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B12 The Kidneys Flashcards

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9397765226what do the kidneys domaintain the bodies water balance0
9397772518describe how the kidneys workurea,glucose,water & ions are filtered out of the bloodstream to the kidneys useful products like glucose and water and ions are reabsorbed (selective re absorption) by active transport1
9397789544why is urea not reabsorbedit is toxic2
9397797274what type of hormonal control does the kidney followa negative feedback loop3
9397803443what hormone controls the activity of the kidneysADH4
9397805544where is this hormone producespituitary gland5
9397809686what does ADH doalters the permeability of the kidney tubules6
9397828767what conditions release ADHthe conditions in the blood plasma7
9397835182what happens when the blood is too concentratedmore ADH is produced more water is reabsorbed absorbed into bloodstream (because there is too much sugar and little water) more water absorbed then it means less sugar reabsorbed there is a small volume of concentrated urine in the bladder as most of it is reabsorbed into bloodstream8
9397899355what happens if blood is too diluteless ADH produced less water absorbed into bloodstream large volume of dilute urine in bladder (less of it was reabsorbed into bloodstream)9

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