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AP World History Chapter 14 Flashcards

Ways of the World Textbook

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8110888538Akbar:also known as shah Anshan or Akbar the great (ruled from 1556-1605), was the third Mughal emperor by the end of his regain the 1605 the Mughal empire covered most of the northern and central India0
8110888539Aurangzeb:son and successor of Shah Jahan; pushed extent of Mughal control in India, the empire reached its greatest extent; reversed previous policies to purify Islam of Hindu influences; incessant warfare depleted the empire's resources; died in 1707.1
8110888540Columbian ExchangeThe Columbian exchange was a dramatically widespread exchange of goods, cultures and human population aka (Africa Slaves between old and the new world)2
8110888541ConquistadoresThe term conquistador mostly refers to Spanish or Portuguese adventurers who were going to conquer lands in America. The leaders of these expeditions were called conquistadores. This name referred to the Reconquista (711-1492) the reconquest of the territories of the Iberian Peninsula occupied by Muslims3
8110888542Constantinoplethe eastern roman empire after the fall of the western empire in and (Modern Turkish/ Istanbul) was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire), the Latin, and the Ottoman empires. It was founded (AD 330) at ancient Byzantium as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Constantine, after whom it was named4
8110888543CreolesSpaniards born in the Americas5
8110888544DevshirmeThe tribute of boy children that the Ottoman Turks levied from their Christian subjects in the Balkans; the Ottomans raised the boys for service in the civil administration or in the elite Janissary infantry corps.6
8110888545Fixed WindsThe prevailing winds of the Atlantic, which blow steadily in the same direction; an understanding of these winds made European exploration and colonization of the Americas possible.7
8110888546"Great Dying"Term used to describe the devastating demographic impact of European-borne academic diseases on the Americas.8
8110888547JizyaSpecial tax levied on non-Muslims in Islamic state; the Mughal Empire was notable for abolishing the Jizya for a time.9
8110888548MercantilismAn economic theory that argues that governments best serve their stats' economic interests by encouraging exports and accumulating bullion.10
8110888549MestizosLiterally, "mixed," A term used to describe the mixed-race population of Spanish colonial societies in the Americas.11
8110888550Mughal EmpireOne of the most successful empires of India, a state founded by Muslim Turks who invaded India in 1526; their rule was noted for efforts to create partnerships between Hindus and Muslims.12
8110888551MulattoesTerm commonly used for people of mixed African and European blood.13
8110888552Ottoman EmpireMajor Islamic state centered on Anatolia that came to include the Balkans, the Near East, and much of North Africa14
8110888553PeninsularesIn the Spanish Colonies of Latin America, the term used to refer to people who had been born in Spain; they claimed superiority over Spaniards born in the Americas.15
8110888554Plantation complexAgricultural system based on African slavery that was used in Brazil, the Caribbean, and the southern colonies of North America.16
8110888555Qing DynastyRuling dynasty of China from 1644 to 1912; the Qing rulers were originally from Manchuria; which had conquered China17
8110888556Settler ColoniesColonies in which the colonizing people settled in large numbers, rather than simply sending relatively small numbers to exploit the region, particularly noteworthy in the case of British colonies in North America.18
8110888557SiberiaRussia's great frontier region, a vast territory of what is not central and eastern Russia, most of it unsuited to agriculture but rich in mineral resources and fur-bearing animals.19
8110888558YasakTribute that Russian rulers demanded from the native peoples of Siberia, most often in the form of furs.20
8110888559ZungharsWestern Mongol group that created a substantial state (1671-1760): the Zunghar threat provoked Qing expansion into Central Asia21

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