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APES - CH 5 - Flashcards

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8456707382WeatherAn area's temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, and other physical conditions of the lower atmosphere over hours or days0
8456707383ClimateA region's general pattern of atmospheric or weather conditions over a long time - years, decades, and centuries1
8456707384LatitudeDistance from the equator2
8456707385ElevationHeight above sea level3
8456707386Greenhouse GasesWater Vapor (H2O), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). Play a role in determining the earth's average temperature and thus its climates4
8456707387Greenhouse EffectThe natural warming effect of the troposphere5
8456707388MosoonsHeavy rains that fall on continents north or south of warm oceans6
8456707389BiomesLarge terrestrial regions, characterized by similar climate, soil, plants, and animals, regardless of where they are found in the world7
8456707390DesertAn area where evaporation exceeds precipitation. Annual precipitation is low in these driest of the earth's biomes and is often scattered unevenly throughout the year; cover about 30% of the earth's surface8
8456707391Grasslands/PrairiesOccur mostly in the interiors of continents in areas too moist for deserts and too dry for forests. Persist because of a combination of seasonal drought, grazing by large herbivores, and occasional fires - all of which keep large numbers of shrubs and trees from growing9
8456707392Tropical Grasslands: SavannasGrasslands with scattered trees and enormous herds of hoofed animals10
8456707393Temperate Grasslands: Fertile SoilsGrasslands with cold winters and hot and dry summers have deep and fertile soils that make them widely used for growing crops and grazing cattle11
8456707394PermafrostUnderground soil in which captured water stays frozen for more than two consecutive years12
8456707395ForestOccur in undisturbed areas with moderate to high average annual precipitation; contain various species of trees and smaller forms of vegetation13
8456707396Tropical RainforestHeavy rainfall on most days and a rich variety of species occupying a variety of specialized niches in distinct layers14
8456707397Temperate Deciduous ForestsForest changes with the seasons, most of the trees in this biome survive the winter by dropping their leaves, which decay and produce a nutrient-rich soil15
8456707398Evergreen Coniferous ForestsForests categorized by cold winters, wet summers, and conifers. These forests consist of mostly cone-bearing evergreen trees that keep their needles year-round to help the trees survive the long and cold winters16
8456707399Temperate Rain ForestCoastal areas support huge cone-bearing evergreen trees such as redwoods and Douglass fir in a cool and moist environment17
8456707400MountainsHigh-elevation forested islands of biodiversity and often have snow-covered peaks that reflect solar radiation and gradually release water to lower-elevation streams and ecosystems18

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