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Chapter 3: Prenatal Development, Birth and the Newborn Flashcards

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6117457911prenatal developmentthe changes that transform a fertilized egg into a newborn human0
6117462872gestation occurs over265 days or 38 weeks1
6117464452geminal stageperiod of the zygote (weeks 1-2)2
6117509402zygotefertilized egg that implants itself in the wall of the uterus3
6117513845outer layertrophoblast will develop into supporting structures4
6117515069blastocystafter about 4 days, the zygote compromises about 100 cells, resembles a hollow ball (60-70 cell mass)5
6117518669implantationthe blastocyst burrows into the uterine wall and establishes connection with the mother's blood vessels (7th-9th day)6
6117520982germdic/embryonic discinner layer- a small cluster of cells near the centre of the blastocyst that eventually develops into a baby7
6117524706placentathe layer of cells closest to the uterus becomes the placenta, which is a structure for exchanging nutrients and wastes between the mother and the developing organism8
6117534215embryonic stageperiod of the embryo (weeks 3-8)9
6117538579amniotic sacthe embryo rests in an amniotic sac, which is filled with amniotic fluid that cushions the embryo and maintains a constant temperature10
6117542256amniotic fluidcushions embryo and maintains a constant temperature11
6117543954chorionattaches to uterine wall and eventually becomes the placenta12
6117547044umbilical cordhouses blood vessels that join the embryo to the placenta. feeds baby (can grow 2-3 ft. long)13
6117551468villiblood flows through villi-finger-like projections from the umbilical blood vessels14
6117554607embryoonce the blastocyst is completely embedded in the uterine wall15
6117556621organogenesisproduction and development of the organs16
6117564968ectoderm(outer layer) nervous system and skin17
6117566923mesoderm(middle layer) muscles, skeleton, circulatory system18
6117568864endoderm(inner layer) digestive system, lungs, urinary tract, glands19
6117573332fetal stageperiod of the fetus (weeks 9-38)20
6117576572period of the fetusthe final and longest phase of prenatal development that extends from the ninth week after conception until birth21
6117578792cerebral cortexwrinkled surface of the brain that regulates many important human behaviours during this period (organs, muscles and nervous system organizes and become connected)22
6117587044vernixthe skin thickens and is covered with a thick, greasy substance that protects the fetus during its long bath in amniotic fluid (waxy-like substance)23
6117591887viability(3rd trimester, 22-28 weeks) baby becomes capable of living outside the mother's body24
6117597992fetus responds to sounds (responds behaviourally)at 25th week25
6117604265fetus discriminates familiar and unfamiliar sounds by (responds psychologically)32nd or 22rd week26
6117606010movements can be felt by mother in2nd trimester27
6117611455in the end of the embryonic periodmale embryos develop testes and female embryos develop ovaries28
6117613461in the 3rd monthtestes in male fetus secrete a hormone that causes a set of cells to become a penis and scrotum; in female fetus, this hormone is absent, so the same cells become a vagina and labia29
6117618644in the 5th and 6 monthseyebrows, eyelashes and scalp hair emerge (vernix)30
6117620430in 6 monthsfetuses vary in their usual heart rates and in how much their heart rate changes in response to physiological stress31
6117627280first trimester(1-2 weeks) fertilized egg (zygote) becomes a blastocyst that is implanted in the uterine wall. (3-4 weeks) period of rapid growth; most body parts including nervous system; brain, spinal cord, heart and limbs are formed32
6117640186second trimester(9-12 weeks) rapid growth continues, most body systems begin to function. (13-24 weeks) continued growth; fetus is now large enough for a woman to feel its movements, fetus is covered with vernix33
6117647694third trimester(25-38 weeks) continued growth; body systems become mature in preparation for birth, layer of fat is acquired, reaches age of viability34
6117661911neurons begin to develop in theembryonic stage35
6117661912neurons proliferate in thefetal stage36
6117684484sex hormones are secreted at6 weeks37
6117688748females have a faster bone development and are ahead of boys by4-6 weeks at the time of birth38
6117698080males are more vulnerable tocongenital problems, teratogens, have higher rates of injury and shorter life expectancy39
6117708907spina bifidaa disorder in which the embryo's neural tube does not close properly during the first month of pregnancy40
6117720740insufficiency of folic acid leads tospina bifida41
6117723162malnutrition leads tostill birth, low birth weight, miscarriage, death in infant, smaller brains, and fewer neurons therefore suffering intellectually42
6117788808birth after 35 is associated withheart abnormalities, chromosome disorders, miscarriages, multiple births because reproductive system changes and could be irregularities such as releasing more than one ovum43
6117801802stressa person's physical and psychological responses to threatening or challenging situations44
