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Acquiring Medical Language Chapter 12 Flashcards

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6896851657Pyel/oRenal Pelvis2
6896851676Albuminuriaprotein in the urine21
6896851677DysuriaPainful urination22
6896851678EnuresisInvoluntary urination23
6896851679HematuriaBloody urination24
6896851680IncontinenceInability to control urination25
6896851681NephralgiaPain in the kidney26
6896851682NocturiaNighttime urination27
6896851683PriapismPersistent and painful erection28
6896851684DipsogenicCreating thirst29
6896851685GlucosuriaSugar in the urine30
6896851686KetonuriaPresence of ketones in the urine31
6896851687CystoscopyProcess for examining the bladder32
6896851688MeatoscopeInstrument for examining the opening of the urethra33
6896851689PyelogramImage of the renal pelvis34
6896851690Renal angiogramImage of a kidney blood vessel35
6896851691Retrograde pyelogramImage of the renal pelvis produced by objecting a contrast dye from the bladder to the kidney36
6896851692Urinalysis (UA)Analysis of the urine37
6896851693Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)Nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea; it is the product of the breakdown of amino acids for energy38
6896851694DiuresisExcessive urination39
6896851695NephrologistSpecialist in the kidneys40
6896851696UrologistSpecialist in the urinary tract41
6896851697VoidingAnother term for urination42
6896851698AnorchidismLack of a testicle43
6896851699HydroceleFluid filled mass in testicle44
6896851700SeminomaType of testicular cancer arising from sperm-forming tissue45
6896851701SpermatogenesisCreation of sperm46
6896851702CystitisInflammation of the bladder47
6896851703NephritisInflammation of the kidney48
6896851704PyelopathyDisease of the renal pelvis49
6896851705Renal failureKidney failure50
6896851706Renal ischemiaDeficiency of blood in a kidney51
6896851707Urinary tract infection (UTI)Infection of the urinary tract52
6896851708BalanitisInflammation of the penis53
6896851709Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)Noncancerous overdevelopment of the prostate, also known as enlarged prostate54
6896851710DiureticAgent that causes urination55
6896851711FulgurationUse of electric current to destroy tissue56
6896851712HemodialysisProcedure for removing waste from the bloodstream57
6896851713LithotripsyBreakdown of a stone58
6896851714NephrocystanastomosisOpening of a passageway between a kidney and the bladder59
6896851715NephropexySurgical fixation of a kidney60
6896851716NephrotoxinAgent poisonous to the kidney61
6896851717Renal angioplastySurgical reconstruction of a kidney blood vessel62
6896851718Urinary catheterizationInsertion of a catheter into the bladder to drain urine63
6896851719UrostomyCreation of an opening in the urinary tract, normally to divert urine flow away from a diseased bladder64
6896851720VesicotomyIncision into the bladder65
6896851721CircumcisionSurgical removal of the foreskin of the penis66
6896851722OrchioplastySurgical reconstruction of a testicle67
6896851723SpermicideAgent that kills sperm68
6896851724VasectomySurgical removal of the vas deferens69
6896851726KUBKidneys, ureters, bladder71
6896851727UTIUrinary tract infection72
6896851728STD/STISexually transmitted disease/infection73
9543868202Antispasmodicdrug used to prevent spasms75
9543878034Anurialack of urine76
9543881770Aspermiacondition characterized by lack of sperm77
9543891654Azoospermiacondition characterized by the lack of living sperm78
9543902038Azotemiaexcess nitrogen in the blood79
9543909972Azotorrheaexcessive discharge of nitrogen80
9543913979Azoturiaexcess nitrogen in the urine81
9544862103Balanoplastysurgical reconstruction of the penis82
9544880896Balanorrheadischarge from the penis83
9544891921Benign prostate hypertrophyanother term for benign prostate hyperplasia84
9545160512cryptorchidismhidden testicle85
9545168667Cystalgiapain in the bladder86
9545171824cystectomysurgical removal of the bladder87
9545185036cystitisinflammation of the bladder88
9545190098cystocelehernia of the bladder89
9545191922cystodyniapain in the bladder90
9545195320cystogramimage of the bladder91
9545199500cystographyprocess for recording/imaging the bladder92
9545204820cystolithstone in the bladder93
9545212573cystolithectomysurgical removal of a stone in the bladder94
9545215697cystomatumor in the bladder95
9545218607cystoplegiabladder paralysis96
9545222368cystoptosisdownward displacement of the bladder97
9545229640cystorrhexisrupture of the bladder98
9545233660cystospasminvoluntary contraction of the bladder99
9545236463cystostomycreation of an opening in the bladder100
9545244148cystoureteritisinflammation of the bladder and ureter101
9545251119cystourethrocelehernia of the bladder and urethra102
9545257982digital rectal examexamination of the prostate using a finger inserted into the rectum103
9545269997ejaculationemission of semen from the urethra104
9545275845epididymectomysurgical removal of the epididymis105
9545281519epididymitisinflammation of the epididymis106
9545290361epididymo-orchitisinflammation of the testicles and epididymis107
9545297573epididymotomyincision into the epididymis108
9545306775extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)breakdown of kidney stones using sound wave generated outside the body109
9545315552glomerulonephritisinflammation of the kidneys involving primarily the glomeruli110
9545521426glomerulopathydisease of the kidney involving primarily the glomeruli111
9545530485glomerulosclerosishardening of the glomeruli112
9545536498glycosuriasugar in the urine113
9545538342gonadsthe pair of organs used for sexual reproduction; testicles in males and ovaries in females114
9545547965gonorrheadischarge from the gonads115
9545554813heminephroureterectomysurgical removal of half a kidney and a ureter116
9545564328heminephrectomysurgical removal of half a kidney117
9545570540hydrocelectomysurgical removal of a hydrocele118
9545573264hydronephrosiskidney condition caused by the obstruction of urine flow119
9545580665hyperkalemiaexcessive potassium in the blood120
9545584241hypernephromacancer of the kidneys121
9545588923hyponatremialow sodium in the blood122
9545596509hypospadiasbirth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, instead of the end of the penis123
9545606065intracorporeal lithotripsybreakdown of kidney stones using a device placed inside the body124
9545610925ketolysisbreakdown of ketones125
9545615854kidney dialysisprocedure for removing waste from the blood ( a shorter name for hemodialysis)126
9545625412laparonephrectomysurgical removal of a kidney through the abdomen127
9545632172lithectomysurgical removal of a stone in the bladder128
9545641046lithocystotomyincision into the bladder to remove a stone129
9545646019lithonephritisinflammation of the kidneys caused by stones130
9545651633lithonephrotomyincision into a kidney to remove a stone131
9545659208meatal stenosisnarrowing of the opening of the urethra132
9545662030meatoplastysurgical reconstruction of the opening of the urethra133

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