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AP Literature Vocab for 10/12 Flashcards

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5079958177LOOSE SENTENCEDef: the sentence reveals the key information right away and unfolds loosely after that. Ex: Due to snowy conditions, the principal announced an early release, and students were jubilant, high-fiving, shouting about sleds and video games, wishing the clock would go faster.0
5079958178sanguineadjective 1. optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. "he is sanguine about prospects for the global economy" synonyms: optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, positive, confident, cheerful, cheery; informal, upbeat "he is sanguine about the advance of technology" 2. HERALDRY blood-red. noun 1. a blood-red color.1
5079958179phlegmaticadjective (of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition. synonyms: calm, cool, composed, 'calm, cool, and collected', controlled, serene, tranquil, placid, impassive, imperturbable, unruffled, dispassionate, philosophical; More antonyms: excitable2
5079960445melancholicadjective relating to or suffering from melancholy or melancholia (deep sadness or gloom) synonyms: sad, sorrowful, unhappy, desolate, mournful, lugubrious, gloomy, forlorn, despondent, dejected, depressed, downhearted, downcast, disconsolate, glum, miserable, wretched, dismal, morose, woeful, woebegone, doleful, joyless, heavy-hearted noun (Psychiatry) a person who suffers from melancholia3
5079960446cholericadjective bad-tempered or irritable. synonyms:bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, angry, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, testy, cranky, crusty, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, ill-tempered, peevish, cross, fractious, crabbed, crabby, waspish, prickly, peppery, touchy, short-tempered antonyms: good-natured, affable historical influenced by or predominating in the humor called choler. "a choleric disposition"4
5080033511IDEA OF THE 4 HUMOURSThe idea of the four temperaments traces back to the Ancient Greek medical theory of the four humours, which held that there were four fundamental bodily humours (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm) and that illness was caused by an imbalance in these. The terms sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic were coined by the Greek physician Aelius Galenus to describe the effect of the humours on personality. The four temperaments have not been a part of medicine or psychology for a hundred years, but remain popular in the writings of several prominent self-help and spirituality authors and the idea remains relatively well known. Four temperaments is a proto-psychological theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types, sanguine (optimistic and social), choleric (short-tempered or irritable), melancholic (analytical and quiet), and phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful). Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures of the types. Melancholic - Black Bile - Earth - Avoiding; serious, introverted, cautious or even suspicious. They can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world and are susceptible to depression and moodiness. They may be focused and conscientious Phlegmatic - Phlegm - Water - Getting; inward and private, thoughtful, reasonable, calm, patient, caring, and tolerant. They tend to have a rich inner life, seek a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, and be content with themselves. They tend to be steadfast, consistent in their habits, and thus steady and faithful friends Sanguine - Blood - Air - Socially useful; lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking Choleric - Yellow Bile - Fire - Ruling; egocentric and extroverted. They may be excitable, impulsive, and restless, with reserves of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill that in others5
5079962976encumberverb 1. restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult. "she was encumbered by her heavy skirts" synonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, cramp, inhibit, restrict, limit, constrain, restrain, bog down, retard, slow (down) 2. saddle (a person or estate) with a debt or mortgage. "an estate heavily encumbered with debt" 3. fill or block up (a place). "we tripped over sticks and stones, which encumber most of the trail"6
5079962977fecklessadjective having or resulting from a weak character or nature lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible. "a feckless mama's boy" synonyms: useless, worthless, incompetent, inept, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well;7
5079962978impassenoun a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock. "the current political impasse" synonyms: deadlock, dead end, stalemate, standoff8
5079965974indolentadjective 1. wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy. synonyms: lazy, idle, slothful, loafing, do-nothing, sluggardly, shiftless, lackadaisical, languid, inactive, underactive, inert, sluggish, lethargic, torpid; More antonyms: industrious, energetic 2. MEDICINE (of a disease condition) causing little or no pain. (especially of an ulcer) slow to develop, progress, or heal; persistent.9
5079965975lugubriousadjective looking or sounding sad and dismal. synonyms: mournful, gloomy, sad, unhappy, doleful, glum, melancholy, woeful, miserable, woebegone, forlorn, somber, solemn, serious, sorrowful, morose, dour, cheerless, joyless, dismal antonyms: cheerful10
5079968262progenynoun a descendant or the descendants of a person, animal, or plant; offspring. "the progeny of mixed marriages" synonyms: offspring, young, babies, children, sons and daughters, family, brood11

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