6117826473social influencerefers to events set in motion when a teenage girl gives birth, events that make it harder for her to provide a positive environment for her child's development45
6117829983social selectionsome teenage girls are more likely than others to become pregnant, and the same factors that cause girls to become pregnant may put their children at risk46
6117840131teratogensenvironmental agents that can lead to problems47
6117849656hereditygreater resilience to teratogens48
6117854511effects of teratogens depend ondose, heredity, age, sleeper effects49
6117856901agewhen a child is exposed prenatally to an environment with toxins depending on the age of the embryo or zygote will determine what will be affected50
6117866639sleeper effectssome teratogens don't have effect right away or don't see it but its not till later51
6117868544thalidomidea powerful teratogen that causes abnormal prenatal development52
6117890642rubella/measlesfirst 4-5 weeks tends to have significant effects on a baby, after time period only 10% of babies are effected. causes eye problems, deafness, heart problems and risk for developing schizophrenia in adulthood53
6117900317HIV/aids25% of babies born to HIV mothers will be infected but with drugs only 2% are infected. causes frequent infections, neurological disorder, and death54
6117907260cytomegalovirustype of herpes that leads to cognitive disabilities in babies and associated with deafness and baby can be effected prenatally. causes deafness, blindness, abnormally small head, and developmental disabilities55
6117914279herpestransmitted during delivery process, can cause inflammation of brain and spinal cord, sores. causes encephalitis, enlarged spleen, improper blood clotting56
6117920204syphilisassociated with eye defects, ear problems, brain defects. causes damage to CNS, teeth and bones57
6117925621environmental hazardsthings in the environment that are associated with some cognitive delays58
6117929691fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)pregnant women who consume large quantities of alcoholic beverages may give birth to babies to FASD59
6117942889cocaine and heroinretarded growth, irritability in newborns60
6117944186marijuanalow birth weight, less motor control61
6117944188nicotineretarded growth, possible cognitive impairments62
6117946806accutaneabnormalities of the CNS, eyes and ears63
6117949250aspirindeficits in intelligence, attention and motor skills64
6117950807caffeinelower birth weight, decreased muscle tone65
6117954705chorionic villus samplingcell are extracted from the placenta (increase risk of miscarriage so not first test done unless high risk for baby)66
6117961112amniocentesisamniotic fluid is extracted and fetal cells examined (can do this in 14-16 weeks) (risk of miscarriage)67
6117965438ultrasonographysound waves create image of the fetus68
6117966855MRIcamera is used to observe the fetus and to sample fetal blood69
6117968607fetoscopycamera is used to observe the fetus and to sample fetal blood70
6118033282how teratogens influence prenatal development1. depends on the genotype of the organism 2. changes over the course of prenatal development 3. each affects specific aspect of prenatal development 4. depends on dose 5. damage not always evidence at birth, but may appear later in life71
6118065506proteomicsmodifying gene- specific proteins: process of modifying the protein that is involved in the disease72
6118075081genetic engineeringanother approach to treating prenatal problems, replacing defective genes with synthetic normal genes - corrects genetic abnormalities: symptoms of hemophilia and severe immune system problems73
6118085162stage 1 of labourdilation of the cervix and contractions (3-20 hours) cervix enlarges to 10cm74
6118091182stage 2 of labourbaby moves down the birth canal (1 hour)75
6118093271stage 3 of labourdelivery (15-20 minutes) delivery of the placenta (10-15 minutes)76
6118096190crowningtop of baby's head appears77
6118096191breech presentationsmall percentage of babies that come out feet/bottom first78
6118098799doulaperson familiar with childbirth who is not part of the medical staff but instead provides emotional and physical support throughout labour and delivery79
6118103671midwifehealth care professional providing care during pregnancy, during and after, consult between pregnancies and give info about childcare and help mom breastfeed, birth control, medication, license professional/doctor80
6118197506anoxiacomplete deprivation of oxygen (umbilical cord squeezed during delivery)81
6118199707hypoxiadeprivation of oxygen in one part of the body (umbilical cord wrapped around a certain body part) long term effects depend on length of oxygen deprivation82
6118216263cephalopelvic disproportionthe infant's head is larger than the pelvis, making it impossible for the baby to pass through the birth canal83
6118219445irregular positionin shoulder presentation, the baby is lying crosswise in the uterus and the shoulder appears first in breech presentation, the buttocks appears first84
6118222535pre-eclampsiaa pregnant woman has high blood pressure, protein in her urine, and swelling in her extremities (due to fluid retention)85
6118228137prolapsed umbilical cordthe umbilical cord precedes the baby through the birth canal and is squeezed shut, cutting off oxygen to the baby86
