 | |
7634617168 | Nomadic | Definition: Living the life of a nomad Real World Example: Moving place to place, wandering SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The life of the herder was nomadic because he moved often to find good pastures for his animals. | 115 | |
7634618291 | Pack animal | Definition: An animal that is used to carry heavy loads Real World Example: Camel SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The caravan used many pack animals to transport goods from place to place. | 116 | |
7634618292 | Pastoral | Definition: Used for or related to the keeping or grazing of animals Real World Example: Herding SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The pastoral farm had many sheep and cattle. | 117 | |
7634618293 | Producer | Definition: A person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies good or commodities for sale Real World Example: Manufacturer SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The oil producer charged foreign countries a lot of money to buy oil from them. | 118 | |
7634619790 | Raw material | Definition: The basic material from which a product is made Real World Example: Wood SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The land had an abundant amount of raw material which the natives used to craft items. | 119 | |
7634619791 | Specialization of labour | Definition: An individual has one job or responsibility they specialize in Real World Example: Automobile Production line (in factory) SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: The specialization of labor in the factory helped speed up production because each worker had one duty. | 120 | |
7634624240 | Surplus | Definition: An amount of something left over when requirements have been met Real World Example: Extra, excess SPICE Element: Economy Sentence: All the people in the how were fed but there was a surplus of food so they put it in the refrigerator. | 121 |
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