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AP World History - Unit 2 Flashcards

mr. johnson srrhs ap world class. everything from unit 2 study guide. you're welcome, i hope this is of good value to you.

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5947538727analectsrecords, words, acts of Confucius, spirits inhabit the features of nature0
5947576522philosophies of Confuciuspractical, moral, ethical, ren - kindness, li - behave appropriately, xiao - high significance of family1
5947589735junzisuperior individuals, no personal influences2
5947593287Mencius's philosophyhuman nature is good, naive/too optimistic, focused on ren3
5947605809Daoismopposite of Confucians, reflection and introspection, nature4
5947617813Daodejingthe basic exposition of Daoist beliefs5
5947625335Wuweidisengagement from the competitive exertions and active involvement in affairs in the world6
5949663152Legalismpeople should be used to fullest extent, very harsh, harsh punishments for small crimes so they wouldn't commit larger crimes7
5949676927Qin Shihuangdicentralized bureaucracy, the first king of the Qin, divided China into provinces and districts, drafted people to build defensive walls, link sections into massive defense system8
5949702735Legalist Philosophyorder above all human concerns, very harsh9
5949739472Liu Bangcentralized almost immediately, crude and somewhat oafish, persistent and methodical thinker, restored order throughout China, head of new Han dynasty10
5949755031Han Wudiestablished an imperial university to prepare young men for government service, took Cofucianism as base of philosophy, got many men ready for service and such11
5949773808Xiongnunomadic people from the steppes of central Asia who spoke a Turkish language, superb horsemen, raided villages when being peaceful didn't work, they never completely settled12
5949814539Lessons for WomenBen Zhao, woman scholar, showed women's role13
5949990492Wealth in Han Dynasty led to gaps between rich and poorthere was a distinct line between the two, rich - fine silk garments, leather shoes, jewelry, wine, pork, fish, poor - rough hemp clothing, grain, rice, vegetables, meat14
5950034779Wang Mang"socialist emperor" tried to limit possession of land, ended in death by people, regent of two year old boy15
5950056134India political landscape during Aryan ruleseries of small kingdoms, they fought for more land but no one ever won16
5950077551Magadhacontrol of other states and trade in, central position of the Ganges plain17
5950105162Chandragupta Mauryafounded Maurya empire, unified north and south India into one state18
5950128136Arthashastrathe government manual to statecraft, economic policy, military strategy written in Sanskrit19
5950140540Kalingaonly independent area that wasn't under Maurya rule, on 206 conquered in a very bloody and many dead way20
5950153614Ashokagrandson of Chandragupta, ruled through bureaucracy, capital at Pataliputra, Buddhist values, ruled almost entire subcontinent21
5950179557India after the fall of Mauryan empireBactrian rule, formed a series of kingdoms that brought order, a lot of trade,22
5950252653Chandra Guptafounded the Gupta empire, brought stability and prosperity23
5950283946Political structure of the Gupta Empirelargest political and military empires, ruled with benevolence, did not claim to be divine24
5950362593Collapse of Guptarepelled huns, continued in name only, very short imperial government, large regional kingdoms dominated political life in India25
5950416947Indian Ocean Trade/Monsoon Windsthey would use the wind patterns to benefit them, large trade between Indian and Mediterranean, used land but turned to sea26
5950454274Patriarchy in Indiavery strong patriarchy, women were known as weak willed and emotional, women married at 8 or 9 to 20 year olds27
5950475497Guilds within the caste systemjati - regulated; indian guilds, guild - corporate body that watched prices and wages and provided wellfare for members and fam, guild members all lived by each other28
5950496686Charvakasancient school of Indian materialism, knowledge, skepticism and rejects Vedas29
5950517537Beliefs of Jainismno social hierarchy, nonviolence to other living things and their souls, very thorough to make sure they didn't hurt anything30
5950537543Buddhist belief in salvationyou could escape reincarnation and achieve Nirvana <-- spiritual independence31
5950565874Four Noble Truthsthe four central beliefs, all life involves suffering 1) all life is full of suffering 2) the cause of suffering is nonvirtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hatred and desire 3) the only cure for suffering is to overcome nonvirtue 4) the way to overcome nonvirtue is to follow the eightfold path32
5950578262Illiad/Odysseyportrays Greeks as fearless seamen, greek poem, long series of woes and trevails, "dark age" heroes of greece, written in 8th century BCE33
5950602705Greek Political Structureeach city state had its own government rather than one system, so divided by mountains that it would've been difficult to unite34
5952802292Minoansancient civilization on island of Crete, built one of the earliest civilizations, created linear A35