6118237568premature infantsborn less than 37 weeks after conception87
6118239582small-for-date/small for gestational ageinfants are substantially smaller than would be expected based on the length of time since conception88
6118241661kangaroo careposition in which infants dressed only in a diaper are held against an adult's bare chest in a sling or basket89
6118253076infant mortalitythe number of infants out of 1000 births who die before their first birthday90
6118262102babies are usually between6 and 11 pounds91
6118262103low birth weight5.5 pounds or less92
6118277313cesarean sectionincision is made in abdomen to remove the baby from the uterus93
611828991826% of deliveries arecesarean94
61182925761 in 16 in Canada arepreterm babies95
6118295293baby bluesminor depression, last a few weeks (50-80%)96
6118300776postpartum depressiontend to show little interest in babies (10-15% new mothers) (10-35% woman having it again with another child)97
6118311294postpartum psychosisdramatic mood changes, hallucinations, delusions and manic episodes. might harm their child98
6118330516apgar scoremeasure devised by obstetrical anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar, is used to evaluate newborn baby's condition99
6118342064baby's performance is used to evaluate the functioning of four systems:1. autonomic (ability to control body function) 2. motor (ability to control body movements and activity level) 3. state (ability to maintain state) 4. social (ability to interact with people)100
6118354547brazelton neonatal behavioural assessment scaletest: reflexes, muscle tone, alertness, cuddliness, and ability to self sooth101
6118357212reflexesunlearned responses that are triggered by a specific form of stimulation102
6118360082adaptive reflexesbreathing, eye blink, pupillary. always keep throughout lives103
6118362160blink reflexbaby's eyes close i response to bright light or loud noise to protect eyes104
6118368744rooting reflexfeel touch, turn toward it with open mouth helps baby find nipple105
6118370271sucking reflexbaby sucks when an object is placed in its mouth to permit feeding, disappear 6 months-1 year106
6118373490primitive reflexespresence at birth neurologically things are good107
6118660067babinski reflexstroke foot of baby, they will fan out their toes and the foot curls in. cause is unknown. disappears by 1 year108
6118668565palmar reflexbaby grasps an object that is placed on palm of its hand. reflexive until 3-4 months then becomes voluntary grasping109
6118674336moro reflexa baby throws its arms out and then inward in response to a loud noise or when its head falls. disappear by 4-6 months, may help baby cling to mother110
6118682956stepping reflexput babies feet on hard surface and they start to step. disappear within first couple of months unless you continue it which can lead to walking a month earlier, precursor to voluntary walking111
6118688092tonic neck reflexdisappear about 4 months and eventually morphs into voluntary reaching112
6118690500withdrawal reflexa baby withdraws its foot when the sole is pricked with a pin. this protects baby from unpleasant stimulation113
61186956275 states of consciousnessalert wakefulness, deep sleep, lighter sleep, fussing and hunger114
61187016894 behavioural statesalert inactivity, waking activity, crying and sleeping115
6118704471alter inactivitythe baby is calm and attentive, with eyes open; the baby appears to be deliberately inspecting the environment116
6118709130waking activitythe baby's eyes are open, but they seem unfocused; the baby moves arms or legs in bursts of uncoordinated motion117
6118716854cryingbaby cries vigorously, usually accompanying this with agitated but uncoordinated motion118
6118719395sleepingbaby's eyes are closed and baby drifts back and forth from periods of regular breathing and stillness to periods of irregular breathing and gentle arm and leg motion119
6118727826newborns sleep about90% of the day120
6118729364babies spend8 hours in REM and 8 hours in nonREM121
6118738360during weeks 6-8 babies sleepless and show signs of circadian rhythms122
6118743033at 6 months babies sleep14 hours a day and sleep is more regular and predictable123
6118748384rapid-eye movement (REM) sleepnewborns may move their arms and legs, they may grimace, and their eyes may move about beneath their eyelids124
6118750669non-REM sleepbreathing, heart rate, and brain activity are steady and newborns lie quietly without the twitching associated with REM sleep125
6118785899basic crystarts softly than gradually becomes more intense and usually occurs when a baby is hungry or tired126
6118788023mad crymore intense version of a basic cry127
6118788024pain crybegins with sudden, long shriek, followed by a long pause and gasping crying128
6118790987swaddlinguseful technique in which an infant is wrapped tightly in a blanket129
6118794889newborns cry2-11% of the time and this lessens over time130
6118797314colicintense periods of crying, starts early in the first 3 months131
6118801342sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)healthy baby dies suddenly, for no apparent reason132

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