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AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

AP Language Set 4 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
6673441497portera railroad employee who assists passengers0
6673452223prattleidle talk, to go on and on meaninglessly1
6673456508precipitateto cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely; done quickly and without thought2
6673478268precociouscharacterized by exceptional early development or maturity, especially in mental development3
6673488131prerogativeprivilege or right4
6673495096profligatewasteful, extravagant, prodigal5
6673497194prostrateto lay face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration6
6673505881prudentcareful and sensible; marked by sound judgement7
6673511367qualm(s)an uncomfortable feeling of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing8
6673520303recitationan event when one recited a literary work for an audience9
6673525024reiterateto say or explain again10
6673530341resonantstrong and deep in tone or strongly reminiscent; evocative11
6673540626rheumatismany painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues12
6673545914sated/satietysatisfied, full (to satiate)13
6673550183scantbarely enough14
6673555900self-abasementto put oneself down, to denigrate oneself15
6673558699soddendrenched, soaked/ expressionless, stupid, or dull especially from being drunk16
6673566328tawdrycheap, gaudy, trashy, tacky (ratchet)17
6673574290throescondition of agonizing struggle or trouble (can be emotional or physical)18
6673580534timorousfearful or shy/ timid19
6673582672torrentan overwhelming number or amount/ a violently fast stream of water20

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