5952835697poliscitadel or fortified site that offered refuge for local communities during times of war and other emergencies, they became city-states/centers of Greek society36
5952852005helotservants of the spartan state, the weren't free, they would supply food and they outnumbered the regular people which always had a possible of a rebellion37
5952866103spartan/athenian culture and politicsspartan - equal in status, simple/frugal lifestyle, boys sent to military at 8 or 9, girls married 18-20 athens - same issues as sparta, relieved tensions with democratic principles, only free adult males played a role in politics38
5952903695Soloncompromised between the rich and poor in Athens, let wealthy keep land, removed poors debt, let council spots be open to more people, soon commoners filled the council39
5952917086Tyranta cruel and mean ruler, not pleasing or friendly, dictator40
5952933396Pericle's Rulemost popular Athenian leader, helped make more jobs, expansion led to Peloponnesian War41
5952951533Greek Colonizationpoleis --> centers of political organization, population strained resources, neapolis "new polis" no central government, would look at present issues and not past to make future decisions, communication, interaction and exchange came from Greek colonization42
5952973136Persian WarDarius sent an Army to attack Athens, Xerxes decided to avenge Persian loss, Persians got Athens, greeks shattered Persian army, greeks and Persians had tensions but never fought, Persians didn't want to just conquer small lands, greeks didn't want to waste time on Persians43
5953002850Peloponnesian Warwar between Athens and Sparta, Sparta won, let Greece weak and Athenians were mean, Athens lost respect, weakened the Greek poleis44
5953027185Delian Leaguealliance created by the poleis to discourage further Persian attacks in Greece, Athens became leader in alliance, allies resented the contributions they made that seemed to only help Athens45
5953055551Alexandriaptolemaic capital, founded by Alexander at mouth of Nile river, had an enormous harbor that was the most important port in the Mediterranean, early Megalopolis46
5953079877Seleucidsmembers of Seleucid empire, Greek influence reached greatest extent here, small settlements,47
5953098102Ptolemaicwealthiest of three empires, good organization with agriculture, industry and tax collection, maintained irrigation, monitored cultivation, and the payment of taxes48
5953110698Socratesposed questions to reflect on human issues, condemned to death for crazy teachings, humans CAN live honest lives, honor > wealth, fame, other superficial stuff, personal integrity49
5953124384Platoone who wrote Socrates's ideas/teachings, theory of Forms or Ideas, created own ideas off of Socrates, virtue meant many different things50
5953147317Aristotledidn't like the theory of Forms or Ideas, believed philosophers could rely on senses to provide accurate information, him and plato provided a powerful framework that shaped the worlds human affairs for two millenium51
5953162299Greek Deitiesno single all powerful god, different gods for different things i.e. sun, wind, rain etc. struggles between deities brought heavenly battles, they had various responsibilities52
5953183295Epicureans"pleasure is greatest good" addressed individual needs by searching for personal tranquility and serenity, disciples of Epicurus53
5953200549Stoicsmost respectful and influential, all human beings are members of a universal family, helped others to lead virtuous lives, sought to bring others to inner peace and tranquiluty54
5953325548Romulus and Remustwins, Romulus founded Rome and established self as first king, humble beginnings55
5953342707Etruscansdynamic people, dominated much of Italy, helped convey Greek concepts to expanding Romans56
5953351033Consulstwo annually elected chief magistrates who jointly ruled the republic, wieled power, elected by assembly of elite meber decided at brith57
5953364498Plebeiansa normal, average person in ancient Rome, were granted the right to elect people to represent them58
5953374655Patriciansmember of a higher ranked family, people who had the power in early Roman republic, granted Plebeians people to represent them even though they still dominated mostly59
5953385792Dictatorwhen faced with civil or military crises, the Roman Senate appointed an official, who wielded absolute power for a term of six months.60
5953400215Roman policy toward conquered peoplemost were treated justly and were allowed to keep their customs61
5953412380Carthagedominant political power in north Africa, traded actively and built strong empire62
5953446452Punic Warsrome clashed with Carthage, Romans won, ended over long siege (no supplies delivered)63
5953468490Roman expansion in the MediterraneanRome began to play major role in affairs, the tree hellenistic empires continued to rule east medit. with thriving commerce and powerful states/army64
5953495038latifundiaenormous plantation, slave labor, it cost less to operate with the slave labor65
5953504915Julius Caesar policies and politicsliberal policies and social reform, named self dictator for life, played active role in politics, spent lots of money, led the Roman empire, he became very popular, centralized military, he created many things to help66
