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Pre-Ap World History Flashcards

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7416004800GeographyThe study of people, their environment, and their resources0
7416006398Specific locationUses longitude and latitude.1
7416008444LongitudeRuns north and south. They also tell us time.2
7416022560RelativeLocation in relation to something3
7416012168LatitudeThe lines run east and west. It also tells us climate.4
7416023461MovementThe transfer of goods, people, and ideas from one area to another.5
7416030593MigrationThe movement of people from one place to the other.6
7416032179DiffusionIs the spread of ideas.7
7416033013ImportReceiving goods8
7416033743ExportSending out goods9
7416037347TopographyThe physical features of an area.10
7416044580CultureAll elements that make up a people's way of life.11
7416047289Political SystemGovernments that provide organization, leadership, and laws.12
7416053703DemocracyGovernment by the people13
7416054538DictatorshipGovernment by one person14
7416055815Economic SystemHow people get what they need to survive.15
7416056429TraditionalPeople produce most of what they need to survive.16
7416057273CapitalismEconomic system in which private owners decide what is produced.17
7416060693EducationHow cultures teach it's history and beliefs.18
7416064504Oral TraditionBy telling stories or through word and mouth19
7416066244GriotAn African storyteller20
7416066978LanguageWriting allowed histories to be passed down21
7416068506ReligionThey are beliefs that explain the unexplainable. It also gives meaning and purpose to life.22
7416073543PolytheisticThe belief in more then one God23
7416075077MonotheisticThe belief in one God24
7416076286Social OrganizationsGroups formed in order to live and work together25
7416077460FamilyThe most important social unit.26
7416083826Nuclear Family unitMom, Dad, and kids27
7416084842Extended Family unitMom, Dad, grandparents, cousins, kids, etc.28
7416089175IdeasCustoms and traditions specific to a culture.29
7416096786New TechnologyCause for Cultural change30
7416098963Changing EnvironmentCause for Cultural change31
7416098964New IdeasCause for Cultural change32
7416099642Cultural DiffusionCause for Cultural change33
7416100113RacismThe belief one racial group is superior to another.34
7416103577EthnocentricismJudging other cultures by standards of your own.35
7416112466OmnivoresA reason why early man was successful36
7416119099Allowed humans to live in different climates and settingsWhy being an omnivore was a reason why early man was successful37
7416124912Development of speech and knowledgeA reason why early man was successful38
7416125236Having thumbs/handsA reason why early man was successful39
7416125804Ability to develop technologyA reason why early man was successful40
7416126739Having a high reproduction rateA reason why early man was successful41
7416127352Hunted and gathered (Nomadic)A characteristic of the Paleolithic Man42
7416129902Developed fire (Were able to move to colder climates)A characteristic of the Paleolithic Man43
7416132478Made tools of stone and woodA characteristic of the Paleolithic Man44
7416134198Lived in groups of around 40A characteristic of the Paleolithic Man45
7416134992Developed speech and religionA characteristic of the Paleolithic Man46
7416136952Men and Women were equal because they shared gathering and food togetherA characteristic of the Paleolithic Man47
7416139163Cave Paintings (Used to express themselvesA characteristic of the Paleolithic Man48
7416141342Population growthThe greatest achievement of the Old Stone Age49
7416143483End of Ice AgeLoss of big animals to hunt which resulted in the Neolithic Age.50
7416148972First FarmersCharacteristic of the Neolithic Age51
7416150696DomesticationTo tame for one's own use52
7416151776Middle EastFertile Cresent53
7416153667What developed in the Middle East?Domestication54
7416156744What did they grow?Barley and wheat55
7416157446What did they raise?Pigs, goats, sheep, and cattle56
7416160522What did domestication result in?Permanent housing57

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