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AP World History: Packet A - Themes Flashcards

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4868328801How many themes are there?50
4868381230Name theme 1.Interaction1
4868381231Name theme 2.Cultural2
4868381232Name theme 3.Political3
4868382955Name theme 4.Economic4
4868385376Name theme 5.Social5
4868420251What is the theme that developed technology?Cultural6
4868441231What is the theme that includes empires?Political7
4868445161What is the historical theme that involved agricultural production and trade?Economic8
4868449999What is the historical theme that made a coinage system that imported trade in Afroeurasia?Economic9
4868455129What theme dominated gender roles?Social10
4868459279Name historical theme that had to do with regional organizations.Political11
4868742462The gap between social and economic classes widened during the IRSocial12
4868745232Interaction has to do with what?Migration13

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