5953531412Augustus Caesarnephew of Caesar, brought civil conflict to an end, 45 years with unopposed rule with imperial government67
5953544439Effects of Roman conquestconquered distant lands, Mediterranean --> Western Europe --> Nile --> Kush, dramatic effects stimulated development, access to resources and cultivation68
5953770412Pax Romana"roman peace" <-- era, brought about by Augustus, political stability, cultural brilliance, and economic prosperity69
5953778415Twelve Tablesbasic law code for citizens of early republic, framework for social organization, foundation for long tradition of roman law making70
5953799264foundations of Roman Lawelaborate system of laws, jurists to construct law, innocent until proven guilty, helped integrate diverse lands of empire71
5953817930Paterfamilias"father of the family" male has all the power to make choices for everyone, women had some input, rarely used their power tyranically72
5953831848Slavery in Rome1/3 of population, rural life wasn't good, it was much better in the city, in urban areas you turned free at 3073
5953852985stoicismclassical hellenistic schools of thought, accordance with nature and reason, most prominent74
5953858307Mithraismpopular religion of salvation, cult dedicated to Mithras the Persian deity, sun and light, moral behavior and divine sanction75
5953865484Christianityfirst emerged as a sect of Judaism accepted by only a small number of individuals who regarded Jesus of Nazareth as a savior for the Jewish community.76
5953873950Jesus of Nazarethpreached judaism, salvation redeemed humanity, had disciples and many people to spread his word77
5953902776Zhang Qianon expedition; sent by Wudi in 139 BC; general and explorer; 13 years later his troops went back nearly wiped out by barbarian attacks and were in captivity for 10 years "father" of the silk road78
5954142285Ports on the Red SeaBerenice most important port on the Red Seas constructed by the Ptolemies79
5954177725Indian Ocean tradethe use of monsoon winds, summer SW, winer NE80
5954177726African port citiesport of Rhapta --> principal commercial center on the African coast, iron goods, grain, pepper, spices, economic organization81
5954203318Silk roadsChang'an, Antioch and Tyre, fightung the diseases that were spread along the silk road, making sure things would get from place to place, Called silk roads since silk from China was one main commodities82
5954238918Buddhism and Spreadnorthern India, merchants expanded to others along silk roads, oasis towns, cosmopolitan centers,83
5954249044Rajas"kings" used sanskrit, a war leader who was responsible for protecting the people. The people were bonded under the rule of the rajas. Rajas got pay in food or money for doing their job.84
5954264188gregory the wonderworkerattracted converts, expelled demons, moved boulders, diverted river in a flood, persuaded people, helped christianity flourish85
5954280216nestorianschristian sect found in Asia, preference to Byzantine rule, influenced the Asian world, Jesus is just a human basically86
5954294428Manichaensprophet for all humanity, took Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Christianity and made one religion, strong appeal because it was rational, ascetic lifesyle87
5954314935epidemic diseasedisease everywhere, caused sharp population decline, very up and down with diseases, outbreak in Han and Roman empires88
5954323125fall of Hangenerals took political authority, emperor became puppet, allied with wealthy land owners, abolished dynasty and became 3 empires, migrated into northern China89
5954351377Yellow Turban Rebellionpeasant rebellion, wore yellow turbans, fought for five years, economic pressure90
5954367148Sinicizationintegrated with the Chinese people, adapted to their way of life and cultures, after many generations of reproduction you could hardly tell the difference between people91
5954376544tetrarchsa coemperor ruled each district with the aid of a powerful lieutenant, and the four officials,92
5954384573Constantineclaimed as sole emperor, created new capital site Constantinople, adopted Christian faith, faced same problems as Diocletian, population declined and economy contracted making it difficult to marshall everywhere93
5954392348Effects of the Hunsbegan aggresive westward migration, spoke Turkish language, warrior king Atilla organized them into unstoppable military, attacked everywhere94
5954405835VisigothsA member of the western Goths that invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth century A.D. and settled in France and Spain, establishing a monarchy that lasted until the early eighth century. There were visigoths who were scandinavian and Russian who settled and adapted the life of the Roman. They were told to settle in the outskirts and not in main town95
5954420727Byzantine Empirethe eastern roman empire, lasted unlike western part96
5954432686Saint Augustinescholar that later converted to Christianity, helped explain history and science from a Christian POV, helped appeal Christianity to the higher classes, he wrote and his writings made christianity a valid religion97
5954445329Patriarchs and Bishoptook up the difficult issue of jesus' nature. they concluded that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine at the same time98

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