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AP World History - Strayer Chapter 4 & 5 Flashcards

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5443313001Confucianism - ideals, impact on Chinese society0
5443313002Buddhisma religion, originated in India that believes life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment1
5443315623Nirvana and EnlightenmentThe end goal of Buddhism, in which individual identity is "extinguished" into a state of serenity & great compassion.2
5443315624ZoroastrianismPersian monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Zarathustra with the belief in a single god Ahura Mazda who was engaged in a constant cosmic struggle with the evil of Angra Mainyu. Ahura Mazda would come out on top. At a day of final judgement, those who aligned themselves with Ahura Mazda will enjoy eternal life in Paradise where as those who aligned with Angra Mainyu would be condemned to everlasting punishment.3
5443318141DaoismA Chinese philosophy/popular religion that advocates simplicity and understanding of the world of nature, founded by the legendary figure Laozi.4
5443320878JudaismA monotheistic religion of the Hebrew people. They had recods and traditions5
5443326446Christianity - history of teachings - especially first 5 centuries6
5443331040Hinduism - principles and writings7
5443333824Karma, dharma and rebirth8
5443333825Buddha and Jesus (Christianity) similarities9
5443338253Ahura Mazda vs. Angra MainyuAhura Mazda who was engaged in a constant cosmic struggle with the evil of Angra Mainyu. Ahura Mazda would come out on top. At a day of final judgement, those who aligned themselves with Ahura Mazda will enjoy eternal life in Paradise where as those who aligned with Angra Mainyu would be condemned to everlasting punishment.10
5443340240Theravada Buddhism vs Mahayana Buddhism11
5443342279Classical Greek thinking and philosophy12
5443342280Greek rationalism vs. Confucianism13
5443352442Causes of first case of slavery17
5443352443China vs. India social structure18
5443356436First wave vs. second wave civilization19
5443356437Persian Empire20
5443359115Athenian Democracy21
5443361008Han China22
5443362938India caste system23
5443365300Slaves in the Roman Empire25
5443365301"weapons of the weak"26
5443367808Patriarchy in the ancient world27
5443372841Interaction between the Gandhara region and the Roman Empire influences28

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